Agree. Devs should stop making these changes that no one asked for.
Why change the timing of Shalk?
Why change Dark Cloak to scale off missing health?
Why change Molten Whip to use both stamina and magicka?
Why change Crystal Weapon?
Why change Jabs?
Why change the timing of Shalk?
Because having a 3 second timing is too cumbersome and hard to rotate and execute. Specially for players that are more casual, older, younger, less able. ESO's combat is simply too fast, and it's the #1 reason why players bounce off and quit the game. Slowing it down will help with that.Why change Dark Cloak to scale off missing health?
To make it more unique, and encourage its use as a reactive skill that leans into the identity of nightblade as a "evasive" class. Make it a strong heal that you cast when you need it, instead of a weaker heal you cast preemptively.Why change Molten Whip to use both stamina and magicka?
Because having to pick between the two effects of whip is a genuinely interesting choice. Both morphs have unique and useful effects. Reducing it to "use this is you're mag" and "use this if you're stam" would take away from that interesting choice.
Also, the identity of a Melee MagDK is one of a brawler that gets in the front, disables enemies, and bursts them with whip. The identity of StamDK is stacking DoTs, evading and dodging, and remaining at a distance. Whip does not fit that, and letting stam builds slot whip would make DK too homogenous.Why change Crystal Weapon?
It was dealing too much damage. Simple as that.
I do think the nerf went a bit too hard, but the ability definitely needed a 10-30% damage reduction.Why change Jabs?
Jabs has a different timing from nearly all other spammables in the game. That can make it uncomfortable to switch to other classes, and back again. It's also a very noisy skill, in both audio and graphics. It generates many bursts of bright light, and a ton of numbers on your screen. And those particles and numbers have not matched the timing of the skill for years now.
Changing it to a standard-length ability makes weaving easier (which increases damage for most players). Making it strike 3 times makes it clearer in the heat of battle, you can more easily tell when you are missing or hitting the target.
As for burning light, that passive was overtuned already. If you had asked me pre PTS, I would have told you it needed a 50% damage reduction. Instead it got a ~67% reduction (plus a buff in the sense that it now procs from other skills)
These changes are not nonsensical. They only seem that way if you are unable or unwilling to look at things from an outside perspective. To a player that has been playing templar for 8 years, what I mentioned might seem like non-issues. But it's not because templar is "fine" or jabs "looks good already". It doesn't. You're just so used to it.
All of the U35 changes are about the bigger picture.
Why change the timing of Shalk?
Because having a 3 second timing is too cumbersome and hard to rotate and execute. Specially for players that are more casual, older, younger, less able. ESO's combat is simply too fast, and it's the #1 reason why players bounce off and quit the game. Slowing it down will help with that.
Don't get me wrong: "spreadsheet balancing," which I take to mean balancing comparable skills and so that they all have the same impact, may well be bad for the game; but if that was all this patch contained, it would still be far, far, better that what we have now.
An example: Let's imagine that the devs decide that every healing skill should return 10k healing for a 3k cast, so that a single target burst heal does 10k healing, and a 10 second single target heal over time now does 1k healing per second. That would be "spreadsheet balancing," and it would surely be a mess. But at least there would be a consistency and logic to it and, when implemented, it would by definition lead to everyone being impacted in the same way. It would still rightly be a controversial patch, but it would nonetheless be a clear vision.
The problem with this patch is everything else. Why change the timing of Shalk? Why change Dark Cloak to scale off missing health? Why change Molten Whip to use both stamina and magicka? Why change Crystal Weapon? Why change Jabs? And so on. All of these changes seem to have nothing to do with a clear vision for the game: they're changes to core skills that, as many have noted, nobody asked for.
This patch bundles a comprehensive and radical reworking of damage over time with a flurry of changes to core skills that bear no relation to each other. Either component on its own would be controversial to say the least. But combined, they're overwhelming, a slurry of changes.
This, on it's own, is why the patch should be withheld in its current form: to pull these things apart, and deal with each separately. Let there be a "spreadsheet balancing" patch which can address the underlying vision for the game as a whole. And if there really must be such re-imagining of core skills, let that be a separate patch, so that it can be dealt with on its own terms.
The move towards a medium / heavy attack meta in this week's update is not just the result of min-maxers min-maxing: it's the result of a fatigued and frustrated player base clinging to any rock in the storm.
GloatingSwine wrote: »It won't. Because it won't slow the pace of combat down, the pace of combat is and will remain 120APM. One melee attack, one skill.
Rotations are not hard when skill recasts are short, rotations are hard when skill recasts are unsynchronised. Skill recasts in ESO are often unsynchronised because their durations are all over the place with no common factor that makes them line up into a nice memorable rotation.
A 3 second cooldown would be fine if everything else you did was a multiple of 3, for instance.
(That's not to say I don't think there shouldn't be a lower APM mode of combat available, eg. a group of skills that gains bonuses if used consecutively with no attack and then cashes that bonus in on a fully charged heavy, so they form a 1-2-3-heavy rhythm, which gives a new thing to learn and optimise into a rotation of DoTs and buffs but doesn't require high APM).
As with so much else in U35, what they want to achieve and what the changes will actually do have very little to do with each other.
VaranisArano wrote: »It's been rather interesting to watch this standards-driven Combat Team who repeatedly explains that they needed to change skills to bring them up or down to standard abruptly change the Empower buff without also standardizing all the skills and sets that grant it to account for the change and its removal from PVP.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I for one don't mind a little imbalance for the sake of class identity and power fantasy. I mean sure, perfect balance is the impossible goal, and getting as close to it as possible would be great, but getting boring for the sake of balance is unfun.
Class imbalance can be overcome by player skill (and internet connection and PC specs for that matter), but there's no cure to having a boring game.
Having said that though, I agree that the "changes for the sake of change" you mentioned in you post are pretty pointless since it does nothing for balance AND class identity.