spartaxoxo wrote: »
This one just wants people to enjoy New Life for many moons. 🐱If that one does not wear a bathing towel, this one cannot be held accountable for any sights or lost wares.😸💰
I thought cats don't like to swim?
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Five claw is very astute and most sleek. Why doesn't this one watch your valuables while that one goes for a nice swim?
spartaxoxo wrote: »-Win a game of Tales of Tribute
spartaxoxo wrote: »-Gain 1 rapport with a companion
I thought cats don't like to swim?
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »I would change this to ‘Play a game of Tales of Tribute’, without requiring a win.
I feel like this would screw over anyone who already maxed out rapport on all available Companions, but I admit I haven’t gotten there yet. Is it possible to increase it after reaching the max?
AcadianPaladin wrote: »You cannot increase rapport on a maxed character. But it is very easy to drop their rapport one, then almost immediately raise it. For example drop a fishing line with Ember around (-1), then take her into an outlaw refuge (+1).
I'd like to see an endeavor to catch 3 fish.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It needs to require a win so people don't just queue up a match and then instantly concede, since some may choose to do it through activity finder. I think that including npc matches should be sufficient to keep it easy enough to clear, since the novice npcs are designed to be beaten reasonably even by beginner players.
-Punch a guard with your fists and run away
Isn't that already covered by the existing one for escaping the guards? I prefer pickpocketing the guards because there's always a chance I'll get something cool first, but committing a crime that involves them is a very easy way to set up for escaping.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I had some ideas for new Endeavors to add some variety
-Win a game of Tales of Tribute
-Buy a drink from an Inn
-Complete a Zone Daily
-Gain 1 rapport with a companion
-Complete a scouting quest in Cyrodiil
-Swim 5 meter with no armor equipped
AcadianPaladin wrote: »You cannot increase rapport on a maxed character. But it is very easy to drop their rapport one, then almost immediately raise it. For example drop a fishing line with Ember around (-1), then take her into an outlaw refuge (+1).
spartaxoxo wrote: »I had some ideas for new Endeavors to add some variety
-Win a game of Tales of Tribute
-Buy a drink from an Inn
-Complete a Zone Daily
-Gain 1 rapport with a companion
-Complete a scouting quest in Cyrodiil
-Swim 5 meter with no armor equipped
I never bothered with fishing until we had to do it for an event. I didn't realise how easy it was (boring, but easy!). This endeavour might encourage players to try fishing more.
Forcing a rapport drop then gaining it back seems a pretty simple endeavour - on par with the mundus one.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: ». Max rapport
spartaxoxo wrote: »I had some ideas for new Endeavors to add some variety
-Win a game of Tales of Tribute
-Buy a drink from an Inn
-Complete a Zone Daily
-Gain 1 rapport with a companion
-Complete a scouting quest in Cyrodiil
-Swim 5 meter with no armor equipped
Cyndërielle wrote: »
I really like the Inn idea! Absorbing 1 (or maybe 3?) skyshard would be nice too
Doesn't that already happen with the endeavour for participating in a duel? I often see people asking for duels and agreeing beforehand who will attack and who will stand still so they can both finish it as quickly as possible.
Maybe it could require something like completing a game, with conceding not counting as completion. So you still have to go through the whole thing but if you lose you still get credit.