Companions: basics, traits, and mechanics

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<Table of Contents>
  • Weapons [CP0A0]
  • - Quality [CP0A1]
  • - Ability Damage [CP0A2]
  • Armor [CP0B0]
  • - Light Armor [CP0B1]
  • - Medium Armor [CP0B2]
  • - Heavy Armor [CP0B3]
  • - Shields [CP0B4]
  • Combat [CP0C0]
  • - Auto Attack [CP0C1]
  • - Roll Dodge [CP0C2]
  • - Break Free [CP0C3]
  • - Blocking [CP0C4]
  • - Bashing [CP0C5]
  • - Strafing [CP0C6]
  • Traits [CP0D0]
  • - Aggressive [CP0D1]
  • - Augmented [CP0D2]
  • - Bolstered [CP0D3]
  • - Focused [CP0D4]
  • - Prolific [CP0D5]
  • - Shattering [CP0D6]
  • - Soothing [CP0D7]
  • - Vigorous [CP0D8]
  • - Quickened [CP0D9]
  • Mechanics [CP0E0]
  • Damage Comparison [CP0F0]
  • Target Dummy [CP0G0]
  • Player Sets [CP0H0]
  • Player Abilities [CP0I0]
  • - Player Buffs [CP0I1]
  • - Player Heals [CP0I2]
  • Companion Abilities [CP0J0]
  • - Two-Handed [CP0J1]
  • - One-Hand and Shield [CP0J2]
  • - Dual-Wield [CP0J3]
  • - Bow [CP0J4]
  • - Destruction Staff [CP0J5]
  • - Restoration Staff [CP0J6]
  • - Fighters Guild [CP0J7]
  • - Mages Guild [CP0J8]
  • - Undaunted [CP0J9]
  • Bastian [CP0K0]
  • - Ardent Warrior [CP0K1]
  • - Draconic Armor [CP0K2]
  • - Radiating Heart [CP0K3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0K4]
  • - Builds [CP0K5]
  • Mirri [CP0L0]
  • - Deadly Assassin [CP0L1]
  • - Living Shade [CP0L2]
  • - Soul Thief [CP0L3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0L4]
  • - Builds [CP0L5]
  • Ember [CP0M0]
  • - Lightning Caller [CP0M1]
  • - Mischievous Caster [CP0M2]
  • - Playful Schemer [CP0M3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0M4]
  • - Builds [CP0M5]
  • Isobel [CP0N0]
  • - Blazing Might [CP0N1]
  • - Brilliant Shield [CP0N2]
  • - Healing Grace [CP0N3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0N4]
  • - Builds [CP0N5]
  • Azandar [CP0O0]
  • - Quill Knight [CP0O1]
  • - Revitalizing Researcher [CP0O2]
  • - Scholar of Apocrypha [CP0O3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0O4]
  • - Builds [CP0O5]
  • Sharp-as-Night [CP0P0]
  • - Beasts of the Hunt [CP0P1]
  • - Verdant Growth [CP0P2]
  • - Winter's Bite [CP0P3]
  • - Ultimate [CP0P4]
  • - Builds [CP0P5]

< Weapons > [CP0A0]

- Tank: One-Hand and Shield or Frost Staff.
- Melee: Sword, Axe, Mace, or Dagger; Two-Handed or Dual-Wield.
- Ranged: Bow, Restoration Staff, Flame Staff, or Lightning Staff.

Quality: One-Hand / Two-Hand [CP0A1]
Common: 300 / 600 damage
Uncommon: 350 / 700 damage
Superior: 400 / 800 damage
Epic: 450 / 900 damage

In the case of melee weapons, the type used does not affect their damage or status effects as they are all the same. Having a companion with Dual-Wield Daggers has no difference than using a Sword, Axe, or Mace; only the appearance is different.

Ability Damage [CP0A2]
hrothbern wrote: »
The formula for what I name Base Power
For a level 20 Companion:
Base Power = 1.5 x tooltip Weapon Damage + 3000

An Auto Attack without racial or other Damage Buffs and before Armor Resistance is then for a two-handed epic weapon:
Damage = 1.5 x 900 + 3000 = 4350

And for example the Damage Shield of Bastian is then also 4350, that same base power.
Abilities are in general a factor times that base power:
For example Sniping Silver Damage is 2*BP and with for example two handed purple without buffs 8700

With one-hand and shield using an epic sword (weapon damage 450) the BP becomes 1.5*450 + 3000 = 3675 and Sniping Silver 7350
(and with for example the 3% damage buff of Bastian for epic one-hand and shield the damage is 1.03*7350 = 7571
The same math for common, uncommon, superior weapons with 600, 700, 800 as weapon damage (or 300, 350, 400 for one-hand and shield or dual-wield)

That 3000 is companion level related (NOT weapon related) and from my notes the formula is:
Lvl Comp * 75 + 1500
At level 20 this becomes 3000.
Health buffs like Vigorous do not change those values.

< Armor > [CP0B0]

- The maximum armor a companion needs to reach 50% damage reduction is 25,000.
- Maximum armor rating a companion can achieve on their own is 23,200 with 7 Epic heavy armor and a shield.
- Restoration staff ability Blessing of Protection and its morphs can add Minor Resolve to companions for 2974 Physical and Spell Resistance.

In order to level an armor type on a companion they must wear at least 5 pieces to gain experience with that armor type. While you can mix-match if you want to, they won't gain any experience with any armor type unless they have 5 of the same equipped.

Light Armor [CP0B1]
Common: 600 Armor
Uncommon: 700 Armor
Superior: 800 Armor
Epic: 900 Armor
- Flow: Increases healing done by 1-7% and reduces the cooldown of Break Free by 5-35%.
- Haste: Companion focuses their Magical energies inward, resetting the cooldown of all their other abilities.
Requires 5 pieces of Light Armor equipped.

Medium Armor [CP0B2]
Common: 1600 Armor
Uncommon: 1700 Armor
Superior: 1800 Armor
Epic: 1900 Armor
- Flexibility: Increases damage done by 1-7% and reduces the cooldown of Roll Dodge by 5-35%.
- Vanish: Companion disappears in a puff of smoke, healing to full health and becoming invisible for 6 seconds.
Used when Companion is below 50% Health.
Requires 5 pieces of Medium Armor equipped.

Heavy Armor [CP0B3]
Common: 2600 Armor
Uncommon: 2700 Armor
Superior: 2800 Armor
Epic: 2900 Armor
- Firmness: Increases healing received by 1-7% and increases the amount of damage blocked by 1-7%.
- Bulwark: Companion becomes an unstoppable defender, blocking and reflecting all attacks for 5 seconds.
Used when Companion is below 75% health and is fighting a difficult monster.
Requires 5 pieces of Heavy Armor equipped.
(Possible Bug: Bulwark only seems to work with One-hand and Shield? Need more testing.)

Shields [CP0B4]
Common: 2600 Armor
Uncommon: 2700 Armor
Superior: 2800 Armor
Epic: 2900 Armor

< Combat > [CP0C0]

Auto-Attack [CP0C1]
When all their abilities are on cooldown or no active conditions can be met, your companion will auto attack with their weapon. This action generates ultimate points.

Roll Dodge [CP0C2]
Roll Dodge is the highest prioritized action the companion will perform above all else and have two charges, base cooldown is 8 seconds while with 7 Medium armor equipped reduces it to 5.2 seconds. When they Roll Dodge is dependent on what weapons they have equipped.
- Tank weapons will not Roll Dodge until they are critical =< 25% health and the target they are focused on attacking is close to them.
- Melee weapons will not Roll Dodge until they drop to =< 50% health and the target they are focused on attacking is close to them.
- Ranged weapons will Roll Dodge immediately when the target they are focused on attacking comes close to them. They can be surrounded by enemies and not make a move, but once the target they are focused on attacking comes close to them they will take action.

Break Free [CP0C3]
Break Free base cooldown is 12 seconds while with 7 Light armor equipped it is reduced to 7.8 seconds.

Blocking [CP0C4]
Companions will perform a block when the target they are focused on attacking is performing a Heavy Attack directed at them. Companions also will not block an attack from an enemy who are not the focused target they are attacking and will eat the Heavy Attack.

Bashing [CP0C5]
Companions will perform a bash/interrupt when the target they are focused on attacking is casting (flashing red) and are in melee range to do so. They will ignore all other enemies around them that are casting if they aren't the focused target they are attacking.

Strafing [CP0C6]
"All Companions will now occasionally dynamically strafe in both melee and ranged combat."
What this means is they will take 3 steps either to the left or right moving in a semi-circle around their target. They will periodically move around, whether or not they are standing in a damage area effect. There is a cooldown, but I haven't figured out what it is or how they decide which direction to move, if at all. They can even move into a damage area effect when they weren't standing in one before if its cast at someone else and they happen to be close to it.

< Traits > [CP0D0]

Aggressive: [CP0D1]
Increases damage done by your companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%

Augmented: [CP0D2]
Increases duration of all companion buffs and debuffs. (Updated 11/4/2023)
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%
Some abilities true durations are lower than stated such as Scorching Strike, Blessed Sacrament, Sunder, Viper's Bite are 7.5 seconds, but listed as 8 seconds in-game. Not all abilities with durations are affected by Augmented such as Holy Ground, Ritual of Salvation, and Crimson Font. Damage are listed with full epic, two-handed weapon, and 7 Medium Armor. Weapon Damage numbers are not including 3% increased damage from racial passives.
Unleashed Rage: Deals 14,355 damage, 3588 damage, stuns for (4) 5.2 seconds
Fiery Flail: Deals 9570 damage, sets off balance for (7) 9.2 seconds
Scorching Strike: Deals 9570, 14,352 damage over (7.5) 9.9 seconds
Drake's Blood: 20% reduced damage for (8) 10.5 seconds
Crushing Claws: Deals 4785 damage, Immobilizes for (4) 5.2 seconds
Basalt Barrier: 4350 damage absorb for (6) 7.9 seconds
Searing Weapons: 15% weapon damage for (8) 10.5 seconds

Impeccable Shot: 20% more damage for (3) 3.9 seconds, does not overlap with second effect
Shadow Slash: Deals 9570 damage and sets off balance for (7) 9.2 seconds
Ghostly Evasion: 20% reduced damage for (8) 10.5 seconds
Masque of Torment: Fear for (4) 5.2 seconds
Twilight Mantle: Unaffected
Blood Transfusion: 16,122 healing over (8) 10.5 seconds

Raging Storm: Unaffected
Shocking Burst: Deals 4785 damage, 6567 damage over (8) 10.5 seconds
Entomb: Immobilizes for (4) 5.2 seconds, 15,950 heal over (8) 10.5 seconds
Hurricane Visage: 20% reduced damage, 5841 damage over (8) 10.5 seconds
Trickster's Trap: Stun for (3) 3.9 seconds
Shared Ward: 4350 damage absorb for (6) 7.9 seconds, 5313 healing over (8) 10.5 seconds

