"builds became sharper, players were more focused," Come on dude... Talk about intangibles that are easy to say but impossible to prove. What's that honestly even mean? How many peoples' focus level are you vouching for exactly?
DM is 1 mode. It isn't logical, much less fair, to lump all obj modes together as though the options are only DM and obj. There is capture the relic, chaosball, domination, and crazy king. They're all different, and no 1 mode needs a 40% chance of popping.
What discourages combat is people not defending their relic. What discourages combat is people refusing to chase the chaosball. What discourages combat is people not contesting flags. What discourages combat is when 1 team wants to win by the rules and another team wants to pretend the rules are something else, be absent from the objective, and then whine when they rightfully lose.
The biggest part of pvp, whatever mode campaign or zone, is and will always be killing. Having a flag for points doesn't discourage fighting. It encourages people to fight for a flag. Literally.
You can go to IC and gank whether you want tel var or not. You can hump a tower in cyrodiil for hours whether you capture the castle or not. The game is NOT hurting for places to kill people, nor do objectives stop the main activity from always being fighting.
Let us have a little variety for crying out loud.
I gave a lengthy explanation of the right course of action to take under those circumstances in the last debate on this issue. It's really not that hard you just have to want to.
The problem as seen by several vocal DM enthusiasts as explained to me in countless debates: "I'm high mmr. Almost all high mmr players prefer deathmatch because it's a greater test of skill. Scrubby players fight us, lose the first conflict or two, and then run off on speed builds to avoid fighting and win the game."
So the first obvious flaw in this line of thinking is that you aren't high mmr just because you have an awesome team. You're only high mmr if your opponents are high mmr. If your high mmr opponents are ignoring fighting to run the objectives then you're wrong that most high mmr people only want to fight.
If your opponents are truly bad players (compared to you,) and running the objectives then your strategy as a team needs to be 1) learn the rotation of the flag spawns 2) split up 3) be there in advance so they can't cap a free flag.
And when I said this last time the responses I got from various DM players was, laughably: if we split up we might be the ones dying. Implying to me two things... 1) some people here aren't as good as they say they are and, again 2) some high mmr players enjoy doing objectives more than fighting.
It is abundantly clear, if only to me, that the DM enthusiasts here with no appreciation for OBJ modes all run 4 man comp groups min-maxed for only one thing-- killing. Killing with a group. They aren't fast, aren't slick, aren't flexible, aren't able to X, aren't geared for anything except a 20% chance of DM. And they lose 80% of the time to groups geared towards a wider spectrum of what may be asked of them.
The entire debate, now and before, is disingenuous, arrogant, and incorrect. Disingenuous because I find it impossible to believe that most of you don't know this very well and are literally lying to get what YOU want.
So which is it? Are you just barely able to beat opponents 1 on 1? Or do lots of high mmr players enjoy objectives?
Because if you all solo stand on different flags (yes I'm aware I'm focusing my points on only 2 game modes, sorry,) and you are better fighters then you will win AND HAVE FUN while being challenged fighting outnumbered.
And that is a lot more glorious than mini-zerging around with undeath, cross heals, assigned roles, and whatever cheese you can muster but have the nerve to come here and complain about later.
I'm not sure which of this is relevant to me, however I do hate objective modes, but I have tried to play them sincerely. Most of the times when I DO engage, it's not very fun at all. Especially with new battleground weekends locking you into 1 gamemode. There's been more max speed builds, healers, and tanks more than ever that have been blocking you from doing the objective.
Whether it's bash blocking you from taking the their relic repeatedly, running at twice the speed you do, or just never dying because they have 50k hp and 40k resistances. It's very hard to WANT to engage in these game modes because like I said previously, these people aren't in it for PVP. They're in it to win.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to win but at a certain point the game becomes very unfun. I hated capture the relic because tanks just grab relics and cannot be killed and they repeated bash block you when you go for theirs. Chaos ball is either tanks/healers keeping their ball runner alive or werewolves/speed sorcs who just run for the entire game.
Irrespective of whether or not 1 person is doing objective or all, this is not fun to play against. This is not PVP people want. No body wants to chase around track star all day nor do they wanna beat on a meat shield all day. It is not fun, period.
These game modes do not encourage pvp because as you can see, they're rewarded for doing this. That game in the video I shown ended in 3 minutes because that speed sorc just kept getting the ball and running all the time. And the weekends DO NOT remedy this at all, it just encourages you to bring more of these because it's the most effective way to win the game.
However, most effective way to win doesn't correlate to the most fun, and in these scenarios, it is not fun at all. I can't be mad at people who just don't bother with objective when these are the people you compete against. I spent first 2 minutes chasing a single guy while fighting nobody in that video. You can hardly call that PVP nor does it appeal to what people want in BG's.
Yet in every discussion we like to talk about DM players who ignore objectives and not the fact that these people are literally allowed to win the game in 3 minutes uncontested just because they have speed or tankiness.
No tactics, no coordination required, no contest. Is this the sort of pvp people are really fine with?
Here's the thing though-- the speed builds enjoy being speed builds. And the bash blockers enjoy being bash blockers. And people like me, who are neither, also enjoy objectives modes. So if you play 5 games, all objective, and you feel like the majority of the objectives were won by whatever cheese... Then I hate to tell you, but you're clearly outnumbered.
That's right-- the other people matter too.
Furthermore, and guess what I've said this before in previous discussions as well, you can't claim to be unable to pick up a relic cuz you get bashed all the time AND simultaneously complain that the guys picking up your relic can't be stopped. Big fat learn to play issue right there.
It isn't as though I'm oblivious to the problems. And I agree that the weekends bring out the worst because people know in advance what cheese they need on their sandwich. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the games are fun and fair to me. Sure I could post some clips of my team losing because of another teams unsportsmanlike behavior. I could also post clips of me playing the crap out of the objectives-- returning relics while holding relics-- Xing entire teams-- turning and fighting while holding the chaosball like an absolute boss. And this is more fun and more flavorful than ONLY killing to me.
I'm not here to be a jerk, I'm really not. I'm on the record in previous topics as saying "every bg weekend should be deathmatch, but only make it two days long." I stand by that. I remember how it felt when DMs were the only thing anyone could get due to a broken que system. And now I know you guys are only playing the mode you enjoy 20% of the time. That's terrible. I feel bad for you all.
But I can't be anything other than contrarian when I come to threads like this and hear things like "make bgs be only two teams," or "make there be only 1 relic," or "let's play DM 18 days out of 30."
Come up with a FAIR idea. Somebody. Please.
I agree that the chaosball could use a snare. Or... Hmm. Well. Or perhaps disable the ball carriers ability to sprint instead. I say this because there's two ways to cheese the chaosball and only 1 is running. The other is just being crazy tanky, and several methods of being super tanky already have a snare.
Then again, with what I said, snow treaders would become the thing. Maybe the answer is reduce SELF healing of the chaosball carrier. By like 33%. So you're punished for outrunning your own team.
The snare might be more appropriate on relic holders.
Flag games I honestly think are fine. If teams become more willing to split up and focus on flags it will be impossible for a less talented team to win.
I follow you on that but iron flask, blocking, the heavy armor skill, and... I feel like there's a tanky mythic that grants a lot of mitigation but I can't think of it right now. They all come with a snare already. So I just think making the person be unable to sprint would accomplish the exact same thing you want but not necessarily steer people towards ridiculously tanky stand your ground builds.
I dunno. Not important. I agree with small helpful changes like this.