The Insani-tea Party Guild 🫖 Casual/Social/Wholesome ✨ Trial players needed, we can train! ✨

Hello ESOFam!

I've tried shouting into the void on many socials, trying to find players who are willing and/or ready to jump into trials and/or other end game content (Vet, HM)...

I love our guild being a wholesome and casual space, but I'd love to do more end game content! I think we can have both! But finding players that fit the middle ground like we do can be rough...

Before I give up on doing all my first-times as the crown with my guild, I thought I'd give the forums a shot. I used to use this a lot for recruiting as an Admin for guilds in the past, so thought I'd return.

Love doing trials? Or want to try them?! Looking for a guild that is Welcoming and happy to teach you along the way? Or just wanting a group to goof off with?! Don't mind being on stream? (Just your character, not your face. Not all Trials/Dungeons etc. are streamed.)

The Insani-tea Party is for you! Bring your finest tea and best Shivering Cheese. (Did I mention we are dedicated to Uncle Sheo, might be obvious with the name?!)

Oh, and we're on all platforms and servers (As am I) but mostly do events/content on PC - EU.

Find out more and find the best/easiest ways to join:

Hoping to do more Trials in 2023! ⚔️


✨🫖 (This is my old Signature, but I can't bring myself to change it! I'm now mainly PC/EU Templar Khajiit and run the Insani-tea Party Guild.)🫖✨

Lestari / Dunmer / EP / Xbox One - kayPOW / EU
Dragonknight DPS - Magicka - Vampire // Bite : Available / On Cooldown //
Guild : [ADMIN] Charitable Crafting Co-op <- Everything is FREE NO CATCH!
I like to play games and drink tea. I sure love the T.
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