Why?! Is it so difficult to understand an AoE taunt skill?!!redlink1979 wrote: »We have ranged and melee taunts, we have gear sets that can gather mobs around the tank.
Why would we need that? You should explain your point of view.
Why?! Is it so difficult to understand an AoE taunt skill?!!
Gear set, we make it mandate to wear...which isn't cool, because you sacrifice a build just for that gear slot.
Dark Knight skill ( FFXIV )
AoE taunt
Tormentor set is a ball of fun on my templar. Love that set, it's great for tanking pugs and random normals.
It would be nice to have it as a skill option - just having it gives the tank the agency to use it or not, and those tanks that don't want to use it don't have to.
Tanks don't need an AoE taunt in this game. Combat wasn't designed with that in mind and it would make fights even more static.
Doesnt tormentor only taunt the initial target? It doesnt taunt aoe
Other MMOs don't require any skill to taunt because they're based on an aggro system of dealing a certain amount of damage along with aggro generating traits, auras, or abilities. ESO doesn't need an AoE taunt because aggro is direct and is always applied on use. Not having an AoE taunt also means there's an element of skill in prioritising what you want taunted first (i.e. the big bad thing that can one-shot DDs, the two-hander who can uppercut, etc.).Why?! Is it so difficult to understand an AoE taunt skill?!!
It taunts anything damaged by the direct damage from abilities such as Stampede (which is AoE damage itself), as @Soarora also said. Demonstratable by going into Fungal Grotto 1 with two-hander Stampede:
Doesnt tormentor only taunt the initial target? It doesnt taunt aoe
Correct so tormentor does nothing for aoe taunting as previously tested in the past. other than saving you the initial taunt.
It should be noted that you do need to build for this. It goes without saying that by using Tormentor, you'll be losing the benefit of some other five piece set, whether that's a group buff set or a more defensive set.
I didn't want to post my thoughts based on a tooltip, as I've collected parts of the set but never tested it, but it turns out my unedited comment was right as per @Troodon80's screenshot