Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.1.0 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

A response from a beta player that came, saw and fell in love with the vast features of ESO.!

First of all its important that this is taken as a constructive post, i am sure there must be reasons why all this came to be changes so drastically and also i am sure that ZoS team must have put a lot of time into these changes. You do simply not want to break a game on purpose this great in one patch and that's a fact.!

If i go back to 2013 when beta was rolled out i met a game that was challenging but also rewarding, I met a game where there were so many ways i could spec my character and i never before and never since saw a MMO where i could be so close to do as i saw fit with my character this made me enjoy and stay in ESO all this time. And yes i did not feel like a Dragonborn and nor should i for in this time in the scrolls lore was no Dragonborn present but i still felt like a hero of Tamriel. This time it was just all of Tamriel that needed my help.!

I remember that when you walked up to a WB you needed a band of warriors with you to defeat this boss, now i can solo a WB and in base zone even as a low lvl.!
Entering craglorn in its early days this was a place where your death lured around every corner.!

Of course my knowledge of the game makes me able to do content easier than a new hero of Tamriel and it should be like this, this is the challenge which makes us want to try and conquer the game and this feeling should also be felt for a new player, in detail it rewards our brain when we get a challenge this is psychological knowledge this should be kept this was though i must admit that as game is right now it is awesome feeling to feel like a Champion of the divines sent to Tamriel to defeat all evil that lures in the darkness but where is the MMO part of this? Everyone should feel that its alright to ask in /zone chat if a fellow hero can come to aid this battle because in ESO this is actually what you normally will get, this community is so awesome compared to what i have seen in other MMO's when you ask a question atleast 1 maybe 3 ppl will answer you and i think this come down to #awesomeplayers but also comes down to the MEGASERVERS that we love and hate for always having someone around you but also someone will be running past you to get the chest or material node that you just found :smiley:
Im trying to point out here that you ZoS as developer should let the game be challenging i will Quote a hint from PvP recap screen that comes when you die "have you even tried" and the list goes on of funny hints that in short tells you to try to better yourself instead of blaming the game or the opponent..

So when i see ppl right now yelling about a problem with nerf of damage im like well once DD's only had 16k health, the tank had to wear Ebon Armor so DD's didnt got oneshot but as it is now a DD is a power house only focusing everything into pure dmg and the tank delivers 10% MOAR DAMAGE with only a bash proccing Major Vulnerability while also nerfing the beep out of the bosses resistances.. Have anyone asked the trash and bosses how they feel about things as it is right now in live?

But all these changes was a lot to take in i had to brace myself not outbursting because i knew as said before here why would a company want to destroy something that is good, so i jumped right into PTS when it dropped and there was so many changes that i still only have tested some but thats where its good that we have such a great community we lift together the task of testing the new stuff, and big shout out to content creators on the different social media, it seems to me they didnt get to sleep alot the past weeks :p

The raise in timers on all skills seemed like a interesting change but i also saw the flaws in this because stuff moves a lot in ESO let it be overland, dungeons not to mention PvP nothing stands still for 20 seconds in this game but the the thing that made me wonder was why tick every 2 second and it occured to me that making dmg and heals tick every 2 sec could help the server make less calculations, imagine how many calculations the server have to do with the different sets we have and a vast amount of modifiers.
One thing that always make me laugh when ppl say PvP is laggy and i cant cast skills, and says the game is bugged and ZoS fix it while they are wearing Plaguebreak and Dark Convergence well you try and make the calculation when you drop DC and PB in a group of 30 players acounting for resistances, mitigation, debuff, heals and the lsit goes on... then tell me how long it took you to do it ;)

The Change in Light attack was weird to me because it is something very special to ESO, i remember when i came into ESO LA and HA everything to the ground then sudently i learned that you could actually fire skills in between LA or should we say the cooldown on a skill cast is 1 sec but i could LA then fire a skill and so on this "hard to master but rewarding to comprehend" is one of the special things in ESO that makes us stay so removing this because some either havent been told how to do or cant do is a wrong way to lower the DPS because as many said before me it will lower it for everyone.. My son does LA but his DPS is 13k hes 8yo so he should be proud but now his dmg is lowered even more because he forgets to fire skills sometimes when it gets sweatty so he only gets to do LA's :p
So instead i will ask what makes us do this high DPS right now? Well if you search google for ESO builds right now you will on every class be met with Relequen and Kinras no matter if you are magicka or stamina toon, i will mention that both sets are medium and Relequen have been the strongest set since Cloudrest ("why is that?") but both sets needs you to do what many new players dont even know how to do because no one learned them.! the celling DPS is there because you can if you train yourself run a back bar arena weapon and use kinra on front bar get full uptime of Major Berserk 10% MOAR DAMAGE, while you do that you also keeps stacks going on Relequen which hit like a truck but you have to sweat to keep these stack up atleast for Kinras..

