So this is probably not a great time to bring this up, buuutttt.... when are we getting more morph options? I've been patiently waiting since beta.
Honestly, it was the peak hype of the game for me back in beta. I can still remember my first morph, it was strife, I morphed it to funnel to help heal my friends (believe it or not funnel health was good a long time ago).
I was like "wow skills that evolve as they are leveled this is so great, I can't wait to see what I can morph it into next" that was 8+ years ago. I mean it's not like I'm asking for spell crafting (another long-forgotten ZOS promise). It's just that I'm sooo tired of grinding for gear to get my theory crafting fix. I get it, grinding gear is how you get your log ins but would it be so bad for the combat team to make some bold changes instead of the constant homogenization we see every patch? I wouldn't care if newer morphs were something we had to earn either (like through achievements or loads of experience).
I know the pts notes are probably not the place for this but they should be. I should be reading exciting changes like these in the notes that keep me excited about the game and not pages of disappointment. (also I'm too lazy and passionate to copy pasta this into another thread).
side notes:
1. why is having a power gap between new and veteran players such a bad thing? the power fantasy should be your bread and butter not something to crush.
2. If I wanted to play any more mini-games I'd download them onto my phone. it's like instead of getting exciting combat evolutions we keep getting candy crush and magic knock-offs instead.
3. I was replaying last year's content because I was taking a break from the game and I gotta say I love fagrave, when will that house be available again?
4. If you read all that, thank you for your time