8.1.2 nightblade change

I'm out for words after seeing this patch note mostly after seeing nocturnal ploy not getting nerfed (or removed completely).

classis zos moment happened again with veiled strike change you added something broken to that skill and didnt want to admint you are wrong and instead butchered that skill for pvp.
as nightblade already have a long combo now you have to squish and fit another source for stun that just gonna add another gcd. a change that also make pve nightblade as boring as templar and not even practical in every situation like Sunspire.
meanwhile blur which is completely broken now didn't get adjusted and instead you nerf dark cloak that puts nightblade tanks behind again. but I'm sure if you wanted to change blur you would have removed major evasion because you dont wanna admit that 100% reduce roll dodge not a healthy perk.

if I had a little bit of respect and trust in you its gone now, you guys can't change dont go around social media asking for it like an abused victim.
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