Baneslayer: Unaffected.
Sunbrand: Deals 9309 damage, 8720 damage over (7.8) 10.2 seconds
Divine Destruction: Deals 41,892 damage over (3) 3.9 seconds
Solar Ward: 20% reduced damage, damage absorb for (6) 7.9 seconds
Gallant Blitz: Sets off balance for (7) 9.2 seconds
Spear of Light: Deals 4655 damage and knocks down for (4) 5.2 seconds
Blessed Sacrament: 4350 direct heal, 1631 healing every 2 seconds for (7.5) 9.9 seconds
Holy Ground: Unaffected
Beam of Reproach: Unaffected

Vigorous Tentacular Eruption: Deals 13,964 damage, Stuns for (3) 3.9 seconds. Major Vulnerability for (4) 5.2 seconds
Scathing Rune: Taunts and applies Minor Maim for (15) 19.7 seconds
Abor's Augmented Ward: 25% Max Health Shield for (6) 7.9 seconds
Fear of the Unknown: Fear for (4) 5.2 seconds
Shields of Erudition: 8700 damage shield for (6) 7.9 seconds
Zone of Recuperation: Unaffected
Tendrils of the Colorless Sea: Deals 4655 damage, applies Minor Vulnerability for (6) 7.9 seconds
Fate Omen's Inspiration: Minor Berserk for (8) 10.2 seconds

Gore: Deals 27,927 damage, Stuns for (3) 3.9 seconds
Swoop: Deals 9309 damage, sets Off Balance for (7) 9.2 seconds
Char: Unaffected
Infest: Deals 16752 damage, applies Minor Vulnerability over (8) 10.5 seconds
Perennial Bloom: Unaffected
Petals of the Hunter: Unaffected
Sleetmail: 20% reduced damage, applies Major Resolve for (6) 7.9 seconds
Cold Snap: Immobilizes for (3) 3.9 seconds, damage portion unaffected
Snow Squall: Heals 2183 every 2 seconds over (7.5) 9.9 seconds

Staggering Swing: Deals 9309 damage and stuns for (2.5) 3.3 seconds
Sunder: Deals 4655 damage, 4652 damage over (7.5) 9.9 seconds

One-Hand and Shield
Provoke: Taunts for (15) 19.7 seconds
Bashing Bulwark: Stuns for (4) 5.2 seconds
On Guard: 25% Absorb for (6) 7.9 seconds

Swift Assault: Deals 1862 damage over (0.6) 0.8 seconds
Razor Cape: 20% reduced damage, deals 1862 damage every 2 seconds over (8) 10.5 seconds

Trick Shot: Deals 4655 damage and Immobilizes for (4) 5.2 seconds
Viper's Bite: Deals 4655 damage, 13,960 damage over (7.5) 9.9 seconds

Destruction Staff
Destructive Blast: Deals 9309 damage, Flame Stun (2.5) 3.3 seconds, Frost taunts for (15) 19.7 seconds
Elemental Barricade: Deals 11,363 damage over (8) 10.5 seconds

Restoration Staff
Rejuvenation: 10,440 healing over (8) 10.5 seconds
Mending Incantation: 7000 resistance for (8) 10.5 seconds
Mystic Fortress: 26,100 absorb for (6) 7.9 seconds

Heavy Armor
Bulwark: 6.6 seconds, description unaffected

Fighters Guild
Ritual of Salvation: Unaffected
Biting Trap: Lasts 8 seconds, Immobilizes for (4) 5.2 seconds

Mages Guild
Reverse Entropy: 15,654 healing over (8) 10.5 seconds

Crimson Font: Unaffected
Savage Instincts: Deals 4655 damage and taunts for (15) 19.7 seconds
Skeletal Aegis: 30% damage shield for (6) 7.9 seconds

Bolstered: [CP0D3]
Reduces damage taken by companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%
You can never be too careful when sudden unexpected damage happens; however, with Quickened making abilities such as On Guard, Solar Ward, Hurricane Visage, Razor Cape, or Drake's Blood active nearly all the time with 1-3 seconds of downtime in between casts is nearly the same as Bolstered. The difference is up to you as this does free up one ability slot with around 6-8 seconds of downtime between stacking with an ability or using two abilities that share the same effect overlapping more frequently.

Focused: [CP0D4]
Increases companion critical strike chance.
Uncommon: 394 (1.8%) / 4728 (21.9%)
Superior: 481 (2.2%) / 5772 (26.4%)
Epic: 569 (2.6%) / 6828 (31.2%)
The problem with this stat is their base critical strike chance is 0% and their critical damage modifier is base 1.50% which cannot be raised. There are no major or minor force buffs that can affect companions that I know. Critical chance works in increments of 5% and any amount below that has no effect. Ember's racial passive grants her 3% critical chance also does nothing by itself, without any additional Focused she will not critical strike. Ember needs a minimum of 438 Focused to activate critical strike while other companions need a minimum of 1095.
Fennwitty wrote: »
any purple focused armor/jewelry/1-h weapons gives 569 crit. 2-h weapons gives double that, 1138 crit. So for all intents and purposes, equipping entirely Focused sets gives a total of 569 x12 = 6828 crit.

Disclaimer: I'm not great at math.

If Focused numbers work the same as +crit numbers for players, we can grab Alcast's 219 player Critical = 1% crit chance. You didn't like his companion breakdown, but presumably he understands player numbers.

6828 / 219 = ~31.18 crit chance.

Prolific: [CP0D5]
Increases companion ultimate generation.
Uncommon: 9% / 108%
Superior: 11% / 132%
Epic: 13% / 156%
Companions ultimate is generated from core combat actions such as Auto Attack, Roll Dodge, and Blocking. Abilities do not generate ultimate points with the exception of Parallel which gives 50 on use, but is not affected by Prolific. Auto Attacking generate small amounts of ultimate and continues to generate for a few ticks afterwards. The fastest way to generate ultimate on a companion is with weapon auto-attacks with an ability-free (no attack spells) action bar except for Parallel, then Second Wind and/or Haste to refresh Parallel; fill in the remaining slots with self-heals, executes, or defensive abilities. The optimal amount achievable with weapons and 7 armor pieces in epic, jewelry has no armor rating so those can be superior for 150%.

Shattering: [CP0D6]
Increases Companion armor penetration.
Uncommon: 900 / 10,800
Superior: 1100 / 13,200
Epic: 1300 / 15,600
If you're only doing Overland, Delves, and Public Dungeons all you need is 7 pieces (9100) without any source of Major or Minor Breach needed, you can add 5 Aggressive (8%) to fill out the rest for maximum damage output. If you're doing Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena then full stacked 12 still requires a Minor Breach debuff for companions to reach maximum penetration. You can stick with the 7 piece (9100) if you have a reliable source of Minor Breach, Major Breach, and Crushing Enchant for Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena.

Soothing: [CP0D7]
Increases healing done by companions.
Uncommon: 1.2% / 14.4%
Superior: 1.4% / 16.8%
Epic: 1.7% / 20.4%
It's not that this stat is bad per se, the problem lies with the companion's conditions and ai script behavior that can make it a bad stat. Unlike with players who can spam their healing abilities, move around to hit multiple targets, or choose when to use their abilities; companions aren't that complex. Companions cast their healing spells when it's off cooldown, conditions are met (target =< 75%, 50%, 25% health), and is next on queue whether or not anyone needs the healing. They usually exhaust all their spells in one chain salvo, everything is on cooldown, and spend the rest of the time auto attacking. You cannot directly control them to heal on demand when you need it, only that they will do it when its available.

Vigorous: [CP0D8]
Increases maximum health of companions.
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%
Companions at level 20 have 30,000 max health; Bastian and Azandar have an extra 3% from their racial passive and have 30,900 max health. 31.2% Vigorous for Sharp-as-Night, Mirri, Ember, and Isobel would have 39,359 max health, with Minor Toughness raises it to 43,295 max health. Bastian and Azandar would have 40,540 max health, with Minor Toughness raises it to 44,476 max health. Abilities affected by max health: Solar Ward, Cold Snap, Snow Squall, Abor's Augmented Ward, Drake's Blood, Twilight Mantle, On Guard, and Skeletal Aegis.

For comparison, pets have
Twilight Matriarch: 15,889 max health.
Twilight Tormentor: 15,889 max health.
Unstable Clannfear: 20,656 max health.
Volatile Familiar: 16,683 max health.
Eternal Guardian: 25,820 max health.
Wild Guardian: 25,820 max health.

Quickened: [CP0D9]
Reduces companion ability cooldowns.
Uncommon: 1.8% / 21.6%
Superior: 2.2% / 26.4%
Epic: 2.6% / 31.2%

If it's helpful, I've also made a calculator in Desmos here that can help you calculate uneven loadouts of Quickened gear, i.e. any loadout that uses some configuration other than 12 Quickened of the same quality.

Remember to include the ability's cast time in the final number. For example at 31% Drake's Blood has a duration of 8 seconds, a cooldown of 8.3 seconds, and a cast time of 0.4 seconds; he'll have at most a downtime of 0.7 seconds should he need to recast when the buff expires. I'm biased towards Quickened as I see it as the best overall stat for all roles. For me its about having the companion at their most active with as little downtime as possible, all other stats will always have a long dead space of auto attacking while waiting for the next cooldown to finish. I'll include summaries in the spoilers below.

There is a benefit to all 3 stats with Bolstered you always have 20% damage reduction active at all times. Vigorous gives them more health to survive one-hit kills should they take more than 30k in a single attack like a dragon's overhead breath. Quickened increases the frequency at which they cast buffs, healing, and defensives when they may need to recast earlier thus keeping their buffs rolling with less downtime being defenseless. Which is the better tanking stat Vigorous, Quickened, or Bolstered? My preferences are Quickened (26%) / Vigorous (5%) for Overland, Delves, and Public Dungeons; Vigorous (23-26%) / Bolstered (3-5%) for Group Dungeons and Dragons; Bolstered (20%) if you're unsure which direction to go, its always on.

As I mentioned with Soothing about companion's ai script and conditions, Quickened can overcome the problem by increasing the frequency of the casts thus increasing the odds they will be active and ready to cast again when you need the heal. The downside is the amount healed would be smaller, the upside is that spells with a duration buff will have more uptime and they spend less time auto attacking.

Aggressive and Shattering are still in the top spots when it comes to straight damage without much else on your part. Quickened has a theoretical increase in power over them, but requires extreme precision to pull it off and without extensive testing can be difficult to prove which is better. The Quickened method is about sacrificing raw damage for more rapid casts, this means instead of going 7 medium you go with 7 Light armor and Haste giving you an opening salvo of 8 spells per chain instead of 5, repeating every 25.4 seconds with also far less time spent auto attacking. As long as nothing interrupts their cast chain they would do more damage in long, single target boss fights than their Aggressive or Shattering companions.

