What is the worst 5 piece bonus? Winning suggestion gets 250k! (submissions close 9-3-2022 at 3pm)

  • Dr_Con
    Kite42 wrote: »
    Nothing in the OP precludes sets which have since been changed, so I'm going with a golden oldie:


    i am, however, going to step in and say that this goes against the spirit of the contest. we are here to discuss current set bonuses, not past ones, so that they may be featured in a separate topic. that being the case, and since it's close to deadline, your entry will be changed to

    Edited by Dr_Con on September 3, 2022 6:53PM
  • Crom_CCCXVI
    So many of these sets at one time had a use case.

    But as the game has become nerfed into mediocrity now 90% of sets are absolutely useless or so ordinary you won't even know you are wearing it til you look
  • Dr_Con
    while submissions are now closed, people are free to chat about the suggestions made in this topic or the voting topic:


    remember, your vote matters! if you feel that one of the honorable mentions should win, please cast your vote in the comments.
  • UnassumingNoob
    Xarc wrote: »

    I mean, there's so many ways to have this bonus, for what reason would you CRAFT this set in full 5 pieces ?

    So I have my daily grind build Setup for PVE. You know running around, clearing overland stuff, harvesting. You are 100% right that it’s super easy to get major expedition but…for ease of use and laziness it’s pretty nice. I backbar this set, body Heartland Conqueror and Frontbar Perfected Masters 2H(Training)Mara shoulder and a one piece monster. All Training and swift jewelry. I’m basically running at max speed when I’m on my backbar without having too click a skill every 4 seconds. When I’m fighting someone I don’t need the speed and titanic is great for annoying overland. Max XP, Max Speed…good times.

    So yes not a great set for anything serious but Utility and laziness it’s great!
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