Table of Contents>
< Weapons > [CP0A0]
- Tank: One-Hand and Shield or Frost Staff.
- Melee: Sword, Axe, Mace, or Dagger; Two-Handed or Dual-Wield.
- Ranged: Bow, Restoration Staff, Flame Staff, or Lightning Staff.
Quality: One-Hand / Two-Hand [CP0A1]
Common: 300 / 600 damage
Uncommon: 350 / 700 damage
Superior: 400 / 800 damage
Epic: 450 / 900 damage
In the case of melee weapons, the type used does not affect their damage or status effects as they are all the same. Having a companion with Dual-Wield Daggers has no difference than using a Sword, Axe, or Mace; only the appearance is different.
Ability Damage [CP0A2]
< Armor > [CP0B0]
- The maximum armor a companion needs to reach 50% damage reduction is 25,000.
- Maximum armor rating a companion can achieve on their own is 23,200 with 7 Epic heavy armor and a shield.
- Restoration staff ability Blessing of Protection and its morphs can add Minor Resolve to companions for 2974 Physical and Spell Resistance.
In order to level an armor type on a companion they must wear at least 5 pieces to gain experience with that armor type. While you can mix-match if you want to, they won't gain any experience with any armor type unless they have 5 of the same equipped.
Light Armor [CP0B1]
Common: 600 Armor
Uncommon: 700 Armor
Superior: 800 Armor
Epic: 900 Armor
- Flow: Increases healing done by 1-7% and reduces the cooldown of Break Free by 5-35%.
- Haste: Companion focuses their Magical energies inward, resetting the cooldown of all their other abilities.
Requires 5 pieces of Light Armor equipped.
Medium Armor [CP0B2]
Common: 1600 Armor
Uncommon: 1700 Armor
Superior: 1800 Armor
Epic: 1900 Armor
- Flexibility: Increases damage done by 1-7% and reduces the cooldown of Roll Dodge by 5-35%.
- Vanish: Companion disappears in a puff of smoke, healing to full health and becoming invisible for 6 seconds.
Used when Companion is below 50% Health.
Requires 5 pieces of Medium Armor equipped.
Heavy Armor [CP0B3]
Common: 2600 Armor
Uncommon: 2700 Armor
Superior: 2800 Armor
Epic: 2900 Armor
- Firmness: Increases healing received by 1-7% and increases the amount of damage blocked by 1-7%.
- Bulwark: Companion becomes an unstoppable defender, blocking and reflecting all attacks for 5 seconds.
Used when Companion is below 75% health and is fighting a difficult monster.
Requires 5 pieces of Heavy Armor equipped.
(Possible Bug: Bulwark only seems to work with One-hand and Shield? Need more testing.)
Shields [CP0B4]
Common: 2600 Armor
Uncommon: 2700 Armor
Superior: 2800 Armor
Epic: 2900 Armor
< Combat > [CP0C0]
Auto-Attack [CP0C1]
When all their abilities are on cooldown or no active conditions can be met, your companion will auto attack with their weapon. This action generates ultimate points.
Roll Dodge [CP0C2]
Roll Dodge is the highest prioritized action the companion will perform above all else and have two charges, base cooldown is 8 seconds while with 7 Medium armor equipped reduces it to 5.2 seconds. When they Roll Dodge is dependent on what weapons they have equipped.
- Tank weapons will not Roll Dodge until they are critical =< 25% health and the target they are focused on attacking is close to them.
- Melee weapons will not Roll Dodge until they drop to =< 50% health and the target they are focused on attacking is close to them.
- Ranged weapons will Roll Dodge immediately when the target they are focused on attacking comes close to them. They can be surrounded by enemies and not make a move, but once the target they are focused on attacking comes close to them they will take action.
Break Free [CP0C3]
Break Free base cooldown is 12 seconds while with 7 Light armor equipped it is reduced to 7.8 seconds.
Blocking [CP0C4]
Companions will perform a block when the target they are focused on attacking is performing a Heavy Attack directed at them. Companions also will not block an attack from an enemy who are not the focused target they are attacking and will eat the Heavy Attack.
Bashing [CP0C5]
Companions will perform a bash/interrupt when the target they are focused on attacking is casting (flashing red) and are in melee range to do so. They will ignore all other enemies around them that are casting if they aren't the focused target they are attacking.
Strafing [CP0C6]
All Companions will now occasionally dynamically strafe in both melee and ranged combat."
What this means is they will take 3 steps either to the left or right moving in a semi-circle around their target. They will periodically move around, whether or not they are standing in a damage area effect. There is a cooldown, but I haven't figured out what it is or how they decide which direction to move, if at all. They can even move into a damage area effect when they weren't standing in one before if its cast at someone else and they happen to be close to it.
< Traits > [CP0D0]
Aggressive: [CP0D1]
Increases damage done by your companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%
Augmented: [CP0D2]
Increases duration of all companion buffs and debuffs. (Updated 11/4/2023)
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%
Some abilities true durations are lower than stated such as Scorching Strike, Blessed Sacrament, Sunder, Viper's Bite are 7.5 seconds, but listed as 8 seconds in-game. Not all abilities with durations are affected by Augmented such as Holy Ground, Ritual of Salvation, and Crimson Font. Damage are listed with full epic, two-handed weapon, and 7 Medium Armor. Weapon Damage numbers are not including 3% increased damage from racial passives.
