JamuThatsWho wrote: »I'm genuinely curious OP - do you have any prior experience with MMOs? They are quite different beasts compared to single-player games.
Take your time, get used to the mechanics, do some reading/watch some videos for beginner tips. You'll be one of us in no time 😉
LesserCircle wrote: »Okay, it's an MMO not Skyrim.
This, I entered ESO during beta and my first reaction was that it felt a lot like an elder scroll game, knew it would have restrictions of an mmo so you can not kill shopkeepers or have fun exploits.Oh man, new player experiences make for a fantastic read. Absolute innocence meets 8 years of spaghetti layer cake development.
I quit after a month the first time. Can't even remember what pulled me back, but I can't get free now.
All I can say is if you join some guilds of like-minded players you'll have a far better time of it. If you are determined to go it alone, Good luck!!
FLR_manden wrote: »
I also found my first Dwarven delve - yeeeessss - and all the old nervousness and alertness from the previous games came back to me - and it was ok. I encountered 4 or 5 Dwarven Spheres, but they are merely a shadow of their formers selves.
While the OP was entertaining - kudos for that- it's not entirely because ESO is an MMO.
If I wanted, I could write similarly silly observations about the single-player games. And plenty have been written, just not here. They're the quirks of computer RPGs in general, just with an ESO flavour.
As a hint of advice, though - stealth (or even, stealthy archer) is an archetype that doesn't really work in ESO, or only works in a very limited way. The Thieves Guild quests require stealth and are tailored to use it (mostly); the rest, definitely not. Abandoning the Skyrim mindset of sneaking around and backstabbing or sniping everything, is probably a good idea in the long run.
Ghanima_Atreides wrote: »This may be relevant, if you're interested in playing the story as it's meant to be played chronologically: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order/p1
FLR_manden wrote: »Thanks again to you all, it is really wonderful to read your comments and advices and i am surprised by the interest showing me in helping out. That is a big thing for me.
And I am slowly getting there. I have switced from FPP to TPP and gained a lot more maneuverability and overview, I have now only the focused quest in the compass bar and I have the Map Pins mod installed. Those 3 changes together with the graphics turned to Maximum, have given a completey different game experience.
And I have also had my encounters with the skull and bones bosses that totally wipes me out in 4 seconds. Also the blue halo Daedras are tough. I managed to kill 2 of them, only to get 2 more instantly respawned - I fought heroically :-)
And I like the puzzle element, both in solving quests but also the figure out how to get to a skyshard. That is a nice thing.
And as I am slowly learning the game mechanics, I can either practise weapons skill, if the looting is okay, by being in the same area or be a coward and wait for other players if the npc is a little overwhelming for my abillties. Sorry guys, I do try to help out.
Unfortunately it did not wotk out with the Xbox controller. The controller pairs with my mac fine, and all the buttons works fine, but in the game there is no response when pressing A, B, X, Y and the D-pad. I do like the controller feeling, but it gets a bit amputated with so much not working. I'll look for a mechanical mini keyboard.
Well, I am off to Deshaan, Mournhold, for some exciting news and skillpoint collecting quests.
You can play on PC with an Xbox controller. That's how I play. You need to set it up to controller mode in the game options. Once you do that it will play perfectly.
To the OP concern, ESO is probably the worst MMO for newcomers. It drops you into a world with very little direction, NPC's hollering at you in every town pulling you in every direction, and allows you to go anywhere in the world with no restrictions, which may be great if you are trying to do the latest DLC's or playing with friends, but is a nightmare for any solo newcomer who doesn't know what to do.
OTOH, this is what I would want from an Elder Scrolls game - a free world to explore freely. Not knowing what to do is a feature - just go somewhere. Even Skyrim, which is probably the one that holds your hands most, has a somewhat guided experience that leads you to Whiterun - but you're actually free to leave that path at any time.
Ghanima_Atreides wrote: »
ESO though? New players would be hard pressed to realize there WAS a main quest, let alone where to pick it up (not to mention, One Tamriel has completely spoiled the pacing for that no matter what you do). Then there are the alliance zones, the chapters, DLC...sure, you can technically do them in any order and the story will mostly make sense, but there's no denying that you get a much more streamlined, coherent experience if you do them in the order they were released. Otherwise, you get into the situation where you meet an NPC in a later DLC that you're assumed to have already met, then you play some older content and 9 times out of 10 they won't remember you, their personalities will feel different because they are earlier versions of themselves, etc. Or, certain events won't make sense after you've experienced the "sequel". For example, you may wonder why Lyris Titanborn is both in Western Skyrim and trapped in Coldharbour, or why certain NPCs talk about you lacking a soul when your soul is just fine etc.
redlink1979 wrote: »Your "mistake" is to come to ESO thinking this is a single player game like the other Elder Scrolls games.
This is an MMO.
Harold_Hedd wrote: »I began hunting for Sjkyshards and was immediately met with 3 zombies, then 10 feet later 2 wraiths, then 3 zombies, then 3 zombies, then 2 wraiths, then 3 zombies...... I mean it took me forever to get anywhere. Then I tried avoiding the roads, but that is not internded since it is pretty much non accessable mountains. So back to trhe roads and now it was scavengers and raiders on a continious line till I finally gave up, quitted the game, made a cup og coffee and is now releasing my frustrations here.
I will never accept a quest in this region, that's for sure.
On top of all that I am regularily being dropped from the server due to spamming. This has been happening since the last update on the EU server a week ago.
And it may be because of all the combat key pressing - slot 1, slot 2, slot 3, slot 5 then some left clicking then, slot 2, slot 3, slot 5 then more left clicking and so on, almost constantly when running into enemies on such short distance.