Since wardens tend to be tied to ice staff, why not switching all of their damage abilities to frost damage ? As it's requested for years now ?
Maybe for casual play, but in PVP, trials and dung there are very few using ice staves, at least on PC EU.
But this is not the point, I don't care if people enjoy using ice staves but to punish all others that prefer othe weapons is just a dumb move.
Why again this thing on wardens? Why do we have to use a specific weapon to benefit from a passive?
Why are you alway doing this annoying things to people playing wardens????
In battlegrounds ice staff is very popular on mag warden( pc eu) especially with ice wall permaroot.
I've even seen some stam wardens backbar ice staff lately.
This update won’t have any sweeping changes or themes; instead, the main focus is on bug fixing, as well as a few adjustments to targeted abilities, sets, and passives based on community feedback.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »Advanced Species – a Warden passive – will be adjusted away from Penetration and instead will grant increased Critical Damage, as we’re noticing Light Armor-focused Wardens are down considerably more than their Medium Armor-clad cousins. Piercing Cold will also be moving away from enhancing specific damage types, and will instead enhance overall damage that will further increase when using an Ice Staff; the passive is currently hurting many morph options that are meant to offer damage, as the class has a myriad of damage types that are not being affected by the passive.
We’ll also be dual sourcing buffs on abilities and item sets like Major Prophecy with Major Savagery, with the same thing applying to Brutality and Sorcery. In the long term, we plan on simply merging these bonuses so there are fewer names and effects you need to worry about, but there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that will result from that; as such, it may take quite some time before we’re able to do that.
Note that player passives and consumables that grant the Minor versions of these have not been adjusted at this time, in order to preserve class unique power contribution for coordinated groups.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »Greetings, everyone!
[*] Advanced Species – a Warden passive – will be adjusted away from Penetration and instead will grant increased Critical Damage, as we’re noticing Light Armor-focused Wardens are down considerably more than their Medium Armor-clad cousins. Piercing Cold will also be moving away from enhancing specific damage types, and will instead enhance overall damage that will further increase when using an Ice Staff; the passive is currently hurting many morph options that are meant to offer damage, as the class has a myriad of damage types that are not being affected by the passive.
I main warden both as PvE dd and in PvP and never used iced staff.
And I see very few wardens using ice staff except for the role players ones.
[snip] I was already miffed about the abhorrent animation changes to templar and flurry in the disastrous U35, but this just compounds it.ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »Advanced Species – a Warden passive – will be adjusted away from Penetration and instead will grant increased Critical Damage, as we’re noticing Light Armor-focused Wardens are down considerably more than their Medium Armor-clad cousins. Piercing Cold will also be moving away from enhancing specific damage types, and will instead enhance overall damage that will further increase when using an Ice Staff; the passive is currently hurting many morph options that are meant to offer damage, as the class has a myriad of damage types that are not being affected by the passive.
Klingenlied wrote: »
Thats interesting. The way critical damage values seem to be handled for calculating dps, we can say 4% crit damage equates 2% damage value what roughly equates 990 penetration. So a medium armor warden will gain 24% additional critical damage on top of medium armor bonus if we assume spreadsheet values - so will cap out in any raid environment.
Thus, the only smart way would be going for the 1%/2% treatment. The lost damage then needs be coming from piercing cold. 8%/16% for all weapons with a bonus of 3%/5% to ice staff.
That would work. I guess many Wardens will be "ok" with this. Then, I highly doubt we go this route.
If we instead go the "spreadsheet value balancing" in a way Warden would benefit regardless of mag / stam, it should be this way:
Advanced Species. Increases critical damage and critical rate by 1% / 2%.
Piercing Cold. Increases damage dealt by 5%/10%. When using a frost staff, this bonus is increased by 3%/5%
In theory, the optimal solution. If someone things the value for frost staff damage is "low" - in all honesty, as much as I love the Idea of frost warden, I am an advocate for balance and choice in builds. With this bonus alone, Frost would be the "hybrid" staff to use for magden to boost ae / single target damage just 5% less then their respective counterparts while still retaining it's defensive value. That alone is insane - and might already be too much actually for PvP. But if this value would proof to high, one can always bring it down.
The reason why I'd go with a mixture of crit damage / crit chance is very simple here: Capping out will be so much less of a problem! Mag wants more crit damage, stam wants more crit rate. Actually however, going full crit rate would, for the warden class a as a whole, be more beneficial than going full crit damage. The reason, once again, is very simple. While we could easily cap 100% crit rate, gearing choices do allow us to move to lower crit rate in favor of more damage. The crit damage cap on the other hand is too low, thus no matter what you do when you go for medium armor, you get capped easily.
But be that as it will - in the end, there is a lot of choice in regards to class tweaks for Warden. I don't need Warden to be "overpowered". But I not only want Warden to be fun again, I want to be needed in more roles then just heal or tank.
I would like to suggest that all 5 meter range melee abilities receive a 2 meter range buff. Balance wise this does not change anything, but in terms of the quality of combat, this is a massive boon for anyone using these abilities. Since the server based location desync is likely something that is here to stay, this change seems logical as one that would improve the combat experience for many players.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »Greetings, everyone!
This time around, we are keeping things short and sweet since we’re continuing to evaluate many of the adjustments made to the game over the past few updates.