I never bothered with fishing until we had to do it for an event. I didn't realise how easy it was (boring, but easy!). This endeavour might encourage players to try fishing more.
Forcing a rapport drop then gaining it back seems a pretty simple endeavour - on par with the mundus one.
A weekly endeavour to catch 20 or perhaps even 30 rare fish would be good.
Ishtarknows wrote: »God, no cards or companions dailies please. Finally finished the achievements so I shouldn't have to see them again.
Fishing make a nice change though, or doing things that are more specific, like pickpocketing certain types of people/races, buying certain things from certain people.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
- Play 2 games of Tales of Tribute
- Catch 5 Fish
- Travel 1km through water
- Feed on 3 people (For Vampires)
- Spend 5 minutes while transformed as a Werewolf (For Werewolves)
- Take a Silt Strider to each port in Vvardenfell
- Fall for a total distance of 1km
- Destroy a Dark Anchor/Harrowstorm/Geyser/Volcanic Vent
- Pickpocket a Guard 2 times
- Mudball a Guard 4 times
- Collect 2,000 gold from slain enemies
- Defeat 5 hostile enemies without a weapon equipped
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
- Take a Silt Strider to each port in Vvardenfell
Memory_In_Motion wrote: »I think to be fair to folks who primarily pvp there should be 3 pve and 3 pvp daily quests for endeavors.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
I would change this to ‘Play a game of Tales of Tribute’, without requiring a win.
FeedbackOnly wrote: »
Pickpocket nobles , or guards