This is the first time in 8 years that I no longer feel like the core ordinance for the eso, I am beyond disappointed in the devs who have decided to push these changes that are about go to live.
I cannot fathom with the level of feedback from the user base, both pve and pvp even top tier content creators you got and yet you choose not to listen and still do your own thing.
The game is more unbalanced then when you started making changes some parts of its core combat I dont even recognize, insted of rolling them back despite the push back from the user base you doubled down and made even weirder and more unbalanced choices to patch the thing you set out to fix.
We are left with strange heavy attack builds and medium weaving, timers that dont make sense for rotations, dots that hit like a wet noodle, weapon sets that are out performed by backbarring 5 part sets, class skills that dont make sense timer wise or are so weak that generic spammables from weapon lines make more sense, not to mention the fix for the fix to just lower all hp after lowering the dps essentially putting everything back where it started.
Its not like there is not good nuggets in there but it feels like I have to look for them in a dungpile. Jabs having a 0.8 timer was great it hitting like a noddle and losing a tick tho makes it hard to enjoy that. Carve getting adjusted to 32 secs also a very good QoL feature some very nice and beautiful dungeons that are btw still bug ridden//unbalanced??? You see it's hard to give positive feedback cause its surrounded by things that makes no sense.
You have left serveral things undone like the last minor buffs for spell / weapon crit and spell / weapon power and potions just to name a few. It also baffles me that the taunt bug in Rockgroove's Bahsei fight is has yet to be fixed and then you let stuff like this precedence, stuff no one btw actually asked for.
I will take a break for a patch and hope you have returned to your senses and started listening to the players by update 36.