Bastian: Crimson Font, Ritual of Salvation, Basalt Barrier, Searing Weapons, Skeletal Aegis. If you have absolutely no other use for companions then a support build might be your style. This combination gives you two sources of Undaunted Command Synergy bonus, one heal over time effect, 3 damage reduction effects, and one weapon damage buff. You might think Augmented, but no its better with Quickened for reduced downtime between casts over increased uptime on buffs with long cooldowns of them doing nothing.

Special thanks to:
@hrothbern for companion damage calculations.
@Fennwitty for companion critical chance math.
@Erickson9610 for companion Quickened values.

Resource for companion data:

Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 11:05AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    < Mechanics > [CP0E0]

    - Tank Tips
    The primary take away when using Companions is that they are reactive not preemptive. Unlike a player who can see a big attack coming will put up a block, cast a shield effect, or ready a heal to deal with it; companions won't take action until after they have been hit. This makes abilities with no conditions like On Guard, Solar Ward, or Sleetmail valuable as they cast whenever available. Furthermore they only put up block for a heavy attack from the target they are attacking if its within close enough range, whether they are the receiving target or not. If another enemy attacking them but is not their focused target strikes them with a heavy attack they won't telegraph to block it. Another problem is that not all major high damaging strikes are heavy attacks such as a Dragon's Bite can deal upwards of 36,000 damage; however, the companion will not put up a block because it is not a heavy attack and will take the full amount.

    Vigorous, Bolstered, or Quickened; which is better?
    This is a hard one to answer as each companion can take a different approach to each trait, there is no one size fits all. Vigorous is the worst stat of the bunch, but not useless by any means. When taking a very high damaging attack, Vigorous can soak a single high powered, direct damage attack and live through it; whereas Bolstered and Quickened could die at full health in a single blow. There are abilities that work best with Vigorous such as Drake's Blood, Solar Ward, Snow Squall, or On Guard. Vigorous however does not provide any additional reduction of any kind other than being a bigger meat sack. Bolstered is greater "effective health" than Vigorous when taking multiple smaller attacks, this allows the companion more manageable numbers when taking on multiple targets or rapid small attacks. Quickened allows your companion's abilities to be ready and available more often, you can chain multiple damage reduction abilities together to simulate Bolstered. It also benefits tank builds that focus on healing to recover back up quicker than others, in some cases like with Isobel its possible for her to chain cast Blessed Sacrament in quick succession if using all Quickened.

    < Damage Comparison > [CP0F0]

    Not including Telvanni Efficiency. Each piece of epic Aggressive provides 1.725% increased damage.

    Your personal / passive / non-debuff penetration only affects your attacks, not your companion. Overland, Delve, and Public Dungeon mobs have 18.2% damage reduction from base armor; Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena it is increased to 36.4%. Companions like Ember, Mirri, and Bastian with full Medium Aggressive is 30.7% increased damage that can raise staple direct damage abilities such as Starfall, Sniping Silver, and Destructive Blast up to 11,371 damage. Without any application of penetration debuffs such as Major Breach, Minor Breach, Crystal Weapon, or Crusher enchant to the targets they are attacking, their abilities are reduced to 9,301 damage to Overland, Delve, and Public Dungeon mobs. Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena mobs reduced to 7,232 damage.

    Now let's use 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive, all Medium that gives us 9100 Penetration and 18.625% increased damage, this brings the same abilities to 10,320 damage. While that is a difference of 1051 less damage, your companion's abilities will now deal that full amount to Overland, Delve, and Public Dungeon mobs dealing 1019 more damage per hit than full Aggressive without any penetration. To Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena mobs they deal 8,442 damage with a greater difference of 1119 damage.

    Light Armor with any trait, of any quality, does more damage than full epic Medium Aggressive. It's not the armor itself, its the active ability that comes with equipping at least 5 Light Armor on the companion, that ability is Haste. It is at least 20% to 60% increased damage done repeated every 37 seconds. Combine that with all epic Quickened its every 25 seconds (3 times per minute). If I were to use 5 abilities with full Medium Aggressive, each dealing 11371 damage that gets lowered to 9301 damage after armor reduction comes out to a total of 46,505 damage. Now I use 4 damage abilities with Haste, no increased damage modifier the base max damage is 8700 after armor reduction is 7,117 damage per hit, striking a total of 8 times (Haste is double cast) comes out to a total of 56,936 damage; a greater difference of 10,431 damage.

    < Target Dummy > [CP0G0]

    You can't test the damage and rotation of your companions in the game normally with Target Dummies inside of homes since they are not allowed to be active. Most mobs tend to fight back or attack your companion forcing them to roll dodge, block, or sometimes die making it harder to read out their damage output reliably.

    Fortunately there is one place I found where you can test your companions DPS, its within the Public Dungeon Bonesnap Ruins in Stormhaven, the group event room. You need some kind of target ground ability or an AOE frontal attack that doesn't require a target like Wall of Elements, Impulse, Blade Cloak, Volley, or Arrow Spray work. You want to clear the room so you don't get unexpected spawns before you start, then get close to this target, picture below, and drop your attack on top of it. Your companion will start attacking it nonstop until you command them to stop or move away out of the room.


    This makes the perfect Target Dummy as it has infinite health, overland armor value (9100 penetration for full damage), and it does not fight back. The only drawback is there are no buffs provided to your companion and you'll have to do the damage calculations yourself, no output readout. If you order your companion to stop attacking, you have to tell them to attack something else or they remain pacified.

    Where can I go to test my companion's tanking prowess?
    I like Deshaan world bosses, they're basic. Short Tusk's Hillock, Grove of the Abomination, and Druitularg's Ritual Altar are easy fights without a lot of complicated mechanics or adds getting in the way. Dire Bramblepatch if you're looking to see how they do against a fast recovery target, being a troll means he heals quickly and its damage over time slams throws some harder damage periodically. Caravan Crest for increasing damage outputs, you can control how much they take by allowing more or less Spriggans channeling. If you're looking for more advanced tests for tanking Rivenspire has East-Rock Landing for a stronger damage over time ground effect, Old Kalgon's Keep to see how your companion handles multiple targets in a tight area, and the hardest challenge Valeguard Tower is an endurance test see how they handle themselves with a hard target that has a knockdown and stun.

    < Armor Sets > [CP0H0]
    Telvanni Efficiency - Requires 3 Traits
    (2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
    (4 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
    (5 items) While you have a living Companion, reduce the cooldown of their abilities by 50%. While you do not have a living Companion, reduce the cost of your Magicka, Stamina, Health, and Ultimate abilities by 8%.

    < Player Abilities > [CP0I0]

    Player Buffs [CP0I1]
    Arcanist: Passive - Circumvented Fate gives your companion Minor Evasion.
    Runic Defense and Morphs provide companions with Minor Resolve, 2974 Physical and Spell Resistance.
    Rune of Eldritch Horror and morphs provide Minor Vulnerability to your companion's damage, Rune of Colorless Pool morph applies Minor Brittle to your target, increasing critical damage by 10% (companion base critical strike is 0%, requires at least 5% to activate).
    Dragon Knight: Passive - Mountain's Blessing increases companion's Attack Power by 10%.
    (Update 40) Molten Weapons and morphs provides Major Brutality and Sorcery increasing companion's Attack Power by 20%.
    Necromancer: Frozen Colossus and Morphs provide Major Vulnerability to your companion's damage.
    Nightblade: Passive - Hemorrhage increases companion's critical strike chance by 6%. Does not stack with Exploitation.
    Sorcerer: Passive - Exploitation increases companion's critical strike chance by 6%. Does not stack with Hemorrhage.
    Templar: Passive - Illuminate increases a companion's spell damage by 10%. By default they have equal amounts of base weapon and spell damage, their weapons add weapon damage. Unless a companion is fighting bare-handed, this technically has no effect on them.
    Warden: Passive - Maturation increases a companion's max health by 9.5%, this applies after Vigorous / Racial Passives.
    (Update 40) Frost Cloak and morphs provide companions with Major Resolve, 5948 Physical and Spell Resistance.
    Restoration Staff: Blessing of Protection and Morphs provide companions with Minor Resolve, 2974 Physical and Spell Resistance, Combat Prayer provides Minor Berserk to your companion's damage.

    Player Healing [CP0I2]
    The problem with many abilities in ESO is that they are smart targeting which prioritizes another player over a pet or companion. This can make it difficult to heal your companion if they aren't the only available eligible target in range. Abilities like the Restoration Staff Regeneration or Ward Ally for example will cast on your companion if they are the only target in range, but if another player is close by they will receive it instead every time. Abilities that cover an area usually will include pets and companions such as Blessing of Protection or Grand Healing.

    - Heals that can target Companions, but prioritize Players
    Arcanist: Runemend, Chakram Shields.
    Dragon Knight: Cauterize.
    Necromancer: Render Flesh, Spirit Mender.
    Nightblade: Strife, Malevolent Offering.
    Sorcerer: Winged Twilight/Twilight Matriarch.
    Templar: Rushed Ceremony.
    Warden: Living Vines, Lotus Flower, Secluded Grove.
    Restoration Staff: Regeneration, Steadfast Ward.

    - Heals that will always target Companions
    Arcanist: Remedy Cascade, Reconstructive Domain.
    Dragon Knight: Ash Cloud / Cinder Storm, Obsidian Shield.
    Necromancer: Life Amid Death, Restoring Tether.
    Nightblade: Refreshing Path, Consuming Darkness.
    Sorcerer: Absorption Field.
    Templar: Healing Ritual, Repentance, Cleansing Ritual / Extended Ritual.
    Warden: Fungal Growth, Healing Seed.
    Restoration Staff: Grand Healing, Blessing of Protection.
    Alliance War - Assault: Echoing Vigor.

    - Heals from other Companions
    General: Mending Incantation, Ritual of Salvation, Crimson Font.
    Bastian: Basalt Barrier.
    Mirri: Life Siphon.
    Ember: None.
    Isobel: Beam of Reproach, Holy Ground.
    Azandar: Zone of Recuperation.
    Sharp-as-Night: Fungal Forage, Perennial Bloom.

    These lists are not complete.
    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on November 14, 2023 5:47AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    < Companion Abilities > [CP0J0]

    Companion abilities have multiple sets of priorities based on how and when they use their abilities. The most basic of these rules is where they are placed on their action bar, abilities in Slot 1 are cast first while those in Slot 5 are cast last. The first rule is all abilities must be used before auto-attack, they only auto-attack when all other options have been exhausted. The second rule checks for conditions met such as a target's health percentage. Third rule if the target they are attacking is in range, if they cannot reach their target then they will skip to the next ability down the line rather than trying to reach their target. If no conditions can be met and no target can be reached then they will cast their abilities that do not require a target even if it is in Slot 5. This can make it seem random when they decide to skip a melee ability in Slot 2 and use a range ability in Slot 4, but then run into melee to use ability in Slot 2 before auto-attacking.

