I'm having a number of issues with getting into the game. When I boot up the Launcher, the Play button appears in blue but when I click it, it grays out for a while and then re-appears as blue and nothing else happens.
I then tried booting up the eso.exe file under compatibility mode > recommended settings and this successfully launches the game. However, when I click "I Agree" on the terms of agreement I get a crash message with the following:
==================================================================== eso encountered a fatal error. (Error 13) Description: Client Fatal Error ====================================================================
[reporter] version = 0.01
[extra] ProductName = eso Version = eso.live. branch = live client.executablebits = 32
client.mode = startup
client.renderertype = D3D9
client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-03-30T16:26:48.398Z client.time_since_load = 0
client.timestamp = 2014-03-30T16:27:24.485Z -frme 2730-
client.uptime = 36.2
computer.name = [redacted]
computer.user = [redacted]
cpu.arch = 0
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 586
data.depotid = 2100
data.dir =
/Program Files (X86)/The Elder Scrolls Online/depot/
data.syncm = databuild data.version = 0.win.0.live.956792 exe.buildnum = 956792 exe.opt = release exe.reltype = public exe.type = client fe.code = 13 fe.descrip = Client Fatal Error
gfx.description = [redacted]
gfx.deviceid = [redacted] gfx.driver = aticfx32.dll gfx.vendorid = 4098 mem.current = 252 mem.peak = 252 mem.physical = 4095 os.osbits = 64 os.platform = windows os.version = 5.1.2600.Service Pack 2 ptime = 0 reportfield.ver = 3 version.major = 1 version.patch = 0 version.subpatch = 0
Things I have tried:
i)Direct X is updated
ii)"repair" in the launcher
iii)renaming ProgramData to "ProgramDataBackup" in the Launcher folder
iv)running as administrator
v)Creating the UserSettings.txt file in My Document>The Elder Scrolls Online (Which wasn't there until I managed to boot it up using the compatibility mode for eso.exe"
Any ideas?