I was kinda thinking that the days of “accidentally forgetting” that women are part of the online gaming community and might like to see some representation, should be at an end.
Personally, I see it lore-wise not representation-wise, there's plenty of representation in ESO. I think the spread of different striking people from lore from different cultures was well-picked, though I really did think Delmene was a woman. Since he did not exist beforehand like the others did, I would not be mad if he was changed to be female. I would genuinely be interested to see how many people consider this a big deal though... I don't and I'm a woman, but I can't speak for everyone.
VaranisArano wrote: »Loremaster Celarus is...I can only assume that ZOS did not name it after the Psijic woman who should be representing her order only because she's a spoiler for the Summerset Chapter:SpoilerRitemaster Valsirenn
I'm guessing Celarus is seen as a particularly notable Psijic because he is mentioned as the group's leader in texts found in earlier games (indicating that he takes over at some point after the events of ESO). So if they were going for long-established lore, they probably picked him out as having more cachet than character(s) who only appear in ESO.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Yeah...it IS just a tiny bit awkward when there's like three named Psijic women of rank and the other two eventually get expelled from the Order. I suspect that's a prime example of older lore not giving us any named Psijic women since as far as I know, since having Ulliceta be a Psijic before appearing as a necromancer in Oblivion is something that ESO made up.
But this is kind of still going to prove my point. I'm sure the ToT Devs wanted recognizable characters for the in-universe players and ESO players to recognize as important figures in their factions.
It's just that in choosing the factions they did, there's a limited selection. And every single time, out of eight different factions and themes, that figure was a man.
That's indicative of a deeper problem than just "the Devs accidentally picked all guys." That's indicative of a older game series' lore that was written largely by guys for guys and has a dearth of recognizable, famous women at the head of their faction.
And before anyone rolls in with counterexamples, of which there are a number throughout the games and some in the historical lore to pick from like Alessia or Almalexia, I'm just going to note that none of those counterexamples were picked for the launch of Tales of Tribute.
A final note for anyone going, "Why is this a problem?"
If you can't see a problem with the idea that the Devs went looking for recognizable characters from older lore (except for the one they made up for the game) to serve as patrons for their game and came up with eight men and zero women for the launch decks, I'm not really sure what I can say. I certainly can't make you agree with me.
I don't think this was malicious from the Devs. I think it's a systemic problem with the older TES lore that has a dearth of named women in leadership roles. As ESO continues to create new historical lore about the areas they explore, that's something they should keep in mind.
And you can't fix a problem if it's being swept under a rug.
SilverBride wrote: »It's kind of hard to tell with a Crow.
Potema would make an interesting patron. Absolutely ruthless.
VaranisArano wrote: »Rajhin is a thief god and the only Khajiit in amongst several humans and elves so it'd be a shame to lose him, but he's hardly the only thief out there. Nocturnal comes to mind. The Thieves Guildmaster could have been a good choice, represented by Zeira in ESO.
I was kinda thinking that the days of “accidentally forgetting” that women are part of the online gaming community and might like to see some representation, should be at an end.
FluffyBird wrote: »I'm just a tad tired that whenever there's a group of characters, people first of all rush to check whether they [snip].
I'm a female. I couldn't care less about representation. I'm annoyed by quotas and agendas.
And I find it mildly offensive and hypocritical, when people ask for female representation that way. With "pick her over him because she's a woman" instead of "this (coincidentally female) character would make a great patron because they are cool and interesting is some way and their faction would add this and that to the game".
This is good:
This is reducing Nocturnal and Zeira to [snip]
Personofsecrets wrote: »
How do you know that all of the Patrons are men?
VaranisArano wrote: »
My sarcasm detector is on back order, sorry.
They are all explicitly identified as male in their lore, appearances, and/or use of gendered title.
Personofsecrets wrote: »
Share some of that lore.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Feel free to peruse the UESP at your leisure. The patron articles also link to their lore pages: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Tales_of_Tribute
Nocturnal and Zeira don't have that "trickster" aspect.VaranisArano wrote: »Rajhin was one example here the Devs had options within a broader theme of thievery. I like Rajhin, but he is distinct from choices like Red Eagle or Orgnum in that there were options for women that weren't used and thus I think it's worth pointing that out.
Coming at this from the perspective of the singleplayer games, I think of Nocturnal as the patron of Thieves from Oblivion and Skyrim. I think it's cool that we've got a Khajiit God instead, but it also clear to me that ZOS chose not to use Nocturnal here for whatever reason seemed good to them. Maybe they want to avoid daedra - only the devs know.
And I like Zeira. Sue me. I figured that a Thieves Guildmaster deck would just be a mysterious female figure in guild armor because in ESO the guildmaster is female right now.
I'll give the Devs a fair shake here. The Khajiit are known for their stance on thievery, for good and ill, and Rajhin is a fun character. It's just that in this lineup, his inclusion helps illustrate some of the choice the Devs and Lore people didn't make.
Potema is a good example, because author of the comment came up with a reason why she is actually interesting. For that purpose it's irrelevant whether she actually could be a patron.VaranisArano wrote: »Finally, Potema isn't an option because she's from the 3rd Era. She's a Septim.
Can you think of some more notable women from the 1st and 2nd era that you'd like as a patron in this 2nd Era game?
Personofsecrets wrote: »
Why don't you show us all where Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu is explicitly stated to be a man?
Also, what titles make these characters be men?
VaranisArano wrote: »Finally, Potema isn't an option because she's from the 3rd Era. She's a Septim.
Can you think of some more notable women from the 1st and 2nd era that you'd like as a patron in this 2nd Era game?
VaranisArano wrote: »
This is the last time I'm going to give you easily Google-able information. If you care enough to find the answers to your questions instead of merely wasting my time by not looking at the sources I've directed you to, you have what you need to do so.
Now, I hope you have yourself a great day!