    You want to have healing and defensive abilities with health conditions in the first Slots of their action bar like Drake's Blood and Kindle for Bastian. While the health check condition will normally prevent them from casting when his health drops below the threshold he will then cast them as his first action. If you place them in Slot 5, when his health drops below 75%, he won't use them until all other abilities in Slot 1 to 4 are on cooldown.

    If you plan on using Executes they should be after condition healing abilities. My preferred order on damaging abilities is to have damage over time effects closer to the front, melee abilities, then range abilities. Abilities with no target such as Haste is usually in Slot 5; however, this counts as an ability with no target so if they are too far away from the target they are attacking where no range or melee abilities can reach they will use Haste as their first action. If you plan to use Haste or Second Wind in your abilities, be sure to have your companion within in distance of a gap closer or their range abilities before engaging.

    Ability Type

    There are 4 types of companion abilities: Melee, Ranged, Wave, and Self, No Target. Melee and ranged are simple to understand, if a target is in range they will use that ability if not it skips to the next one on their action bar until something can hit. If you have a combination of melee at the front of the action bar and ranged at the back, if their target is further away it will skip the melee abilities and go straight to using the ranged abilities first until the companion can reach their target to use melee abilities. If neither melee or ranged abilities can hit the target they are focused on attacking then they will use their self, no target abilities while making their way to the focused target. Wave abilities require a target to walk in between the minimum to maximum range of the attack, but does not need to target them directly to use.

    Gap Closers
    There are 4 abilities to close the gap between your Companion and their focused target, these are: Bastian - Blazing Grasp (single target), Mirri - Warp Strike, Isobel - Gallant Blitz, and One-Hand and Shield - Bashing Bulwark. I like to point out these are useless when used with ranged weapons as roll dodge takes highest priority over all actions. You can try give Bastian a Flame Staff with Blazing Grasp, he will pull his target to him then immediately roll dodge out of the way. However if you use them with a Frost Staff which counts as a tank weapon, you can get away with abilities such as Elemental Barricade, Arcane Nova, or any similar abilities more effectively hitting more targets without roll dodging away right after.

    Ranged Abilities

    This isn't unique to Starfall, but all ranged abilities, this one just highlights the problem with both visual and audible cues. When a companion tries to use a ranged ability, but the target is not within line of sight, instead of trying to get into a valid range they will repeatedly cast the first ranged ability in their list spamming it until it does hit. Starfall is the best ability to have in your first slot if you plan on making them ranged attackers as you'll see a visual blue ring and the sound spamming if they are not within line of sight, you can then move the target into range they can see to continue attacking. If you use any other range ability, they won't have as much of a notice that your companion is not in line of sight and will experience the same problem.

    Wave Abilities
    These are confusing as they would appear to be ranged abilities, but actually are not. They won't cast these unless a valid target walks in front of them up to the maximum range, sometimes at the very end of the covered area. These would be abilities like Elemental Barricade, Trick Shot, Mending Incantation, Spear of Light, and Entomb. Some of these abilities are also tied to ranged weapons like Bow and Staff, but because of the roll dodge mechanic can reduce their effective range if their focused target gets too close. As mentioned above with Gap Closers, you can fix that problem for many of them.

    Self, No Target Abilities
    These are most general abilities like Hurricane Visage, Solar Ward, Searing Weapons, and even Haste unfortunately. If the focused target they are attacking is not in range to attack with any ability or there is nothing to heal, these are the first to cast while they are on the move regardless of where you have it positioned on the action bar. This does mean its possible to have Haste in the 5th slot, that which resets all other ability cooldowns, can cast as their first action if no other ability conditions can be met. You'll know Haste is cast when you see a flash of blue light that does nothing else. Keep this in mind when you engage combat, if the target is too far away it might be best to get in closer first before initiating.

    Ability Values
    Damage and healing numbers will vary based on companion's passives, armor, weapon, and traits. The best way I can represent how much each ability deals is to say [100% weapon power] to give a better understanding of how much they are actually doing with your present setup. Companion's auto attacks deal [50% weapon power]. Values are listed with Epic weapons with companion level 20.

    One-Hand and Shield
    7350 = [100% weapon power]
    3675 = [50% weapon power]

    7590 = [100% weapon power]
    3795 = [50% weapon power]

    Bow, Staff, Two-Hand
    8700 = [100% weapon power]
    4350 = [50% weapon power]

    Two-handed [CP0J1]

    Staggering Swing: Companion slams an enemy with an upward swing and send them flying, dealing [100% weapon power], stunning them for 2.5 seconds, and knocking them back 4 meters.
    Cast: 1.0 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: *
    - Long cast time, long cooldown, normal attack. Best used at the end of an attack chain. Better options available.

    Sunder: Companion slices all enemies in front of them with a mighty swing, dealing [50% weapon power] and an additional [50% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 7 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard AOE ability.

    Sever: Companion spins around and strikes an enemy down, dealing [300% weapon power].
    Used when the enemy is below 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard execute ability.

    One-Hand and Shield [CP0J3]

    Provoke: Companion thrusts their weapon with disciplined precision at an enemy, dealing [50% weapon power] and taunting the enemy to attack them for 15 seconds.
    Used when the enemy is not already taunted.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *

    Bashing Bulwark: Companion rushes an enemy and rams them, stunning them for 4 seconds.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 7 to 22 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *

    On Guard: Companion bolsters their defenses, granting a damage shield that absorbs up to 25% of their Max Health for 6 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 6 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Base Max Health of a level 20 companion is 30,000; this provides a minimum of 7500 Damage Shield, up to a maximum of 10,135 Damage Shield for Bastian and Azandar with full Vigorous. Warden's Minor Toughness can also affect it.

    Dual-Wield [CP0J3]

    Swift Assault: Companion floods an enemy with steel, battering them with five consecutive attacks that each deal [20% weapon power].
    Channel: 0.6 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard melee ability.

    Spinning Steel: Companion launches themselves in a lethal spin, dealing [50% weapon power] to nearby enemies.
    Deals [150% weapon power] to enemies below 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 6 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard AOE ability.

    Razor Cape: Companion envelops themselves in a ring of floating razors, dealing [20% weapon power] to nearby enemies every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. The razors also shield them from attacks, reducing their damage taken by 20%.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 5 meters)
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard mitigation ability.

    Bow [CP0J4]

    Piercing Arrow: Companion plants a masterfully aimed arrow in an enemy's vital spot, dealing [100% weapon power].
    Cast: 1.0 sec
    Range: 35 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: *
    - This has the longest cast time of any [100% weapon power] ability. The trade off is a low cooldown and increased range, but that just delays the companion longer as they still need to close the distance to use any other ranged abilities or auto attack. Unless you have no other options available, I would avoid using this in your rotation.

    Trick Shot: Companion fires a burst of arrows to pin enemies in front of them, dealing [50% weapon power] and immobilizing them for 4 seconds.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 20 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an enemy walks in front of them within the max distance of 20 meters. If the target they are attacking comes into melee range, they will roll dodge first before casting.

    Viper's Bite: Companion shoots an arrow covered in Baandari poison at an enemy, dealing [50% weapon power] and an additional [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.1 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Overall it does [200% weapon power] at its full duration, I would suggest using no more than 34% Quickened to get the maximum benefit from this ability, the duration will end just as the cast time completes, refreshing as the last tick does damage.

    Destruction Staff [CP0J5]

    Destructive Blast: Companion blasts an enemy with Magic, dealing [100% weapon power].
    - Flame Blast knocks them back 8 meters and stuns them for 2.5 seconds.
    - Frost Blast taunts them for 15 seconds.
    - Shock Blast deals an additional [50% weapon power] to all other enemies around them.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Flame/Frost: * *
    Lightning: * * * *
    - The knockback from the Flame Staff is more of a nuisance than a benefit, especially if you're melee having your target get thrown away from you. The Frost Staff is a soft taunt rather than a lock on taunt like Provoke or Savage Instinct, other taunts used within this period can steal the target from your companion and it is not conditioned by "target not already taunted" making it an ineffective tank mechanic. Lightning Staff deals additional damage to nearby enemies.

    Elemental Barricade: Companion slams their staff down to create an elemental wall in front of them, dealing [100% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 18 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Flame/Lightning: * * *
    Frost: * * * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an enemy walks in front of them within the max distance of 18 meters. This is most effective when combined with a Gap Closer such as Warp Strike or Gallant Blitz and a Frost Staff to hit multiple enemies.

    Arcane Nova: Companion releases a surge of magic to enemies around them, dealing [100% weapon power].
    - Fire Nova applies the Burning status effect.
    - Frost Nova applies the Chill status effect.
    - Shock Nova applies the Concussion status effect.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 6 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Flame/Lightning: *
    Frost: * * * * *
    - This is a melee ability and depending on what staff is equipped will determine its effectiveness. Flame and Lightning Staff will be the most difficult to trigger as they will likely roll dodge first and only use it when they have no more charges off cooldown. Frost Staff is the most effective outcome and like with Elemental Barricade, combining with a Gap Closer gives it the best option.

    Restoration Staff [CP0J6]

    Rejuvenation: Companion shares their staff's life-giving energy, healing themselves and a nearby ally for [100% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard heal over time ability. This can heal themselves.

    Mending Incantation: Companion slams their staff down to active its blessing, healing themselves and allies in front of them for [50% weapon power]. The blessing also grants 7000 Spell and Physical Resistance for 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 20 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an ally walks in front of them within the max distance of 20 meters. This can be a very unreliable healing ability unlike other abilities that target you specifically, you or an ally has to walk in front of the companion for this ability to cast. It's difficult to get multiple targets under its effect unless you plan ahead and position multiple targets to stand in front of the companion before their next cast. The Spell and Physical Resist buff is unique and stacks with similar buffs like Major Resolve and Minor Resolve.

    Mystic Fortress: Companion calls on their staff's strength to protect themselves or the lowest Health ally around them, granting a damage shield that absorbs [300% weapon power].
    Used when Companion or an ally is below 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - This neither a good or bad ability, the health condition makes it hard to evaluate. The low cooldown allows it to be chain cast with a minimum effect of 26,100 damage shield per target.

    Fighters Guild [CP0J7]

    Sniping Silver: Companion fires a Dawnguard Vampire Hunter's crossbow bolt at an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power].
    Deals double damage if the enemy is an Undead, Daedra, or Werewolf.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - Low cast time with a condition to deal double damage. Whether with a melee or ranged build, this is a must have staple attack.

