Have read that one can get viruses (or bad bad cookies?) through Discord, and don’t want that, so is it realistic to find a relatively good trial guild without having to use Discord? After many years I’ve eventually managed through luck and over 1350 CP to pug vDSA, vScalecaller and got last boss in vSS down to 40% before we wiped, but harder content needs microphone communication, right? Any safe alternative to Discord?
cyclonus11 wrote: »Some folks still use Teamspeak
What kind of links are dangerous? And how can you trust a guild? I know nada about hacking but if I were into social engineering would it not have been a relatively good idea to start a guild with links that seem to be part of how the guild has designed its Discord site but actually are links to “viral hell” of some kind? For example, my new guild in Discord asks me to click a button to register what role I play: heal, tank, dd. Can these buttons lead to a virus? Probably a stupid question, but I don’t know how easy it is for hackers to abuse Discord.
There’s no need for a button. Assume it’s a fishing attempt of some kind. If they automate that kind of thing, then there will be just as much human interaction for everything else. And then why would you need Discord at all?What kind of links are dangerous? And how can you trust a guild? I know nada about hacking but if I were into social engineering would it not have been a relatively good idea to start a guild with links that seem to be part of how the guild has designed its Discord site but actually are links to “viral hell” of some kind? For example, my new guild in Discord asks me to click a button to register what role I play: heal, tank, dd. Can these buttons lead to a virus? Probably a stupid question, but I don’t know how easy it is for hackers to abuse Discord.
There’s no need for a button. Assume it’s a fishing attempt of some kind. If they automate that kind of thing, then there will be just as much human interaction for everything else. And then why would you need Discord at all?What kind of links are dangerous? And how can you trust a guild? I know nada about hacking but if I were into social engineering would it not have been a relatively good idea to start a guild with links that seem to be part of how the guild has designed its Discord site but actually are links to “viral hell” of some kind? For example, my new guild in Discord asks me to click a button to register what role I play: heal, tank, dd. Can these buttons lead to a virus? Probably a stupid question, but I don’t know how easy it is for hackers to abuse Discord.
spartaxoxo wrote: »There’s no need for a button. Assume it’s a fishing attempt of some kind. If they automate that kind of thing, then there will be just as much human interaction for everything else. And then why would you need Discord at all?What kind of links are dangerous? And how can you trust a guild? I know nada about hacking but if I were into social engineering would it not have been a relatively good idea to start a guild with links that seem to be part of how the guild has designed its Discord site but actually are links to “viral hell” of some kind? For example, my new guild in Discord asks me to click a button to register what role I play: heal, tank, dd. Can these buttons lead to a virus? Probably a stupid question, but I don’t know how easy it is for hackers to abuse Discord.
No. It's not a fishing attempt. That is a standard sign up sheet that most trials groups use. The button is literally just emojis.