Bolstered: [CP0D3]
Reduces damage taken by companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%
You can never be too careful when sudden unexpected damage happens; however, with Quickened making abilities such as On Guard, Solar Ward, Hurricane Visage, Razor Cape, or Drake's Blood active nearly all the time with 1-3 seconds of downtime in between casts is nearly the same as Bolstered. The difference is up to you as this does free up one ability slot with around 6-8 seconds of downtime between stacking with an ability or using two abilities that share the same effect overlapping more frequently.
Focused: [CP0D4]
Increases companion critical strike chance.
Uncommon: 394 (1.8%) / 4728 (21.9%)
Superior: 481 (2.2%) / 5772 (26.4%)
Epic: 569 (2.6%) / 6828 (31.2%)
The problem with this stat is their base critical strike chance is 0% and their critical damage modifier is base 1.50% which cannot be raised. There are no major or minor force buffs that can affect companions that I know. Critical chance works in increments of 5% and any amount below that has no effect. Ember's racial passive grants her 3% critical chance also does nothing by itself, without any additional Focused she will not critical strike. Ember needs a minimum of 438 Focused to activate critical strike while other companions need a minimum of 1095.
Prolific: [CP0D5]
Increases companion ultimate generation.
Uncommon: 9% / 108%
Superior: 11% / 132%
Epic: 13% / 156%
Companions ultimate is generated from core combat actions such as Auto Attack, Roll Dodge, and Blocking. Abilities do not generate ultimate points with the exception of Parallel which gives 50 on use, but is not affected by Prolific. Auto Attacking generate small amounts of ultimate and continues to generate for a few ticks afterwards. The fastest way to generate ultimate on a companion is with weapon auto-attacks with an ability-free (no attack spells) action bar except for Parallel, then Second Wind and/or Haste to refresh Parallel; fill in the remaining slots with self-heals, executes, or defensive abilities. The optimal amount achievable with weapons and 7 armor pieces in epic, jewelry has no armor rating so those can be superior for 150%.
Shattering: [CP0D6]
Increases Companion armor penetration.
Uncommon: 900 / 10,800
Superior: 1100 / 13,200
Epic: 1300 / 15,600
If you're only doing Overland, Delves, and Public Dungeons all you need is 7 pieces (9100) without any source of Major or Minor Breach needed, you can add 5 Aggressive (8%) to fill out the rest for maximum damage output. If you're doing Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena then full stacked 12 still requires a Minor Breach debuff for companions to reach maximum penetration. You can stick with the 7 piece (9100) if you have a reliable source of Minor Breach, Major Breach, and Crushing Enchant for Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena.
Soothing: [CP0D7]
Increases healing done by companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%
It's not that this stat is bad per se, the problem lies with the companion's conditions and ai script behavior that can make it a bad stat. Unlike with players who can spam their healing abilities, move around to hit multiple targets, or choose when to use their abilities; companions aren't that complex. Companions cast their healing spells when it's off cooldown, conditions are met (target =< 75%, 50%, 25% health), and is next on queue whether or not anyone needs the healing. They usually exhaust all their spells in one chain salvo, everything is on cooldown, and spend the rest of the time auto attacking. You cannot directly control them to heal on demand when you need it, only that they will do it when its available.
Vigorous: [CP0D8]
Increases maximum health of companions.
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%
Companions at level 20 have 30,000 max health; Bastian and Azandar have an extra 3% from their racial passive and have 30,900 max health. 31.2% Vigorous for Sharp-as-Night, Mirri, Ember, and Isobel would have 39,359 max health, with Minor Toughness raises it to 43,295 max health. Bastian and Azandar would have 40,540 max health, with Minor Toughness raises it to 44,476 max health. Abilities affected by max health: Solar Ward, Cold Snap, Snow Squall, Abor's Augmented Ward, Drake's Blood, Twilight Mantle, On Guard, and Skeletal Aegis.
For comparison, pets have
Twilight Matriarch: 15,889 max health.
Twilight Tormentor: 15,889 max health.
Unstable Clannfear: 20,656 max health.
Volatile Familiar: 16,683 max health.
Eternal Guardian: 25,820 max health.
Wild Guardian: 25,820 max health.
Quickened: [CP0D9]
Reduces companion ability cooldowns.
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%

If it's helpful,
I've also made a calculator in Desmos here that can help you calculate uneven loadouts of Quickened gear, i.e. any loadout that uses some configuration other than 12 Quickened of the same quality.
Remember to include the ability's cast time in the final number. For example at 31% Drake's Blood has a duration of 8 seconds, a cooldown of 8.3 seconds, and a cast time of 0.4 seconds; he'll have at most a downtime of 0.7 seconds should he need to recast when the buff expires. I'm biased towards Quickened as I see it as the best overall stat for all roles. For me its about having the companion at their most active with as little downtime as possible, all other stats will always have a long dead space of auto attacking while waiting for the next cooldown to finish. I'll include summaries in the spoilers below.
Special thanks to:
@hrothbern for companion damage calculations.
@Fennwitty for companion critical chance math.
@Erickson9610 for companion Quickened values.
Resource for companion data: