we joined premade 1 tank 1 heal 1 dd for random dungeon queue, and we didn't find a dd for several minutes, left it and rejoined random queue and again waited several minutes, until we found someone else from the guild as 4th player.
it can't be that there's not a dd in the queue for random dungeon. If instead we join 1 tank 2 dds, heal is found instantly. This is weird rdf behavior.
still happens, just now joined for pledge 1 tank 1 heal 1 dd, few minutes no dd in queue for pledge in prime time? unlikely
but the healer put on dd role so we joined 1 tank 2 dds for same pledge at same time and it popped instantly.
a confirmation if it's a bug or not would be nice, because it's still happening.
having a premade of 3, tank heal dd, join a pledge dungeon, doesn't find a dd for 5 minutes, and it's very unlikely that in prime time there's not one dd in the queue for an easy pledge quest.
if the next second i join solo as tank for the same dungeon, i get instant pop, and the group i get into isn't premade.