Icyfire369 wrote: »1) It's a projectile that requires you to HIT an enemy with it to proc the heal. This HEAL-Projectile can be dodged by an enemy! Wtf?? Heals need to be reliable and this is not that.
Recommendation for Obsidian Shard redesign:
I've said it multiple times already on my channel, but to make the DK Healer viable all you need to do make Obsidian Shard function the same as Resistant Flesh (Necro). It's a conal burst heal that can affect the user or ally AND instead of giving armor like the Necro does, it will grant a damage shield since damage shields are the theme of the DK. This is all you would need to do to put DK on the map.
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Dragonknight healers are incredible in PvP when done right
I don’t think DK healers are bad they’re just more of a meme than actually used*, at least from what I’ve seen.
As a DK healer I think we're fine. If you were to buff us we'd essentially be the most OP class in the game so... please no.
Icyfire369 wrote: »Thanks @gariondavey for pinging me.
So! Since I run a dedicated PvP Healer channel on YouTube, let me chime in.
I've said this multiple times on my channel regarding using Oakensoul, "The DK Healer thrives when you don't use any DK abilities," and "The DK Healer is the BEST and my FAVORITE No-Class Healer."
I can easily get 3-4+ mil healing numbers in BGs on a DK just by running my standard setup of Illustrious Healing - Blessing of Restoration - Race Against Time - Radiating Regeneration - Echoing Vigor - Life Giver (ultimate). On other classes, I can easily swap out Illustrious Healing / Blessing of Restoration for Class Heals and do the same amount of heals if not more.
The moment you slot any of the DK heal abilities, that will harm your HEALING numbers overall because the DK heals just don't compare with how consistent other heals are.
Some examples:
Cinder Storm - actually has MORE heal per tick compared to Illustrious Healing and GREAT utility (70% Snare) BUT! The reason why Illustrious Healing heals more is because of the radius of the ground HoT.
Cauterize - I love this heal a lot because it automatically heals someone every few seconds so it's one less thing I have to worry about AND it can heal myself too. BUT it heals significantly less (i'd argue 50% less) compared to other class burst heals like Polar Winds, Honor the Dead, Resistance Flesh, Twilight Matriarch and Healthy Offering.
Obsidian Shard - Now this heal DOES compare and might even heal for more than the class burst heals I just mentioned above. HOWEVER what is the problem with it?
1) It's a projectile that requires you to HIT an enemy with it to proc the heal. This HEAL-Projectile can be dodged by an enemy! Wtf?? Heals need to be reliable and this is not that.
2) When you are being attacked, you need your burst heal to help you recover. Usually, you are NOT facing your enemy and trying to run away and line of sight. During these moments it's impossible to use Obsidian Shard because you need to FACE your attacker. Normally you would just use Coagulating Blood BUT on Oakensoul builds you just don't have the bar space. And on Two Bar Builds, it's a waste of an ability because all the OTHER CLASS BURST HEALS can heal yourself OR your ally. The DK requires two burst heals, one for me, and one for an ally.
Recommendation for Obsidian Shard redesign:
I've said it multiple times already on my channel, but to make the DK Healer viable all you need to do make Obsidian Shard function the same as Resistant Flesh (Necro). It's a conal burst heal that can affect the user or ally AND instead of giving armor like the Necro does, it will grant a damage shield since damage shields are the theme of the DK. This is all you would need to do to put DK on the map. This is why the NB Healer became viable as soon as they made the change so that Healthy Offering would heal the caster instead of ONLY the ally. @ZOS_Kevin - I'd love to hear your thoughts on this redesign!
Now the DK does OFFER a ton of utility. That's without a doubt! Pulls (Unrelenting Grip), Stuns (Fossilize), Immobilizations (Talons) and Snares (Cinder Storm). Damage Shields (Fragmented Shield, Magma Armor), Synergies (Talons/Standard) and group buffs (Minor Brutality + Major Brutality/Sorcery).
And the Battle Roar passive is SO GOOD! Literally a free tri-stat potion whenever you use your ultimate.
It's only the heals that are lackluster but even then, I'd only recommend a slight REDESIGN to Obsidian Shard, and I'd be good to go to run confidently as a DK Healer.