Here is my questions and possible solutions @ZOS_Gilliam

Why the nerf to LA/HA dmg output to help the lower get better in the first palce when LA/HA might have been a "skill" that would raise their DPS? Why not just raise the LA stack counters so instead of 5 sec maybe make it 6secs or more on sets so that the lower DPS players could actually keep up the stacks on lets say Kinra to get that extra 10% dmg, this would NOT raise the top DPS'ers because they already manage this.! The LA/HA nerf was only on weapon dmg not on percentage modifiers so actually inferno staff was close to DW which was cool but it also buffed LA/HA which Kinra also would do as it is a % modifier..
And should we maybe just let new players learn that this is not like other MMO's where you just mash keyboard buttons to win? Could you make small gifs that showed players how to use LA weave as one of the numerous tutorials that is already there to help newcomers to our beloved game :)
I saw what you did and i am amazed to see that you actually listened to your community because nerfing such an essential thing to this game would have ruined what is special..
If the nerf was also intended to let the content actually do its mechanic before it was destroyed then why not raise the health on bosses from the start or even raise the resistances? the resistance is debuffed to the ground with maj/min breach tremor and crimson then the tank can let it take even 10% more dmg with Maj Vul which lets the full team run full medium and mythics like Mora whispers or kilt, as a DD we dont even need to think about pen anymore!? and the healer can now use blessing of restoration with everyone running Oaken Soul so now no DD will every die because they will have more resistance than the actual content they fight?
I think all the sets are cool and yes i use every single one of them jsut like everyone else but why nerf us when you gave this to us in the first time, why not buff content?

1. I see the interesting thing in the raise on skill timers, spammable skills are the most powerful skills in the game so by letting us do more of them and not care about reapplying dots and buffs will make it easier for us all but this is also one of the rewarding for the brain micro challenges that you ZoS gave us with the game i know its super annoying to go to back bar and reapply when its right now i need to do all my hard hitting skill but such is life i could have reapplied my back bar before execute maybe but this i would learn for next time and that way i got better in this game over the years but i can still get better and that is why i am still here because the game is challenging.! I though do not understand why the ticks was changed with it so that they now tick every 2 sec because no one told me why? Is it to take of strain from the servers because if it was this and we were told this from the start i think many players would think different about it because we all know that servers are having a hard time and i dont blame them tbh ;)
2. Lets say that all these timers was for lessen the stress on the servers, could it have been done in another way which would benefit both sides? What if the timer on lets say leveling horse would be changed to follow the timers on crafting so that it was renewed every day the same would be for every other thing that follows a activate reset timer, imagine how many ppl are playing and how many timers are ticking for no reason if they could jsut follow one simple ingame timer that ticked every day with crafting reset or maybe even let everything follow the daily rewards reset (also the craftings) i didnt create the game so i dont know the pressure this puts on the server but check it out and see if you ZoS could imporve the game this way and also let ppl log in when they have time to level horse or whatever they wish to do that had a daily timer on :)

My beta toon is Sorc i luv it but i also saw that the dmg from Crystal Weapon was strong and together with Bound Armaments this made it lethal against what ever would stand in its way, i will say though that i really like what you did with the opposite version of crystal fragments and i think more skills across the board should get these changes as some skills is never used because opposite morph is just better.! i know it is a major objective to change all this but i believe you can do as i know you ZoS always come up with some crazy ideas like PTS 35 which will change the name of the game "joking a bit here" back to subject.. To me it seem like Crystal Weapon as it is right now when you tweaked it a little back to original and even gave it a lower cost made it usable again, now you can recast between every LA to get more dmg just like some do with Maelstrom 2H to reapply the dot.. But you changed the Bound Armaments LA dmg increase was a bit sad though i believe i know why, the skill gave a % dmg multiplier which would buff LA when they had the flat dmg, could you give this skill something instead as it is a very viable skill to have as a Stam Sorc because of passives, maybe a weapon dmg buff per stack like DK have on seething fury?
I havent had time to get to try out pet Sorc on PTS as it is not my fav build but the thing i saw with Daedric Prey being less viable than Haunting Curse deleted the feel of class specific skill synergy that should be a part of every class..!

Again here you changed a lot of skill back to where they should be which just shows me that you listen to your community.! I like the thing with beetles getting up on different durations for PvP this makes it more challenging to fight as and against a Warden..
I belive again that the passive Advanced Species was changed because it would buff the flat LA dmg and would have made Warden to strong on LA but this you changed so why not give it back either a W/S dmg, crit chance or the old % modifier? I will ask you to rethink the penetration passive PvP wise they will melt through resistances together with sets like balorgh and if you think PvE wise as mentioned before the tank already debuff the resistances to the ground so this passive is not useable in group content and exactly this passive was what amde the warden viable and also feel like it was strong with its class skills..

