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Leveling too slow? (not a complaint about speed of leveling)

  • pema
    from beta I know it slows down as you get above 10. not sure if they changed that.
    11. I played the day and got to lvl 8, so that feels right. I did the whole small isle, even side quests.
    12. I enjoy it and know that after lvl 50 there are vet ranks so there is enough to do. have fun
    Officer of Alith Legion
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  • Celdryn

    I played 15 hours yesterday (yah, I know...sad) I only made it to level 13. When you see that it just makes you think," wow that's all?" Most MMOs that I've played I would have been well above 13 but this game is different(in a good way). I honestly enjoyed my entire time playing yesterday. I explored every part of Daggerfall's 2 starter islands and I have fine tooth combed the starting half of Glenumbra. This game has so much to offer. If these first areas are a representation of the rest of the world, I'm going to greatly enjoy my path to 50 VR10 :)
    Deathrow Inc.
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  • GholarDraki
    Firstly, I don't have any experience of TESO as of yet. I never got to play the Betas, and I'm currently waiting for the 3 day early access to begin.

    What I would like to say, and it is just an opinion, is take time to enjoy the game and don't rush it. I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people that when playing a game for the first time (especially MMOs), and leveling that first character, it presents a sense of adventure and discovery you don't get to enjoy as much the second time around.

    The leveling system may be slow (compared to other MMOs) but that is because TESO has only just been released. I'm sure over time when level caps are raised and the game evolves, leveling may not be so slow in the future - but that will come in time.

    I would urge everyone to try and enjoy themselves as much as possible when playing TESO for the first time because if you rush and don't take time to "experience" the game, you will hit the level cap before most people, grind out the end content too quickly (and with less people to play with) and get bored. Too many people do this and then come to the forums and moan about it.

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular - just an opinion based on a lot of previous MMO experience. Take from it what you will.
  • Kolache
    I felt the same way. No complaints, just getting a little behind in level compared to the quests I'm doing and wondering what I could be missing when I feel like I'm going out of my way to enjoy the stuff to do on the side. Haven't been doing Cyrodiil though.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • Beryl
    What I would like to say, and it is just an opinion, is take time to enjoy the game and don't rush it. I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people that when playing a game for the first time (especially MMOs), and leveling that first character, it presents a sense of adventure and discovery you don't get to enjoy as much the second time around.

    My opinion is the same and I agree with the rest of your post, it just was a bit too long to quote. The problem which the topic starter faces is a bit different though. If you want to limit yourself (and many solo players want that) to questing and exploration, you do not get enough experience to be at the same level as the quest are. It does not matter if it takes you one day or one week to complete all the quests, you are still very likely to be behind the quest level pretty soon. It does feel that you have to either PvP (not everyone likes that), or repeat the same dungeons on the way many many times (not everyone wants to group from the start), or grind mobs (not all players are into grinding) or use the Mara rings combined with other XP bonuses which can be found. Of all those additional sources of XP I fear that I will have to eventually follow the "grinding" route, just like I did in Beta.

    Of course we may be wrong and maybe after level 20 the leveling curve will change a bit. If not, similar topics will keep arising more and more often.
  • Trouvo
    I still have not done all of the quests and locations in Stonefalls and am already level 15....this is to include all the dungeons public/private, the bosses around the lands, the side quests, and finding all of the named locations and skyshards, basically completely all there is to do on the map.

    If all you did was the quests without any dungeons, bosses, or finding the locations then yeah that is probably right
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • tallenn
    It does seem a bit slower than the last couple of betas. Not a big deal, I'll get there when I get there. As long as they aren't constantly moving the goal posts, so slower-leveling players can never participate in end game content while it's still relevant, anyway.
  • Left_Hand
    Perplexed how people have already reached max level since the early access hit this weekend, 26 hours apparently.
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    leveling is way way too fast, im playing an MMO, its a long term investment. after two short gaming sessions (as Im sick) I am suddenly 7 and only done like three quests in the starting area.
  • knightblaster
    Left_Hand wrote: »
    Past level 10 progression slows down a bit and you will often find yourself underleveled for the quests in your zone, that is if you dont do pvp while doing pve.

    Quests are not that great in number and the exp rewards are not that significant, so you either grind the public dungeons (which they nerfed the exp), grind open world quests or do pvp.

    It's a shame they didnt take Funcom's approach to questing in the Secret World, where you can repeat quests after a cooldown period, allowing you to repeat quests you enjoyed for some more exp.

    That's concerning.
  • neocomab16_ESO
    so they nerfed xp in different ways and the only effective way to level up is grinding mobs in groups of 2-4? great ....really. Ah well, I expect they will increase questing xp..otherwise I assume a bunch of people wont get past their free month.
  • Melian
    Nooblet wrote: »
    It's not at all that I think the speed is too slow, It's that the level of my quests(and monsters im killing) are far higher than myself, and getting worse the longer i play.

    I certainly didn't rush through, as I've gone back and tried to figure out what I've missed countless times. I don't think I skipped any Islands.. but i guess i could be wrong? I only played beta through level 4, so I guess I could have skipped something :(. Also It was fine till around level 10ish, that's when I started fighting stuff much higher than myself.

    What zone are you in and what quests are these? Knowing that might help us figure out what you missed.

  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Barely a week and theres a guy in my guild at level 31. A handful of others not far behind him. It really doesnt take that long to level if you know how to. Heck Im at 16 and I never got off of Bleakrock during the Betas.
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