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Easiest build to break 20k on the 3mill dummy??

Hi fellow forum people

I need help, what's the easiest build atm to crack 20k on the a full 3 mill dummy parse?

I need to help someone with it and to only requirement is It needs to be SUPER simple.

I doesn't need to be a 100k trials dummy builds just a super simple built that can self sustain the 3 mill and break 20k on the parse with as few button presses and abilities as possibles.

Any help is appreciated.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 3, 2022 6:43PM
  • Snamyap
    Edited by Snamyap on December 3, 2022 3:51PM
  • Dr_Con
    Dungeons + overland- Sergeant's Mail/Medusa jewels/weapon + Mother's Sorrow body. If no source of empower, consider oakensoul or queen's elegance

    crafted- Julianos/Hundings Rage + Order's Wrath.

    Divines on body pieces.

    Stone: Thief or Shadow- if crit chance is below 25%, go thief, try to make crit chance always be at least half of crit damage (look at advanced stats and add 50% to the crit damage number you have since everyone gets +50% crit dmg to start) and hang around that much.

    Purple quality should be fine.

    Rotation: Tape down left click, use a skill to provide empower if no armor/passive source

    Warden and Sorcs can have pets help as well.

    This should get the job done

    Suggested CP, race, and what you put your points into is relative to your class, build, and weapon you decide to use, however I lack information to better answer your request.

    Here's a 93.5k set on oakensoul build, but it won't be 93.5k on a 3k dummy (it would be on a 21mil trial dummy)
    https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=472801 - I recommended this set to someone who has a finger injury.
    Edited by Dr_Con on December 3, 2022 4:17PM
  • freespirit
    I only play magicka builds, currently four of my characters have one bar Oakensoul set ups.

    Only one have I actually given any thought to but all break 20k with ease on the 3 million dummy.

    Two are Breton and two are Altmer

    The one I gave some thought to but before Oakensoul was nerfed, wears Order's Wrath and Medusa and a one piece monster set that first bonus is also crit, using a lightning staff, Mundus is also crit.

    This one is a Breton Templar and tbh I have no idea what cp's I have assigned but on the dummy you can drop some AOE's, hold down the left mouse button to continuosly heavy attack, refreshing the AOE's as needed and you will never run out of magicka and break 20k easily. 😀

    My Breton Sorc pretty much the same but Mother's Sorrow instead of Medusa cos I already had it! 😀

    Edit:- All armour is Divine, staff is Precise, Iirc at least two if not all jewelry is Bloodthirsty.
    Edited by freespirit on December 3, 2022 4:32PM
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    Here's 30k by literally just holding left click

  • FrancisCrawford
    Here's 30k by literally just holding left click

    Somebody asking this question probably doesn't have trial gear.
  • virtus753
    Here's 30k by literally just holding left click

    Somebody asking this question probably doesn't have trial gear.

    IA is easily accessible, since it comes from normal Crags. Plenty of social guilds run those with no requirements. It’s the perfected Maelstrom that would be the hardest to get.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I'm sure a while ago someone posted a pet sorc / heavy lightning staff build doing at least 30k using a clothes iron to hold down the left mouse key. No special gear required.

    I once got a harrowstorm achievement on my pet sorc after going AFK before it started and coming back once it finished. Don't know what they got up to while I was away but it was enough - I only realized what had happened when I noticed they'd completed the daily for me!
  • spartaxoxo
    A heavy attack pet sorc build
  • ZOS_Icy

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    Here's 30k by literally just holding left click

    Somebody asking this question probably doesn't have trial gear.

    IA drops from normal crag trials, which can easily be obtained even by the most casual players. The maelstrom staff isn't part of the build as it uses Oakensoul, I just happen to have it equipped backbar.

    Anyway if you don't want to run any trials gear noble duelist is actually slightly more DPS, though you'll need to stay in melee range. After that you can just go Order's Wrath or any other dps crafted set. Should still easily be able to crack 25-30k.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Like everyone said, "Lightning staff heavy attack build" is the way to go. While the other builds people mention deal more damage, here's an easy one-bar build without dungeon gear, trial gear, or Oakensoul Ring:


    5x Order's Wrath (light armor). Crafted set.
    5x Mother's Sorrow (overland set in Deshaan or guild traders)
    2x monster set or Mythic of your choice. If you don't have those, use two pieces of a crafted set that gives you Critical Chance with only 2 pieces (Assassin's Guile, Law of Julianos, Hunding's Rage).

    You want all divines and your lightning staff needs a Shock enchant and should be precise or sharpened.


    You need to get the buff called Empower (increases your heavy attack damage by 80%).

    There are two classes with easy Empower:
    - Magicka Templars get it by morphing Solar Flare into Solar Barrage (gives you Empower for 20 seconds).
    - Magicka Dragonknights get it by morphing Molten Weapons into Molten Armaments (gives you Empower for 30 seconds).


    If you only want to use one weapon bar, which is easier:

    Templar: Radiant Destruction, Wall of Elements, Solar Barrage, Elemental Susceptibility, Camouflage Hunter, Crescent Sweep

    Dragonknight: Noxious Breath, Wall of Elements, Molten Armaments, Eruption, Flames of Oblivion, Dragonknight Standard

    Wall of Elements with a shock staff is necessary because it sets your enemy off-balance when they're concussed. Off balance (the swirly effect over an enemy's head) lasts for 7 seconds on an enemy and greatly increases their heavy attack damage taken. Your Shock enchant has a 40% chance to make the enemy concussed every 4 seconds, and any other shock damage you do has a small chance of it, too.


    Mundus Stone: The Shadow (+Critical Damage) or The Lover (+Penetration)

    Dummy food (aka parse food): Tomato Garlic Chutney (+Max Magicka)

    Blue slottable CP: +Light and Heavy attack damage, +AoE damage, +Damage over Time, +Critical Damage


    I'm pretty sure this will get someone to 20k. Empower does a lot of the work for you. Mother's Sorrow would be the best set to replace with dungeon or trial gear like Undaunted Infiltrator, Sergeant's Mail, or Infallible Aether. Maybe someone else can suggest improvements for a build without dungeon/trial gear or Mythics!
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • deleted221205-002626
    IM messin with an oaken heavy attack build myself using similar sets.
    5pc sergents mail
    5pc grave enevitability
    1 oakensoul
    1 slimecraw

    mundas thief

    -weapons expert
    -fighting finesse

    heres the wierd part below....
    -0eadly aim(single target)
    -master at arms(direct damage)
    these two increase dps the most considerably

    with this setup as a templar im able to sustain 30-32k DPS(per target) reliably everytime all day long just keeping up solar barrage(mostly for illuminate), blockade of storms(mostly to set off balance) and just heavy attacking away!

    *This is on a veteran dummy with only 8671pen and no debuffs applied!
    Edited by deleted221205-002626 on December 4, 2022 3:53PM
  • fred4
    20K is not a high bar. Here's my magplar spamming Sweeps, then Radiant Glory on the dummy. 24K with Oakensoul. The only tricky part is maybe that I wove light attacks. On the other hand I didn't use my ultimate and was facing the skeleton. You should get more damage from behind, from using ultimate, from making a proper Oakensoul build. I reckon you can break 20K without light attacks.

    As I just dropped Oakensoul into my regular two bar build, forgoing the Deadly Strike 5-piece bonus, I am not suggesting you run this exact build. This is just a demo:

    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • MidniteOwl1913
    I was able to hit over 30k on a standard 3 mil skeleton with a one bar HA oakensoul build on my sorc. A trick that helped me was to hold down the HA button constantly and just throw the skills as they timed out.

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