ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »As per google stadia faq they will be refunding game purchases, and won't refund stadia pro and in-game purchases and currencies, crowns in case of eso. (lucky me i have already free pro until it ends).
Some studios are working on account transfers just because their game saves are only on stadia or servers are locked only for stadia, or games are stadia exclusive.
ESO itself has no reasons to work for save games - account transfers, as saves are already server based and they are on ESO PC servers.
How purchases will be treated by ZOS i'm more curios, will it be enough getting only base game to unlock everything purchased on Stadia... As in my case i already own all chapter and some are CE edition, but to be sure i've got Full game CE on Blackwood sale through Stadia...
What will happen and will ESO PC appear again on cloud service is to early to know considering how Stadia shut down was announced.
I've heard of another publisher helping Stadia users transfer things to PC. Give Microsoft/ZOS time. Maybe they'll come up with a way to help people also. Then again maybe not. But if another big company is doing it and enough people ask for it maybe they'll feel some pressure to do something.
wolfie1.0. wrote: »If zos handles this right they will offer a 1x transfer to a platform of choice for Stadia accounts.
That is for single player game there the save in on the stadia server, ESO saves is on the ESO server.I've heard of another publisher helping Stadia users transfer things to PC. Give Microsoft/ZOS time. Maybe they'll come up with a way to help people also. Then again maybe not. But if another big company is doing it and enough people ask for it maybe they'll feel some pressure to do something.
For the rest of us that don't want to, or can't, we get nothing.
That's down to Google, they're the company that has withdrawn the service, not ZOS. I guess it rather depends on what Google meant when saying they would provide refunds.
I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but I just saw this on Twitter:
A message to our ESO Stadia players:
"Since the news of Stadia shutting down, Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Online Studios have been discussing next steps for our Elder Scrolls Online Stadia players and we appreciate your patience.
We are happy to share that our Stadia players will be able to transfer their ESO accounts to PC, bringing with them all of their progress, including but not limited to existing characters, purchased items, achievements, and inventory. Since Stadia players already play ESO on our PC servers, all of their friends and guilds will be waiting for them once they complete the transfer.
We will have more information on how to do this soon, so please stay tuned."
I think technically this isn't an account/server transfer since Stadia already uses the PC servers; the account data won't be going anywhere. But they'll be giving Stadia players a way to access their existing accounts using a PC.
I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but I just saw this on Twitter:
A message to our ESO Stadia players:
"Since the news of Stadia shutting down, Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Online Studios have been discussing next steps for our Elder Scrolls Online Stadia players and we appreciate your patience.
We are happy to share that our Stadia players will be able to transfer their ESO accounts to PC, bringing with them all of their progress, including but not limited to existing characters, purchased items, achievements, and inventory. Since Stadia players already play ESO on our PC servers, all of their friends and guilds will be waiting for them once they complete the transfer.
We will have more information on how to do this soon, so please stay tuned."
I think technically this isn't an account/server transfer since Stadia already uses the PC servers; the account data won't be going anywhere. But they'll be giving Stadia players a way to access their existing accounts using a PC.
ghost_bg_ESO wrote: »For me (someone who has decent pc) Stadia is convenience:
- it is "plug and play" - no login and password,
- no waiting - less than second login screens between zones,
- easy switch between multiple accounts,
- easy to have multiple accounts in-game at the same time,
- no need to "fire up" pc to get daily endeavors or tickets,
- even on the go,
- less options for drivers or hardware related bugs...