Same problem the last couple days as well. Tried everything, even uninstalling the few addons i use. Nothing helps. Just keep running into invisible mobs and getting killed. Even rocks and other items are extremely slow to load. Sometimes the E interaction button does nothing or I get kicked out for unknown error. This is pretty frustrating. I spend most the time just browsing guild store or looking around in safe zones. Cant do many quest outside of cities cause I cant see the enemy, then all of a sudden, I hear a bunch of battle sounds and Im dead. Back to the wayshine to pray that they will fix this very soon before i cancel my sub.. Love the game, but its not enjoyable like this..
ZOS_PierreL wrote: »Hello all,
If you find an invisible NPC, don't forget to report it directly in game with /bug.
If it's an important NPC who blocks your quest, you could ask for help from a GM.
Thank you.