Uhm wut.!! I love my NB and it is super strong if you play it right but wut happened with always crit with Surprise Attack when flanking? :o The class already have a skill that let them crit from Cloak why give them even more? If you ask me it is the most broken change that was made as NB was already performing great PvE and PvP wise.!
Surprise Attack is already a super strong spam skill and together with this change it got even better Execute which already was super strong if used right?
NB as is right now get crit damage, crit chance and penetration from passives now also stronger execute and promised crit on spammable this is way to overpowered that one class can pull all this without group buffs.!
I never tanked with a NB but i also read and heard from fellow warriors that this will change the way you tank with a NB i think this should also be reworked as this is again one of the class specific skill that might get lost because of changes :(
Imagine PvP with a promise crit and then just pure penetration which you already have a lot of from passives NB was ganker and you just made it even more gangky no need to nerf any thing in PvP because if you roll this change it will just be pure NB ball groups rolling you down from the flank :p So rethink this one i would say jsut take it of its not needed, i did a parse only spamming SA and pushed it close to 80k DPS on trial dummy (kinra, rele, kilt , craw) which is just weird that you can play a class doing this much DPS hitting 1 skill

This is my main progression class atm and i like it, the feeling of being a godsent to purge the evil with light is amazing.! I know the jabs can be hard to weave so i will be honest and say that many might be able to do this easier now so not much to say on this, with the change i am able to fill more jabs into a purifying light which is perfect though it was easier with 20 sec unstable wall i will manage and find a way to fit this in to my build ;)
BUT THE ANIMATION D: i will start to say that i know someone have used their time to animate this and that takes time but with that said who told them to use a motif from game? it looks so weird and why of all choose that staff motif instead of some other? it makes me wonder though if you have a new animation coming when going live as this would make sense that you put in a quick fix and instead make a really nice animation to roll out when live hit but atleast tell us if this is true so we know we should not be annoyed by it ;)
There is a problem with the animation because you take something from the Tamriels world and put this as the object the templar hold as it is not any longer a unseen spear like object sent from the gods, why not put the old spear that looked like Spear shards spear and then keep the changed duration, the biggest problem was the duration and not the animation the last jump on old animation was a focal point for LA time but the channel time was so long so the brain lost track of time, because most skills is 1 sec GCD now you changed the duration and that should be fine for most, being able to do more of these and fill the Purifying/ power light will still make it strong even if you dont LA everytime ;)
Other than the animation i think templar got a lot of love this patch tbh, again healer wise i think its sad that you change the tick to 2 secs...

Dragon Knight
Not much to say, i think the change to Molten Whip is interesting and it should be tested through but i see the problem in mag DK's having low stam because the skill now use both resources.! StamDK's already could use the whip if they wanted, and why not change the other whip like you did on Sorc with Crystal Weapon? Flame Lash is not so viable in PvE and for PvP the skill lag makes that whip hard to proc on off balance using your own skills. 1vX its durable but nothing more than that.. Give stamDK a poisonous whip or something cool instead ;)
for "sticky" dots i say yea its cool but hard to stop dps with those as you can not apply them other place like ground aoes but maybe leader will learn in time to call out stop applying "stickyes" to stop dmg when its time only time will show :)
The worst thing that was done to DK was the previous nerf of combustion, from 0.5 to 3 is a big gap and skills are still costly on DK so 1.5 -2 secs would make it still viable wihtout giving it to much ;)

I have simply not played Necro enough to tell the big differences on it but i talked with some ppl both high dps'ers and low dps'ers and the thing is the nerf on their DoT passive was actually something that worked for the low dps'ers to give tehm a little more dmg so i see this as a nerf to low dps'ers and newcomers which wasnt the idea you brought these changes up.. Again rethink this lsiten to the community and see what can be changed to fix this without nerfing to much in the low end :)

I run a DK (The Old Nord) and a newly made Sorc (Princess Katja) tank atm and i like them both.. The Old Nord approves the change to Ice HA cast time as this minor difference will let him do a bit of HA to get mag back when needed without getting wreaked from a HA from the boss though he is weary about the ticks on heals as this could mean life or death for him when facing the big bosses away from his fellow warriors..

1. The changes to charged made precise viable on DW and in the same time made other weapons viable so not everyone uses DW anymore i made a test with Inferno vs DW on a magDK and the difference was minor like a few 100dps if this will be the same later i dont know yet but time will show.. i think it was cool that i can now choose what ever weapon i want to make close to the same DPS.! Though the changes on charged will maybe make a difference for DK tanks on sword LA but again time will show.
2. The new animation on Rapid strike is in my opinion way more awesome and this might make me use this skill more, i know the change was made due to again some ppl had problems with LA with this skill but again if you use it every day for 6 moths you get good just like with every other thing in your life right?
3. The animation looks berserker like and thats cool, the sound needs to be changed to something more awesome if anything should be changed there else thumbs up on this ;)
Cast times on weapons changes is fine, i see why DW should not hit as hard as 2h but the thing that i now could HA with resto dosnt feel right, this should be more of a healing like ability than a damage ability, you could change this so its hit is lower but the heal while channel gets a buff ;)

I know im out with all this a bit later than most but i gave it a chance to see what happened and over the past weeks stuff changed to the better but there is still more to do, i came back to the game 8 months ago as i havent had time to play but when i came back and saw that we were so powerful now compared to before i was a bit like okay i can get a kick from being Dragonborn like for some time but it was getting a bit to easy when you can get Yolna to fly of without doing the base mechanics so i believe that this is a big part of why changes came to what they are right now..

And to all ESO players lets see this as a challenge don't give up, Tamriel still needs us to slay all evil and defend Nirn from the Daedric threat.!!!

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