I'm a Nightblade and my Prolonged Suffering does not work on some enemies, now I am not asking for it to stun every enemy but on those that it won't it still NEEDS to do the damage over time. I'm sure I am not the only person how has to deal with this. Most of the time I use that skill it is for the DoT, it is how I do damage. It's dumb that just cause they can't be stunned I can't DoT them. Heck, the damage does not even kick in till they break the stun so I see no reason why this wouldn't still do the DoT.
Sorry if this is the wrong place but these forums are pretty badly set up and I don't see where I should put this, I tried skill line but that was just pre posted skill lines.
Edited by Medwin on March 31, 2014 6:07AM