    Ritual of Salvation: Companion brands the earth underneath them with a rune of protection for 8 seconds. Standing within the rune reduces the damage they and their allies take by 20%.
    If the attacker is an Undead, Daedra, or Werewolf the rune reduces damage taken by an additional 20%.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 5 meters)
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - Area of effect damage mitigation ability. Anyone stepping into it gains its effect, double protection from certain mob types. Multiple casts do stack, multiplicatively, and with high Quickened its possible to have up to 3 stacks at once from a single companion.

    Biting Trap: Companion sets a sharpened blade trap in front of them, which takes 1.5 seconds to arm and lasts for 8 seconds. When an enemy triggers the trap, they are immobilized for 4 seconds. If the enemy is an Undead, Daedra, or Werewolf they take [50% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: *
    - This is a poorly thought out ability, it counts as Self, No Target ability so it can be cast from anywhere. If your companion is too far away from their target, they will cast this out in the distance then continue moving forward. If positioned in near the front it can be wasted in the middle of nowhere, if positioned in the rear it doesn't go off until everything else casts. Getting a mob to run over it is another challenge.

    Mages Guild [CP0J8]

    Starfall: Companion calls a comet down from the constellations to blast an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard ranged ability.

    Reverse Entropy: Companion envelops an ally with stabilizing magic, healing for [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard heal over time ability. Does not target themselves.

    Parallel: Companion barters with Oblivion for power, generating 50 Ultimate.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *

    Undaunted [CP0J9]

    Crimson Font: Companion conjures a foundation of blood to sustain themselves and allies around it, healing for [17% weapon power] every 1 second for 16 seconds (289% weapon power total). Allies near the fountain can activate the Crimson Funnel synergy, healing for 50% of their Max Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 28 meters)
    Cooldown: 36 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Despite its long cooldown, it's a very powerful heal on demand within the 16 second duration.

    Savage Instinct: Companion ignites the fires of hate in an enemy's heart, dealing [50% weapon power] and taunting the enemy to attack them for 15 seconds. An ally targeting the enemy can activate the Savage Implosion synergy, causing the enemy to implode after 2 seconds dealing [50% weapon power] to them and other nearby enemies.
    Used when the enemy is not already taunted.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 36 sec
    Rating: * * *

    Skeletal Aegis: Companion surrounds themselves with a whirlwind of bones, granting a damage shield for 30% of their Max Health for 6 seconds. While the damage shield holds an ally near them can activate the Bone Aegis synergy, granting them a damage shield for 50% of their Max Health for 6 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 36 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Not nearly as long as Crimson Font, your window of opportunity is quick to expire if you don't use the synergy in time.

    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on November 10, 2023 9:15AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Blackwood Chapter - 2021

    < Bastian > [CP0K0]

    Imperial Skills
    Tough: Increases Max Health by 3% and damage done by 3%.

    Ardent Warrior [CP0K1]

    Crag Smash: Bastian Hallix hurls a chunk of rock at an enemy, dealing [100% of weapon power].
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Standard ranged ability, fast cast time, low cooldown.

    Fiery Flail: Bastian Hallix lashes an enemy with flame, dealing [100% weapon power] and setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard melee ability.

    Scorching Strike: Bastian Hallix slashes an enemy with flame, dealing [100% weapon power] and additional [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Overall it does [250% weapon power] at its full duration, I would suggest using no more than 50% Quickened to get the maximum benefit from this ability. The duration will end just as the cast time completes, refreshing as the last tick does damage.

    Draconic Armor [CP0K3]

    Drake's Blood: Bastian Hallix draws on their draconic blood, healing for 25% of their Max Health and reducing their damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds.
    Used when Bastian Hallix is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - This ability should always be in the first slot, there aren't many companion ability heals that only target themselves and this pairs an emergency heal with a mitigation effect.

    Crushing Claws: Bastian Hallix calls forth talons from the ground, dealing [50% weapon power] to enemies nearby and immobilizing them for 4 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 6 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Pairs well with weapon abilities such as Two-Hand's Sunder or Dual-Wield's Spinning Steel and Razor Cape. It also goes well with his Ultimate Unleashed Rage increasing the chance that enemies don't run away while he preps to cast.

    Blazing Grasp: Bastian Hallix launches a fiery chain to grasp and pull an enemy to them.
    Used when the enemy can be moved and is further than 10 meters away.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 10-22 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * *
    - This can be an annoying ability to slot, it can pull mobs that you're fighting away from you. It can be particularly irritating when paired with a ranged weapon like a fire staff or bow, he will pull the mob to him then immediately roll dodge right after. This is mainly to be used with melee weapons.
    - There are interesting uses for this ability such as pairing it with Staggering Swing from two-handed to pull mobs to him then immediately slam them away. If you use with a Quickened build, and the cooldown is fast enough, you can chain multiple mobs to him by commanding him to change targets after each pull.

    Radiating Heart [CP0K3]

    Kindle: Bastian Hallix launches a searing fireball at themselves or an ally to cauterize their wounds, healing for [100% weapon power].
    Used when Bastian Hallix or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard healing ability.

    Basalt Barrier: Bastian Hallix calls the earth to their defense, granting a damage shield for them and their nearby allies that absorbs [50% weapon power] for 6 seconds. While the damage shield holds, healing received is increased by 15%.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 28 meters)
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: *
    - At [50% weapon power] it doesn't last very long, at most 1-2 hits and the shield is consumed losing out on the secondary, healing benefit as well.

    Searing Weapons: Bastian Hallix charges they and their allies' weapons with volcanic power, increasing their damage done with light and heavy attacks by 15% for 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 28 meters)
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - This is a unique buff that is only available from Bastian and it stacks with other similar ability altering effects such as Empower. The best place for this ability is after all his defensives such as Drake's Blood and Kindle, so that it becomes the first thing he casts as combat starts giving you and your party a damage boost.

    Ultimate [CP0K4]

    Unleashed Rage: Bastian Hallix builds up rage, then unleashes it in a devastating explosion around them. The explosion deals [150% weapon power] to enemies and stuns them for 4 seconds, while also releasing four lines of fire in a cross formation that deal an additional [37.5% weapon power] to any enemy they hit.
    Cast: 2.0 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee (covers 10 meters)
    Rating: * *
    - This ability has a hidden condition that requires Bastian to be within melee range for 2 seconds with his attacking target before it will cast for another 2 seconds. This means it takes 4 seconds in total for it cast his ultimate making it the longest cast time for any companion ability. If the target moves out of range Bastian will cancel casting, but not consume the ultimate. Crushing Claws can help increase the chance of him casting this successfully against most targets.

    Builds [CP0K5]

    ~Brave Sir Knight~
    Weapon: One-Hand and Shield
    Abilities: Drake's Blood, Kindle, Provoke, Ritual of Salvation, On Guard
    Drake's Blood, Searing Weapons Provoke, Ritual of Salvation, On Guard
    Drake's Blood, Crimson Font, Provoke, Ritual of Salvation, Skeletal Aegis
    Drake's Blood, Kindle, Provoke, Ritual of Salvation, Blazing Grasp
    Traits: 7 Heavy. Vigorous, Bolstered, Quickened.
    Recommended: 7-11 Vigorous, 1-5 Quickened.
    A dead companion is a useless one, you want to put his two emergency heals up front so he prioritizes on healing himself when in danger. A few seconds of his target running loose while he heals up is better than him taunting again while he is in critical condition. Drake's Blood, Skeletal Aegis, and On Guard scale with max health.

    ~The Bard~
    Weapons: Two-Handed, Dual-Wield, Ice Staff
    Abilities: Crimson Font, Searing Weapons, Ritual of Salvation, Basalt Barrier, Skeletal Aegis
    Traits: Any Armor. Any Trait.
    Recommended: 7 Light, 12 Quickened.
    Basalt Barrier absorption shield (up to 8700) is dependent on Weapon Power, One-Hand and Shield will provide the lowest shield amount. If you feel that companions don't do a whole lot having them around, this build at the very least gives you a group utility reducing damage taken, buff your weaving, and giving you extra healing.

    Weapons: Two-Handed
    Abilities: Drake's Blood, Searing Weapons, Sunder, Scorching Strike, Fiery Flail
    Searing Weapons, Blazing Grasp, Scorching Strike, Fiery Flail, Staggering Swing
    Searing Weapons, Blazing Grasp, Staggering Swing, Sunder, Scorching Strike
    Sunder, Scorching Strike, Starfall, Crag Smash, Sniping Silver
    Traits: Medium. Aggressive, Shattering, Quickened.
    Recommended: 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive.
    The alternatives to this build lets him focus on harassing a single target pulling them in, smack them around, then shove off when he's done with them. If you want straight damage, add ranged abilities in the back, because of how conditions work if he is further away from his target the range abilities will always fire first regardless of where they are placed. Otherwise you want damage over time abilities to strike first to maximize his output.

    Weapons: Dual-Wield
    Abilities: Drake's Blood, Searing Weapons, Razor Cape, Spinning Steel, Crushing Claws
    Drake's Blood, Razor Cape, Spinning Steel, Crushing Claws, Haste
    Searing Weapons, Parallel, Spinning Steel, Crushing Claws, Haste
    Traits: Light or Medium. Aggressive, Shattering, Quickened, Focused, Prolific.
    Recommended: 2-7 Medium, 5 Light. 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive or 12 Quickened.
    Having Crushing Claws at the end helps Bastian use his ultimate Unleashed Rage as he requires the target he is attacking to be in melee range, a minimum of 2 seconds of precast time, then actually casts it for another 2 seconds. This way it's more likely for his target to be locked in place for the required 4 seconds and increases the odds of hitting multiple targets.

    < Mirri > [CP0L0]

    Dark Elf Skills
    Dynamic: Increases damage done by 3% and healing done by 3%.

    Deadly Assassin [CP0L1]

    Shadow Slash: Mirri Elendis slashes an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power] and setting them off balance for 7 seconds.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard melee ability.

    Warp Strike: Mirri Elendis flashes through the shadows and ambushes an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 7-22 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Gap Closers are few and make the best use when combining with AOE effects especially those with large paths. Combine Warp Strike with a Frost Staff using abilities Elemental Barricade or Arcane Nova increases the likeliness of hitting multiple targets within its range.

    Slayer's Blade: Mirri Elendis thrusts a Magic blade with lethal precision to finish off an enemy, dealing [300% weapon power].
    Used when enemy is below 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 5 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard execute ability.

    Living Shade [CP0L2]

    Ghostly Evasion: Mirri Elendis surrounds themselves in a phantasmic aura, dodging the next attack made against them while also reducing their damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds.
    Used when Mirri Elendis is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard mitigation ability, the dodge is hardly noticeable.

    Masque of Torment: Mirri Elendis terrifies nearby enemies, causing them to cower in fear for 4 seconds.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 6 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Pairs extremely well with Warp Strike, allowing her to close in on a pack of enemies and freeze multiple targets in place. it has no target limit.

