Slow down leveling

Leveling is way too fast with the 'new' start compared to the original one.. I have a Redguard character, which went straight to Stros M'Kai from Daggerfall, and after only a few quests on Stros M'Kai is already level 5 - I suppose he will be seriously overpowered by the time he gets to Behtnikh, and back to Daggerfall... Please consider slowing down the leveling, at least up to level 5. And consider going back to the original starting game (i.e. how it was in the first betas), with the starting isles as a leveling zone up to 5-6, and then going to the first main city.
  • Saerydoth
    They did compensate for this by slowing down levelling later on. Don't worry, it all balances out.
  • AngryNord
    I'd still like it to be slowed down, preferably combined with going back to the original introduction to the game (with the starter isles). As it is now it breaks up the story in an unnatural way, and makes you way overpowered for many of the earlier quests (and the rewards you receive similarly underpowered)
  • GreySix
    No thanks. I like leveling just the way it is.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Loveandpower
    AngryNord wrote: »
    I'd still like it to be slowed down, preferably combined with going back to the original introduction to the game (with the starter isles). As it is now it breaks up the story in an unnatural way, and makes you way overpowered for many of the earlier quests (and the rewards you receive similarly underpowered)

    That is most likely intentional. It's sort of like how on other MMO's you get more rewards at first then the better rewards come later but fewer.

  • AngryNord
    Problem is that most of the rewards you get end up being of limited use since they are often 3-4 levels or even more below yours.
  • AngryNord
    And of course you also end up being insanely over-leveled for many quests...
  • ArRashid
    That is meant to give you a boost to your skill lines and skill points, so you can actually do something. Don't worry, by level 12 you'll be doing lvl 13 quests with lvl 14 awards..
  • lioslinn
    argh. I hope this doesn`t mean they`re started dumbing down the game *already*. And the game`s not even officially out yet! The reason i like ESO is because it`s slower and harder! This happens in every single mmo, people whine about everything and poof the game devs cave in. Happens every time. Heaven forbid people take the time to explore and read instead of just grinding for the rat race. Next thing you know equipment will drop in price. I rather like that I could only afford one or two pieces of it, and I had to spend some time collecting more.
    reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _
  • AngryNord
    They started that during the betas, when Shoddycast started bitching about the starter islands
  • lioslinn
    have the starter islands been changed then? I won`t know for another 5 minutes ha
    reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _
  • Xionar
    You no longer start at the starter islands, the mobs on the starter islands have been raised, to compensate for the leveling speed changes, and by the time you get back to your main city you should go from maybe overleveled to, on level pretty quick...and underleveled if you encounter bugs along the way.
  • babylon
    Not enough quests to slow levelling down, unless you also mean nerf mob levels as well so what was L15 is now L10 for example, ya know, so the slowed down now L10 guy can actually kill them. Then they'd need to make max level L30, because quests. You really want that OP?
  • AngryNord
    I thought it was obvious that I was referring to the starter stuff.
  • babylon
    Not if you don't actually read the thread :3
  • Twistedmind
    GreySix wrote: »
    No thanks. I like leveling just the way it is.

    I agree with @GreySix here, haven't seen any problems of "fast leveling" in this game. It feel ok for me at least.
    Egypt and Antarctica kills off more investigators each year than cancer does.
    Old Call of Cthulhu fact.
  • lioslinn
    What?!?!? You don`t start in the... starting islands? But they were clearly designed to introduce the player to the game. What`s the point of skipping them?? It was clear they were designed thoughtfully with the new player in mind. They were original and interesting. Baaaaah. How discouraging.

    Please stop giving in to people whining..... why skip a part of the game?? This happened in Vanguard, they just removed the starting areas and the game lost all of its flavor and originality. It was an awesome way to hook new people. I guess people are just spoiled now with the tons of mmos out there so companies are willing to do anything, massacre their own hard work at the first sign of complaints.

    My heart`s sinking already. This happens in every mmo I think will be awesome. I don`t get it.
    Edited by lioslinn on April 1, 2014 11:17AM
    reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _
  • AngryNord
    Yup, exactly the same..
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Xionar wrote: »
    You no longer start at the starter islands, the mobs on the starter islands have been raised, to compensate for the leveling speed changes, and by the time you get back to your main city you should go from maybe overleveled to, on level pretty quick...and underleveled if you encounter bugs along the way.

    I went through the starter islands and levelled quickly but by the time I hit the Fighters Guild story line I was on level for it.

    Or given I'm not that great - under levelled. Overall once hitting Daggerfall the balance seemed reasonable. Carelessness and stupidity can get me killed and I need to pay attention to my equipment.

    What makes it seem less challenging sometimes is there being too many players doing them same thing.

    It is true though - the rewards haven't been balanced. Major quest lines giving reward gear 3-4 levels below you. I've not got any reward outside the starter island that's been of any interest.
  • achimb16_ESO3
    It was a really bad move to change everything last minute. I did the starting island and back on the mainland with level 7 the first quests in Vulkhel Guard are way too easy and somewhat boring due to this change.

    And meeting Razum-dar everywhere now feels strange - as if he's silently following you from the mainland to the island and back again later. Makes the story confusing for new players that don't know how it used to be, especially if they walk through Vulkhel Guard and meet him before going to the island.
  • Saerydoth
    lioslinn wrote: »
    What?!?!? You don`t start in the... starting islands? But they were clearly designed to introduce the player to the game. What`s the point of skipping them?? It was clear they were designed thoughtfully with the new player in mind. They were original and interesting. Baaaaah. How discouraging.

    Please stop giving in to people whining..... why skip a part of the game?? This happened in Vanguard, they just removed the starting areas and the game lost all of its flavor and originality. It was an awesome way to hook new people. I guess people are just spoiled now with the tons of mmos out there so companies are willing to do anything, massacre their own hard work at the first sign of complaints.

    My heart`s sinking already. This happens in every mmo I think will be awesome. I don`t get it.

    You don't skip a part of the game. When you leave the building you start in, there is a person there that basically says "We picked you up on the starter island and brought you here while you were unconscious. If you want you can stay here, but hey they need some help back on that starter island. If you want to go there, go see this person at the dock". You take literally 1 minute to run there, and you're at the starter island. So you don't skip it, unless you want to. They made it optional. This is actually a great change for alts. And for your first character, if you want to see the starter island, it literally only takes 1 minute longer than it used to.
  • AngryNord
    This could have been solved by having the first NPC you talk to on the starter island offer you to skip straight to the main city. In fact - this was actually possible already!
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