So I'm a dumb, slow-learning StamSorc DD who's trying to prog regular vet Cloudrest+0 doing portals on Z'Maja. Our tanks and healers know what they're doing but none of the DDs have cleared the trial before. I saw the post about how a team of Cloudrest veterans struggled when Vigour was no longer enough to stay alive in the portals. They "adapted" but I don't know how?
I'm already struggling so bad on those portals now in U34. I feel like we have maybe a 50% chance of clearing the portal, which means, there is a drastically lower chance of clearing enough portals in a row to clear the trial. If shards land too far from orbs, we have to run too far, we take too much damage and we die en route. If we break all crystals so we know the shortest route is, we take too much damage from all the orbs being uncovered and we die. If we break only one crystal at a time we take too long and wipe the group, or the explosion happens when we are en route to a shard and we have sacrifice ourselves to deliver the orb because at least it's better to die to the explosion afterwards than just dying on the balcony to orb damage. To try to improve my survivability I now have the Twilight Matriarch as well as Vigour but we still die if we make the slightest mistake, like two of us going for the same shard for a sec and then having to turn toward another one.
And in U35 Vigour isn't enough even for the pros. What am I supposed to do in August in order not to let the team down every single time?
I'm scratching my head trying to find an alternative to Vigour as a DD heal over time. Most classes have a burst heal but I can't use those while sprinting. Most DD HoTs rely on doing damage (like Crit Surge or DK Embers) which won't work. What do I slot now? Will I maybe have to choose Resolving Vigour instead? I can but that will of course reduce my' ability to support the other portal runners while they carry orbs. And I already have Major Resolve from Hurricane so the new Major Resolve on Resolving Vigour feels wasted.
Also, DPS is a factor because the longer we take, we get more and more tired and we make more mistakes. Now, from PTS testing I'm gonna lose about 20% of my damage on the dummy, and that's with a non-moving target where I can use all DoT time to use spammables. To get some DPS back I have to learn a new rotation, which in my case is a really slow process. And less DPS probably means we get even more portals? Our chances of ever clearing will fall drastically. If the devs have simply decreed that slow learners like myself just shall not pass vet DLC content, what's the point anymore? It sucks to let my team down but I guess they'll just have to replace me, come August?
I already canceled ESO+ but I've bought most of the content from the Crown Store, and I invested so much time and money in this game from before, I'd really like to get as much out of it as I can. But normal mode content just isn't cutting it anymore. I realize the devs think vet content is just supposed to be too hard for a dimwit like me but perhaps there are some experienced portal DDs who'd be willing to offer ideas, especially if you've tried vCR on the PTS.