    Twilight Mantle: Mirri Elendis shrouds themselves in refreshing shadows, healing for 25% of their Max Health and becoming invisible for 3 seconds.
    Used when Mirri Elendis is below 50% Health.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Double edged sword, while it heals her it also causes any of her attractors to go after someone else and takes her out of combat for 3 seconds.

    Soul Thief [CP0L3]

    Life Absorption: Mirri Elendis steals an enemy's life force, dealing [50% weapon power] and healing themselves or an ally around them for [100% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Works well in both a damage or healing build as the ability does both.

    Blood Transfusion: Mirri Elendis infuses an ally with blood, healing them for [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Cannot target herself. Same as Reverse Entropy with a lower cooldown.

    Life Siphon: Mirri Elendis siphons the vigor from the blood of enemies nearby, dealing [50% weapon power] and healing themselves and their allies for [50% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 8 meters, Melee
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Works well in melee builds be it for damage, healing, or tanking. It always heals herself and everyone else nearby.

    Ultimate [CP0L4]

    Impeccable Shot: Mirri Elendis marks an enemy and exposes their weakness, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3 seconds. While the enemy is exposed she builds up to a single killing shot, unleashing a massive bolt that deals [300% weapon power].
    Channel: 3.0 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Rating: * * * * *
    - The initial cast is applying a unique debuff to the target that increases the damage they take by 20%, this is the best time to unload on the target before the bolt fires. Augmented can increase the duration of this effect up to 3.9 seconds, it does not overlap with her bolt so she doesn't benefit from the increased duration on the secondary effect.

    Builds [CP0L5]

    ~Phantom Knight~
    Weapons: One-Hand and Shield, Dual-Wield
    Abilities: Twilight Mantle, Ghostly Evasion, Provoke, Ritual of Salvation, Life Siphon
    Dual-Wield: Twilight Mantle, Ghostly Evasion, Savage Instinct, Ritual of Salvation, Razor Cape
    Dual-Wield: Twilight Mantle, Razor Cape, Savage Instinct, Ritual of Salvation, Life Siphon
    Dual-Wield: Twilight Mantle, Razor Cape, Savage Instinct, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel
    Traits: Heavy. Quickened.
    Recommended: 12 Quickened.
    You can do the traditional Sword and Board tanking or alternatively you can Dual-Wield instead with a different approach. Dual-Wield tanking gives her more AOE options while still maintaining a good defense, this let's her attract more targets when dealing with multiple enemies but taunts are still only single target. Be wary, when her health drops below half she will disappear which then drops all that threat onto you before popping back up 3 seconds later. Life Siphon helps with this providing both AOE damage and always heals her.

    ~Shadow Bomber~
    Weapons: Dual-Wield, Frost Staff
    Abilities: Twilight Mantle, Warp Strike, Masque of Torment, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel
    Twilight Mantle, Warp Strike, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel, Haste
    Warp Strike, Masque of Torment, Razor Cape, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel
    Warp Strike, Masque of Torment, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel, Haste
    Frost Staff: Warp Strike, Masque of Torment, Elemental Barricade, Arcane Nova, Life Siphon
    Frost Staff: Warp Strike, Elemental Barricade, Arcane Nova, Life Siphon, Haste
    Traits: Light or Medium. Shattering, Aggressive, Quickened.
    Recommended: 2-7 Medium, 5 Light, 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive.
    Most useful against large pack of enemies. She drops in from the shadows, strikes fear in her enemies, bombards them with multiple AOE damaging effects, and disappears back into the shadows when things get dicey. Haste can turn 2-3 AOE attack waves into 4-6 consecutive AOE bursts perfect for multiple beefy enemies close together.

    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on November 10, 2023 9:15AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    High Isles Chapter - 2022

    < Ember > [CP0M0]

    Khajiit Skills
    Cunning: Increases Critical Chance by 3% and damage done by 3%.
    (requires additional 438 Critical Rating for Critical Chance to activate)

    Lightning Caller [CP0M1]

    Crystal Blast: Ember conjures dark crystals to bombard an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power].
    Cast: 0.8 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * *
    - This has the second longest cast time of any [100% weapon power] ranged ability, beaten out by Lethal Arrow with 1.0 second cast time, low cooldown. I would suggest using Starfall or Sniping Silver over this ability, but if you need filler then use it.
    - Fun Fact: Crystal Blast was a Crystal Shard morph replaced by Crystal Weapon, it used to do additional AOE damage and stunned the main target, this version does neither.

    Shocking Burst: Ember creates a nexus of storm energy at the target location, instantly dealing [50% weapon power] to all enemies in the area and an additional [56.15% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged (covers 4 meters)
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - A fairly decent ranged and AOE ability.

    Thunderous Strike: Ember calls down an explosion of lightning to finish off an enemy, dealing [300% weapon power] and an additional [100% weapon power] to other nearby enemies.
    Used when the enemy is below 25% Health.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Above average execute ability. Ranged and does secondary AOE damage.

    Mischievous Caster [CP0M2]

    Entomb: Ember uses binding magic to immobilize enemies in front of them for 4 seconds and heal themselves for [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 18 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an enemy walks in front of them within the max distance of 18 meters. Unlike most other companion immobilizing abilities this one covers a large range that also heals her.

    Hurricane Visage: Ember manifests themselves as pure lightning, zapping nearby enemies with electricity dealing [50% weapon power] over 8 seconds. While in this form their damage taken is reduced by 20%.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 5 meters)
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard damage mitigation ability.

    Trickster's Trap: Ember dazzles an enemy in a ball of magic, stunning them for 3 seconds.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: *
    - I prefer Entomb over this.

    Playful Schemer [CP0M3]

    Quick Fix: Ember patches themselves or an ally with restorative magic, healing for [100% weapon power].
    Used when Ember or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard healing ability.

    Shared Wards: Ember conjures wards made of energy for protection, granting a damage shield for them and their nearby allies that absorbs [50% weapon power] for 6 seconds. Targets affected by the shield are also healed for [50% weapon power] over 8 seconds
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - This always targets herself and you when solo, making it a reliable shield and healing ability. Unlike Basalt Barrier, the healing is independent of the Shield.

    Second Wind: Ember uses their backup resources, reducing the cooldown of all their other abilities by 5 seconds.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - A compact Haste, affects Haste, and Haste affects Second Wind. Rule of thumb if her frontal abilities have a cooldown 5 seconds or less, place Second Wind before Haste. If the cooldowns are over 5 seconds, then Haste before Second Wind.

    Ultimate [CP0M4]

    Raging Storm: Ember creates a thunderstorm that follows the target, striking all enemies within for [18.75% weapon power] every 1 second for 8 seconds. The final strike deals [75% weapon power] to enemies under 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged (covers 8 meters)
    Rating: * * *
    - The execute at the end only looks impressive saying "300% additional damage" in actuality it deals a quarter less than a normal ability. Nonetheless it is a very useful ultimate dealing AOE damage, if you can get it on a high health target it follows them around hitting multiple targets.

    Builds [CP0M5]

    ~Cat with the Silver Tongue~ - without Telvanni Efficiency
    Weapons: Two-Handed, Dual-Wield, Bow, Any Staff
    Abilities: Starfall, Crystal Blast, Sniping Silver, Haste, Second Wind
    Requirement: 2 Medium, 5 Light, 12 Quickened.
    This hits a total of 9 times over 8.1 seconds repeating every 15 seconds. Deals a total of 65,970 damage to Overland, Delve, and Public dungeon mobs. Deals a total of 51,291 damage to Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena mobs before any additional penetration.

    ~Where did all the Birds go?~ - with Telvanni Efficiency
    Weapons: Two-Handed, Dual-Wield, Bow, Any Staff
    Abilities: Starfall, Crystal Blast, Sniping Silver, Second Wind, Haste
    Traits: Light or Medium, Shattering, Aggressive, Focused.
    Recommended: 2 Medium, 5 Light, 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive.
    Warning: If you do not have Telvanni Efficiency set, this will not work.
    This hits a total of 12 times over 8.4 seconds and 2 auto attacks before repeating immediately after. Deals a total of 128,558 damage to Overland, Delve, and Public dungeon mobs. Deals a total of 105,160 damage to Group Dungeon, Trial, and Arena mobs before any additional penetration.

    < Isobel > [CP0N0]

    Breton Skills
    Enchanted: Decreases ability cooldowns by 3% and damage taken by 3%.

    Blazing Might [CP0N1]

    Penetrating Strikes: Isobel Veloise attacks three times with a magic spear, dealing [33% weapon power] to all enemies in front of them with each strike. After their assault, Isobel Veloise grants themselves and nearby allies a boon that increases the damage of their next Light or Heavy Attack by 50%.
    Channel: 1.0 second
    Range: 7 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - The actual Range type on this ability is versatile it can be both a Self, No Target and a Wave ability behaving in both ways to your disadvantage so it's possible, but rarely will cast and hit nothing in front of her. The bonus damage buff makes up for it.

    Sun Brand: Isobel Veloise hurls a blazing ball of fire at an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power] on impact and an additional [75% weapon power] over 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Standard ranged ability with bonus damage over time.

    Divine Destruction: Isobel Veloise unleashes a concentrated beam of divine energy at an enemy, dealing [375% weapon power] over 3 seconds.
    Used when the enemy is below 25% Health.
    Channel: 3.0 seconds
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - As far as executes go, this is fairly powerful dealing above the normal [300% weapon power] of other executes and with high Quickened the cooldown is fast enough to where its possible for her to chain cast this if you don't mind her being stun locked.

    Brilliant Shield [CP0N2]

    Solar Ward: Isobel Veloise summons the power of the sun to defend themselves from harm, reducing incoming damage by 20% and granting a damage shield that absorbs up to 12.5% of their Max Health for 6 seconds.
    Cast: 1.0 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Above average damage mitigation ability, low cooldown, bonus damage absorption shield.

    Gallant Blitz: Isobel Veloise charges toward their enemy with a vibrant spear that bursts in a flash of light, setting all enemies in the area Off Balance for 7 seconds.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 7-22 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Gap Closers are rare on top of that it is an AOE Off Balance ability, make the best use of Wave abilities like Spear of Light. Combine with Frost Staff Elemental Barricade or Arcane Nova.

    Spear of Light: Isobel Veloise hurls a barrage of spears made of radiant light at all targets in front of them, dealing [50% weapon power] and knocking them down for 4 seconds. This attack ignores the enemy's Resistances.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 15 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an enemy walks in front of them within the max distance of 15 meters. Combine this with a Gap Closer like Gallant Blitz or Bashing Bulwark to take advantage of the range.

