DoT does not work on unstunable enemies.

I'm a Nightblade and my Prolonged Suffering does not work on some enemies, now I am not asking for it to stun every enemy but on those that it won't it still NEEDS to do the damage over time. I'm sure I am not the only person how has to deal with this. Most of the time I use that skill it is for the DoT, it is how I do damage. It's dumb that just cause they can't be stunned I can't DoT them. Heck, the damage does not even kick in till they break the stun so I see no reason why this wouldn't still do the DoT.

Sorry if this is the wrong place but these forums are pretty badly set up and I don't see where I should put this, I tried skill line but that was just pre posted skill lines.
Edited by Medwin on March 31, 2014 6:07AM
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RP Characters: Anora, Redguard -- Mira Medwin, Dunmer -- Pia Patricia Potts, Breton
  • BlackOmega
    That's an interesting one... Not sure if it is intended or not?

    If it IS intended to work that way.. I think of this analogy:

    I am wearing a solid suit of armor... Snake bite causes poison which acts over time. Since snake bite can't get me, I can't be poisoned by the venom.

    It's a cause and effect thing, I am thinking. But could be wrong. Might be a legit bug.

    My analogy kind of sucks, now that I re-read it. But the just of it is there. :)
    Scourge of the Universe | Inquisitor of Knowledge | Jack of All Trades
  • Medwin
    @BlackOmega Well if my one spell is able to hit and do damage why is the other spell in the same school of magic not able to also do damage?

    My problem is that it make 20% of my hot bar worthless on that monster, when you only have 5 spells. Just cause a monster is immune to the stun or snare does not mean they should be immune to the damage, we can only use a few spells at any given time so when I reach fights where they are immune they just drag on and I feel gimped for no good reason.

    Plus I assume in boss fights they won't be able to be used. So why make a spell worthless when you can at least have the damage go off? Don't make me gimped for wanting to have this skill on my bar please.
    Edited by Medwin on March 31, 2014 5:51AM
    Please read through and comment on my incredibly comprehensive Vampire guide. :)
    Officer at Cross Guild check us out, we are a large DC guild that does PvP, RP, and PvE. We have things for just about anyone.
    RP Characters: Anora, Redguard -- Mira Medwin, Dunmer -- Pia Patricia Potts, Breton
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