I do not like the empowered change but I think to do what they want to do and make it more accessible, along with going with the idea of "play the way you want," Empower goes back to the way it is on live but now it scales. 20% for a light attack, scales up to 40% for a fully heavy attack, with medium weaving being in the middle. That way, takes a bit of the pressure off "got to learn to weave", opens the door to which every way is good for the player, and leans more into you having a good rotation. Empowered still does what it does on live, in terms of skills, but opens the door for different playstyle/waves. Yea, medium weaving would be better than light, but if you cant master it, but can master one of the other two, then that would work. Again, less pressure and open the doors to different playstyles and builds.