I understand the need to dial down current contents to justify what patch ZoS wanted to push out... however I do not understand why they are going to pull resources to dial down current existing contents to match the new numbers where they could focus on fixing and bringing out new classes. Hall of Fabrication bosses still disappear upon pulls, Olm in Asylum Sanctorium will sometimes disappear and reappear during fight as if nothing happens whilst the minis already spawn, synergy pads in Cloudrest still buggy and Griffins disappear. Don't get me started on long instances, the frame rates are hellish. I love this game unique mechanics of animation cancelling. It's thrilling and exciting. I want new generations of raiders to experience the same thrill I did where we prog for achievement and on a fight with full vitality 36/36 going into final boss execute, every cast matters, every ticks of damage was closer to the group goals and every second count. Instead... you guys wanted to ... I do not understand and I am just simply disappointed in the decision-making. People I know and me had been hopeful for a new class since Markath with the spirit NPC, along with High Isle with the thaumavocalist, really hopeful about getting a new class. Honestly, trust has been broken and yes this is a rant I suppose but please consider these ideas at least. I... *sigh*