BlackArgonian wrote: »I agree with you there, LA weave has always been a clunky, ugly looking thing. I remember during the first year nightblades had a haste skill for 30% attack speed, and we also had the weighted trait for LA speed. It was amazing seeing your characters arms teleporting from beginning to end of LA, while you use two fingers to smash your left click as fast as possible.
This game has the most floaty feeling basic attack of any elder scrolls game. Its like popping popcorn.
LeonAkando wrote: »Your idea is not new, it's basically just "fix the bug that defines the game".
I agree with you though, LA is effectively free damage with no trade-off.
Here's an idea I thought of a while back, and I can get crucified for it.
Heavy Attacks generate resources right, so how about light attacks.. spend resources.
You would gain a 13th and 14th skill slot, and you would put your spammable as a replacement for a basic light attack. The slot would only accept spammable abilities and it would only replace the basic light attack.
Thus spammables such as Whip, Jabs, Crystal Weapon, Veiled Strike, Flurry, Force Pulse, Heroic Strike, etc would instead be alternatives for light attacks.
Now this would require some work arounds and shifting to make it work, but it would make for an interesting change and solve the LA issue.
I proposed this a while back, basically replace your light attack with a 6th skill slot that acts as a spammable.
colossalvoids wrote: »What could go wrong rewriting whole game because... Reasons.
hyperbole much?
making LA cost resouces, or do dmg at end of animation isnt gonna require touching and risk breaking zones, quests, encounters, abd 99.9% of other things this game consists of..
Their comment was clearly addressing changes to the basic attack tying it to a GCD. That is a significant change to combat in the game. Yes, it would be a significant rewrite to it.
You don't code, do you?
even tying it to a gcd isn't gonna touch or break 99.99% of the game...
First, weaving LAs is part of what is called animation canceling or AC. In keeping things simple, there is hierarchy of actions we have in ESO with basic attacks being at the bottom, skills are next, and blocking has the highest priority. This is the design Zenimax created from the start to deal with our need to quickly react to incoming damage, which is more of a necessity than slower-placed games such as FF14.
As such the coding is not that simple and we know this for a fact because Zenimax has looked into this shortly after the game launched as AC was not an intended part of the design. In the end, they chose to keep it and make it officially a legitimate part of the game. This is something that is brought up in many threads concerning AC.
In other words, if it was as simple as you suggest and not create a lot of work it would have been eliminated long ago.
BTW, that information about AC and Zenimax's comments is brought up by many players in thread discussion animation canceling. It is widely known and goes beyond comments that I want this or I do not like that.
Hope this helps.
before you said it was about gcd... now it is about animation canceling?
make up your mind..
fixing animation canceling bug would be more involved indeed. still wouldnt touch 99.9% of the code the game consists of.
so the "rewriting whole game" comment I replied to is still hyperbole...
adding a gcd where skills simply wont fire for x ms after an LA on the other hand. much simpler..
as are the propsals from this thread..
The problem with LA is it's too expensive to live there and big cities aren't a great place to raise a family.
There is no real problem with light attacks or light attack weaving, the problem is the fact that there is no tutorial in-game that teaches newer players how to weave effectively and why doing so is important for your gameplay. It was a bug in the beta, but the playerbase loved how dynamic it made combat feel. Without it, combat will feel 50% less dynamic over 20% of your damage. Sure, some players don't like it, but it's an important part of the game that the majority of the playerbase loves.
I don't think it needs a nerf or a change, in fact the current change just results in 1. going back to the old system from a few years ago that ZoS changed to go in a new direction, since it used to have a flat value of damage but they made it scale to try and raise the floor of the game... Huh, weird that they're changing it back now huh? And 2. it just makes the power gap bigger because now, in order to do good damage you not only need to LA weave, but you also need a maelstrom staff and you need to keep up wall of elements to deal good LA damage.
angelofdeath333 wrote: »What if you practiced instead of complaining? Is it really THAT hard to hit light attack->ability? Spend an hour by the dummy and just spam LA->One skill and you get in eventually...
aurelius_fx wrote: »
literally no one is arguing that it's difficult, it's just an ugly gimmicky mechanic that makes the game unnecessarily more complicated from people coming from literally any other game
pressing m1 every 1 second isn't what makes ESO a combat intense game, that's like adding a breathing button to a FPS shooter to make it 'more intense' because you need to memorize a metronome