Resonable solution: it should simply cost the dominant resource to cast. And poison damage if costs stamina while we are at it.
MashmalloMan wrote: »Resonable solution: it should simply cost the dominant resource to cast. And poison damage if costs stamina while we are at it.
We've been asking for this for 6 years, I barely even play DK and I've wanted this for that community. I have a tooltip I made like 3 years ago illustrating this and they refuse to listen to feedback, constantly changing the skills and going as far as creating new ones(poop fist) instead of just doing what people want.
Of all ESO class changes, I think this is by far the most agreed upon change I've seen of anything brought to light. Instead, they've butchered it into an awkward skill that is lame for both parties. I understand the logic because DK is probably the most hybrid friendly class right now, but it came out of left field, why not just give the people what they want - not everyone wants to be a hybrid.
This seems to be a constant theme with ZOS, they think they know better so they fight any sort of logical feedback as long as they can with backwards changes no one asked for until they eventually give in. The changes are so constant over the years, it's almost as if they want us to forget we ever suggested it in the first place.
Perfect example. Look at the change log for Arctic Blast. We have been asking for an on demand stun and for it to be competitive damage skill since Warden's inception. It's now been... what.. 6 years maybe.. and it's finally in a good place. It's finally a fun skill to use!
Whatever Poop Fist was suppose to fix for Stam DK is hilariously abandoned. Anyone who remotely liked the skill has been asking for that to be changed too since it's inception. It's ranged on a melee class, but it's really melee, it stuns, but it's for damage, it's a debuff, it's a projectile, but also an aoe. It's like they forgot why they made the skill and they're back to messing with Whip again.
Pick a lane.
MashmalloMan wrote: »Resonable solution: it should simply cost the dominant resource to cast. And poison damage if costs stamina while we are at it.
We've been asking for this for 6 years, I barely even play DK and I've wanted this for that community. I have a tooltip I made like 3 years ago illustrating this and they refuse to listen to feedback, constantly changing the skills and going as far as creating new ones(poop fist) instead of just doing what people want.
Of all ESO class changes, I think this is by far the most agreed upon change I've seen of anything brought to light. Instead, they've butchered it into an awkward skill that is lame for both parties. I understand the logic because DK is probably the most hybrid friendly class right now, but it came out of left field, why not just give the people what they want - not everyone wants to be a hybrid.
This seems to be a constant theme with ZOS, they think they know better so they fight any sort of logical feedback as long as they can with backwards changes no one asked for until they eventually give in. The changes are so constant over the years, it's almost as if they want us to forget we ever suggested it in the first place.
Perfect example. Look at the change log for Arctic Blast. We have been asking for an on demand stun and for it to be competitive damage skill since Warden's inception. It's now been... what.. 6 years maybe.. and it's finally in a good place. It's finally a fun skill to use!
Whatever Poop Fist was suppose to fix for Stam DK is hilariously abandoned. Anyone who remotely liked the skill has been asking for that to be changed too since it's inception. It's ranged on a melee class, but it's really melee, it stuns, but it's for damage, it's a debuff, it's a projectile, but also an aoe. It's like they forgot why they made the skill and they're back to messing with Whip again.
Pick a lane.
I really think Zos is incapable of not Overloading skills. Like you can make a skill interesting and not dump a bunch of dumb mechanics into it.
Overloaded skills, like Arctic blast get reworked for 5 years. It's the best it's ever been and currently everything we could ask for.