    Healing Grace [CP0N3]

    Blessed Sacrament: Isobel Veloise sends out a burst of soothing light, healing themselves or a nearby ally for [50% weapon power], and an additional [18.75% weapon power] 2 seconds for 8 seconds as the light momentarily lingers.
    Used when Isobel Veloise or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.8 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Above average healing ability.

    Holy Ground: Isobel Veloise consecrates the ground under them for 8 seconds, healing themselves and nearby allies [25% weapon power] every 2 seconds and snaring enemies by 50%.
    Used when Isobel Veloise or a nearby ally is below 75% Health, or if an enemy is nearby.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 12 meters)
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - This ability has odd behaviors because of its Range parameters, when combined with Gap Closers like Gallant Blitz or Bashing Bulwark can cause it to cast first before charging or after upon reaching her target. In most cases though she will cast it when the target she is focused on attacking comes into melee range, it will not trigger from other enemies she isn't focused on. This can heal other companions.

    Beam of Reproach: Isobel Veloise bathes an enemy in a beam of sunlight, immediately dealing [50% weapon power] and healing allies nearby for [50% weapon power]. The residual light will then continue to heal allies near the enemy for [12.5% weapon power] every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.
    Cast: Instant
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - Talk about over bloated. Ranged, deals damage and AOE burst heal, AOE heal over time near the target. This can heal other companions.

    Ultimate [CP0N4]

    Baneslayer: Isobel Veloise channels their energy and conjures a weapon made of sunlight before striking downward, dealing [100% weapon power] to all enemies in front of them. Enemies damaged by Baneslayer have particles remaining on them for 10 seconds that detonate for [50% weapon power] when a player deals damage to them.
    Cast: 3.8 sec
    Range: 15 meters, Wave
    Rating: *
    - There is so much wrong with this ultimate that I wouldn't recommend slotting this ability. Console or with gamepad mode it can't be removed, only on keyboard/mouse can you remove it from her action bar. First it takes the longest cast time, I assume this is so you can gather multiple targets before it casts. Second it can be interrupted while "casting" if she is struck with a stun, knockback, leap/lunge attack which then consumes all the ultimate charge and cancels casting. Third it deals normal weapon damage in which case 3.8 seconds of standing around she could have hit enemies with multiple abilities in that same amount of time for more overall. Fourth if her target dies before she finishes, it will cast immediately striking other enemies (if any) in the wave range. Lastly she is basically stun locked for the duration of the cast unable to do anything else, if you have her built for healing or tanking then it is a massive detriment to herself.

    Builds [CP0N5]

    ~Princely Princess~
    Weapons: Two-Hand, Dual-Wield, Frost Staff
    Abilities: Blessed Sacrament, Gallant Blitz, Penetrating Strikes, Spears of Light, Sunder
    Dual-Wield: Blessed Sacrament, Gallant Blitz, Penetrating Strikes, Spears of Light, Spinning Steel
    Dual-Wield: Gallant Blitz, Penetrating Strikes, Spears of Light, Spinning Steel, Razor Cape
    Frost Staff: Blessed Sacrament, Gallant Blitz, Elemental Barricade, Penetrating Strikes, Spears of Light
    Frost Staff: Gallant Blitz, Elemental Barricade Penetrating Strikes, Spears of Light, Arcane Nova
    Traits: Medium. Quickened, Aggressive, Focused, Shattering
    Recommended: Medium, 12 Quickened.
    High burst damage with multiple AOE attacks.

    ~Arc Angel~ (Arc is Bow in French)
    Weapons: Bow
    Abilities: Sun Brand, Viper's Bite, Beam of Reproach, Sniping Silver, Holy Ground
    Traits: Light or Medium. Quickened, Focused, Aggressive.
    Recommended: Medium, 12 Quickened, no Telvanni Efficiency
    No higher than 34% Quickened to make full use of the damage over time effects.

    ~Blinding Beauty~
    Weapons: Two-Hand, Dual-Wield, One-Hand and Shield, Restoration Staff, Frost Staff
    Abilities: Blessed Sacrament, Sunder, Beam of Reproach, Sun Brand, Holy Ground
    Blessed Sacrament, Solar Ward, Beam of Reproach, Sun Brand, Holy Ground
    Blessed Sacrament, Solar Ward, Beam of Reproach, Reverse Entropy, Holy Ground
    Dual-Wield: Blessed Sacrament, Razor Cape, Beam of Reproach, Sun Brand, Holy Ground
    Frost Staff: Blessed Sacrament, Elemental Barricade, Beam of Reproach, Sun Brand, Holy Ground
    Traits: Light or Medium. Quickened, Soothing, Focused
    Recommended: Light. Any
    A hybrid healing and damage dealing build.

    ~Protective Paladin~
    Weapons: One-Hand and Shield
    Abilities: Blessed Sacrament, Solar Ward, Provoke, Beam of Reproach, Holy Ground
    Bulwark, Solar Ward, Provoke, Beam of Reproach, Holy Ground
    Traits: Heavy. Quickened, Vigorous, Bolstered
    Recommended: Heavy. 12 Quickened or Bolstered.
    Replace Blessed Sacrament with Bulwark if there are too many players around, if not she could become cast locked healing everyone around her instead of tanking.

    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on November 5, 2023 2:11AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Necrom Chapter - 2023

    Azandar [CP0O0]

    Redguard Skills
    Son of Kozanset: Increases Max Health by 3% and decreases ability cooldowns by 3%.

    Quill Knight [CP0O1]

    Scathing Rune: Azandar uses a runic technique to taunt their enemy to attack them, applying Minor Maim to them for 15 seconds, reducing their damage done by 5%.
    Used when the enemy is not already taunted.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 10 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Ranged taunt ability.

    Abor's Augmented Ward: Azandar draws on advanced research to gain a damage shield that absorbs 25% of their Max Health for 6 seconds. The first time they take direct damage after casting, the shield retaliates and deals [100% weapon power] to the attacker.
    Cast: 0.8 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Combines both a damage shield with a standard melee ability. If he is constantly taking melee damage, it's no different than slotting a melee damage ability. Cooldown is a bit on the high side which brings the rating down.

    Fear of the Unknown: Azandar confronts an enemy with the unknowable truth of reality, applying Fear to them for 4 seconds.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 15 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * *
    - Ranged CC, single target. I don't recommend slotting.

    Revitalizing Researcher [CP0O2]

    Triptych Physic: Azandar launches a trio of restorative runes at themselves or an ally, healing for [33% weapon power] three times.
    Used when Azandar or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard healing ability.

    Shields of Erudition: Azandar manifests spinning discs of pure knowledge to surround themselves and up to 2 allies, granting a damage shield that absorbs [100% weapon power] for 6 seconds.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - When solo it always targets the both of you ignoring other targets, when in duo party it always targets you and the other player.

    Zone of Recuperation: Azandar outlines a domain of eldritch power, healing them and their allies standing within for [16.67% weapon power] over 8 seconds and granting 150 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 8 meters)
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * * *
    - The healing affects your pets as well, I found it works well with the Unstable Clannfear keeping its health topped off as it holds aggro with Azandar using melee weapons to stay close by passively healing it every 2 seconds.
    - With multiple casts this ability stacks on itself overlapping the effects with some diminishing returns. Combining Telvanni Efficiency and 12 Quickened can get 2 to 3 stacks active at a time, adding Haste to cast right after can bring it up to 4 stacks for a brief period
    1 Stack: 1450 Healing, 150 Tri-recovery every 2 seconds.
    2 Stacks: 2900 Healing, 275 Tri-recovery every 2 seconds.
    3 Stacks: 4350 Healing, 375 Tri-recovery every 2 seconds.
    4 Stacks: 5800 Healing, 450 Tri-recovery every 2 seconds.

    Scholar of Apocrypha [CP0O3]

    The Triune Word: Azandar crafts a trio of runes before launching them at an enemy, dealing [33% weapon power] three times.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 22 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard ranged ability. Low cast time, low cooldown, range is shorter than normal.

    Tendrils of the Colorless Sea: Azandar infuses their arm with abyssal arcanum and thrusts forward, dealing [50% weapon power] to enemies and applying Minor Vulnerability to them for 6 seconds, increasing the damage they take by 5%.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 15 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - This is a Wave ability and only activates when an enemy walks in front of them within the max distance of 15 meters.

    Fate Omen's Inspiration: Azandar charges their weapons and their allies' weapons with apocryphal energy for 8 seconds, applying Minor Berserk, increasing their damage done by 5%.
    Cast: 0.3 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 28 meters)
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *

    Ultimate [CP0O4]

    Vigorous Tentacular Eruption: Azandar creates a gate to Apocrypha beneath an enemy. After 2 seconds, a swarm of hideous tentacles burst through the gate, dealing [150% weapon power] to enemies within the gate, knocking them up in the air and stunning them for 3 seconds. Enemies damaged by the tentacles receive Major Vulnerability for 4 seconds, increasing their damage taken by 10%.
    Cast: 2.0 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged (covers 8 meters}
    Rating: * * * *
    - While the range on this ability says 28 meters, its best not cast further than 20 meters. There seems to be a bug where if cast from too far away the ability has no effect meaning it will deal no damage, no knocking into the air, definitely no stun, and no Major Vulnerability applied, but it will still aggro the mobs hit by it. Targets immune to the stun or knock up may not get Major Vulnerability applied to them, but will still take damage from this ability.

    Builds [CP0O5]

    ~Green with Envy~ + Telvanni Efficiency
    Weapon: One-Hand and Shield
    Abilities: Triptych Physic, Scathing Rune, Zone of Recuperation, Ritual of Salvation, Shields of Erudition
    Triptych Physic, Scathing Rune, Zone of Recuperation, Fate Omen's Inspiration, Shields of Erudition
    Triptych Physic, Scathing Rune, Zone of Recuperation, Ritual of Salvation, Tendrils of the Colorless Sea
    Triptych Physic, Scathing Rune, Zone of Recuperation, Fate Omen's Inspiration, Tendrils of the Colorless Sea
    Bulwark, Scathing Rune, Zone of Recuperation, Ritual of Salvation, Shields of Erudition
    Traits: Heavy, Quickened, Vigorous, Bolstered
    Recommended: Heavy, 12 Quickened
    This is my current tank build with Azandar, it boasts a quick cast bonanza with multiple Zone of Recuperation and Ritual of Salvation, both of which having stacking effects with multiple casts. At this speed he can only cast 3 abilities before starting over his rotation thus I have an emergency heal and a taunt in front which are selectively cast while the other 3 abilities chain nonstop. You will have to manually cast his ultimate as he won't have any time in between to actually cast it with no downtime. If you're in a situation where there are other players around, you may want to swap out his Heal ability for Bulwark (Heavy Armor) or he may get locked up healing random people nonstop.

    ~Chain Smoter~ + Telvanni Efficiency
    Weapon: One-Hand and Shield, Ice Staff
    Abilities: Triptych Physic, Tendrils of the Colorless Sea, The Triune Word, Sniping Silver, Starfall
    Traits: Light or Medium. Quickened
    Recommended: Medium, 12 Quickened
    With this speed he will only cast 3 abilities and usually one or two abilities will be unused. Tendrils of the Colorless Sea will only cast when he is in melee range or close to it, otherwise he will start at Triune Word. This changes his cast order based on the distance.

    ~Tentacle Glove Slap~
    Weapon: Any
    Abilities: Zone of Recuperation, Tendrils of the Colorless Sea, Fate Omen's Inspiration, Parallel, Haste
    Traits: Light. Prolific
    Recommended: Light, 12 Prolific
    With his ultimate being such a bread winner, I decided to use a build that just makes him a complete buffer. You'll have 2 Zone of Recuperation stacks, Minor Vulnerability, Minor Berserk, and Major Vulnerability active all the time.

    < Sharp-as-Night > [CP0P0]

    Argonian Skills
    Survivalist: Increases Physical and Spell Resistance by 3% and healing done by 3%.
    (full epic heavy + shield, maximum armor: 23,896 / 1,104 short from cap)

    Beasts of the Hunt [CP0P1]

    Swoop: Sharp-as-Night commands a cliff racer to dive bomb an enemy, dealing [100% weapon power]. If they are more than 7 meters away from the target, they set them Off Balance for 7 seconds.
    Cast: 0.1 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard ranged ability. Fast cast time.

    Char: Sharp-as-Night unearths a group of fiery shalk that attack dealing [50% weapon power] to enemies in front of them. After the shalk complete their attack, they burrow underground for 3 seconds and resurface again, dealing [50% weapon power] to enemies in front of them.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Best used on a melee build.

    Infest: Sharp-as-Night provokes a cloud of fetcherflies to swarm an enemy, dealing [150% weapon power] over 8 seconds. The fetcherflies rip through the enemy's flesh, afflicting them with Minor Vulnerability for the duration, increasing their damage taken by 5%.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Slot this near the front.

    Verdant Growth [CP0P2]

    Fungal Forage: Sharp-as-Night musters a cluster of mushrooms, healing you and your allies for [100% weapon power]. Heals for 50% more on allies that are within 8 meters of Sharp-as-Night.
    Used when Sharp-as-Night or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 20 meters, Wave
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - This is a Wave ability and activates when an ally walks in front of them within the max distance of 20 meters or he is injured. This is a slightly better Wave ability that he will cast it when his own health is lowered, you still need to be in front of him to get the healing.

    Perennial Bloom: Sharp-as-Night summons a field of blooming flowers, healing you and nearby allies for [20.6% weapon power] every 2 seconds over 8 seconds.
    Used when Sharp-as-Night or an ally is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.4 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - AOE circle, healing ability.

    Petals of the Hunter: Sharp-as-Night calls on the essence of a carnivorous bloom, causing their Light Attacks to restore [42.92% weapon power] to themselves and 2 nearby allies for 8 seconds.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 28 meters)
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * *
    - Works best with Dual-Wield as he auto attacks twice or on a Prolific build. Is ineffective on Quickened builds when he doesn't get to auto attack very often.

    Winter's Bite [CP0P3]

    Sleetmail: Sharp-as-Night conjures Ice armor for themselves and up to 5 nearby allies. Sharp-as-Night reduces their damage taken by 20% for 6 seconds. Allies gain Major Resolve, increasing Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948 for 6 seconds.
    Cast: 0.2 sec
    Range: Self, No Target (covers 12 meters)
    Cooldown: 8 sec
    Rating: * * *
    - Standard mitigation ability. Ignore the armor value it says in the description, he provides the standard Major Resolve of 5948 armor at any level.

    Cold Snap: Sharp-as-Night encircles themselves with ice shards to skewer enemies in the area, immobilizing them for 3 seconds and dealing [5.65% Max Health] every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Damage done is based on Sharp-as-Night's Max Health.
    Cast: 0.6 sec
    Range: 6 meters, Melee (covers 10 meters)
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Rating: * *
    - Damage is not affected by equipped weapons or weapon power.
    - Damage is affected by +Damage modifiers such as equipping Medium Armor and Aggressive Trait.

    Snow Squall: Sharp-as-Night envelops themselves in winter winds, instantly healing for [29.1% Max Health] and an additional [7.275% Max Health] every 2 seconds over 8 seconds. This ability scales off their Max Health.
    Used when Sharp-as-Night is below 75% Health.
    Cast: 0.5 sec
    Range: Self, No Target
    Cooldown: 16 sec
    Rating: * * * *
    - Healing is not affected by equipped weapons or weapon power.
    - Healing is affected by +Healing modifiers such as equipping Light Armor and Soothing Trait.

    Ultimate [CP0P4]

    Gore: Sharp-as-Night provokes a spectral kagouti to charge and toss the enemy for [300% weapon power], stunning them for 3 seconds. This ability deals 150% more damage to enemies below 25% Health.
    Cast: 0.1 sec
    Range: 28 meters, Ranged
    Rating: * * * * *
    - Its normal damage is the same as that of an execute ability that can also deal bonus execute damage on its target. It has a long range and near instant cast time. This is the best ultimate of any companion, if you get this on a Prolific build and reach execute phase on a boss, you can have him dealing execute damage that has its own execute bonus.

    Builds [CP0P5]

    ~Lounge Lizard~
    Weapon: Dual-Wield
    Abilities: Fungal Forage, Perennial Bloom, Crimson Font, Reverse Entropy, Petals of the Hunter
    Traits: Light. Soothing, Quickened
    Recommended: Light, Soothing
    Unlike other heals which are often cast when off-cooldown, Sharp has a couple group heals that are condition based allowing him to keep them on reserve to use when needed. Fungal Forage will always target himself and whoever happens to get in front of him. Petals of the Hunter with Dual-Wield allows him to heal twice as often while attacking.

    ~Spiny Lizard~
    Weapon: Dual-Wield, Two-Hand
    Abilities: Snow Squall, Infest, Cold Snap, Spinning Steel, Razor Cape
    Two-Hand: Snow Squall, Infest, Cold Snap, Sunder, Sleetmail
    Traits: Light or Medium. Aggressive, Shattering, Quickened.
    Recommended: Medium, 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive.
    Cold Snap is great with any combo that uses AOE melee attacks, Dual-Wield has two such abilities allowing him to do damage over time and burst to immobilized enemies.

    ~Spitting Cobra~
    Weapon: Bow
    Abilities: Snow Squall, Infest, Viper's Bite, Sniping Silver, Swoop
    Infest, Viper's Bite, Sniping Silver, Swoop, Starfall
    Traits: Light or Medium. Aggressive, Shattering, Quickened.
    Recommended: Medium, 7 Shattering, 5 Aggressive.
    I don't normally use ranged weapons except Ice Staff because of the roll dodge mechanics with them, but he has a decent toolkit that supports a complete Single Target ranged build with two damage over time abilities. I don't recommend Piercing Arrow as it has the longest cast time and it doesn't do more damage than any other abilities in the same category, faster cooldown but nothing special.
    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on November 5, 2023 1:08AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    ??? Chapter - 2024
    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on June 18, 2023 4:58AM
  • DinoZavr
    Thank you very much, @phaneub17_ESO
    Very informative and very useful information :)
    PC EU
  • phaneub17_ESO
    ??? Chapter - 2025

    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on October 9, 2023 4:58AM
  • BHoth_
    Great thread, thanks.
  • Dimski
    Desperately awaiting the builds for the missing 3 companions.
  • Grizzbeorn
    Are you still working on the three companions for whom you have reserved space above?
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Deter1UK
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      Are you still working on the three companions for whom you have reserved space above?

      @phaneub17_ESO ;)
    • phaneub17_ESO
      Removing this one. I'll think of something later for this spot.
      Edited by phaneub17_ESO on December 6, 2023 3:19AM
    • phaneub17_ESO

      There's a few text cleaning up I need to go over, but most of the information is complete. U40 added some changes not listed in the patch notes, I'm going to wait until it launches on console before adding them in to confirm they are legit and not to confuse the console players with info not yet available to them.
    • M1SHAAN
      I'm disappointed that this guide won't be updated for the 2024 companions since @phaneub17_ESO was banned, this thread is an incredible resource for putting together companion builds and understanding their mechanics.

      I'd try to put something together myself but, well, let's just say there's a reason I rely so heavily on this guide :lol:
    • fedouva
      Lately, more and more often I notice that few people go with companions, I do not know what this is due to)
    • Pelanora
      What an extraordinary effort, this thread is. Well done OP
    • Dax_Draconis
      Anymore updated builds for the new companions?
    • wkrick
      Does anyone know phaneub17_ESO in-game or in real life?

      I'm curious if they're still doing this sort of companion analysis on a different forum or Discord somewhere.
    • Highlor3
      wkrick wrote: »
      Does anyone know phaneub17_ESO in-game or in real life?

      I'm curious if they're still doing this sort of companion analysis on a different forum or Discord somewhere.

      Found a post in Steam's ESO forum
      [PC-NA] CP 1810+ The Conquest of Tamriel & Taverna do Mestre
      The Scientia Consortium:
      • Rodbertus Quercus, Imperial, Dragonknight [EP]
      • Robert Bethencourt, Breton, Templar [DC]
      • Karlindah Telvanni, Dunmer, Sorcerer [AD]
      • Hejthuxis (former Raises-Her-Rear), Argonian, Nightblade [EP]
      • Limeril Bravewind, Altmer, Warden [AD]
      • Isilarelen, Dunmer, Dragonknight [EP]
      • Elindael, Bosmer, Warden [AD]
      • Hrodberaht Bright-Fame, "Nordguard", Warden [EP]
      • Ra'Kham, Khajiit, Nightblade [DC]
      • Brazilia gra-Bagol, Orsimer, Dragonknight [EP]
      • Nirrah al-Hegathe, Redguard, Necromancer [DC]
      • Theodora Quercus, Imperial, Templar [DC]
      • Cainneach the Pale, Reachman, Necromancer [AD]
      • Dughlas af-Fearley, Redguard, Sorcerer [DC]
      • Roze Cloturier, Breton, Arcanist [AD]
      • Vinnus Limia, Imperial, Templar [AD]
      • Ravhungorn Orangewood, Bosmer, Arcanist [EP]
      [PC-EU] CP 300+ Autumn Rose & Portucale
      • Adaltos Indoril, Dunmer, Templar [EP]
      • Geralt of Evermore, Breton, Dragonknight [DC]
      • Robert Cloturier-Baudiae, Breton, Arcanist [DC]
      • M'ahnurr the Elusive, Khajiit, Necromancer [AD]
      • Bruis al-Shornhelm, Breton, Nightblade [DC]
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