Totally agree with you. I think they got it completely backwards here.@BretonMage this is kind of where the problem with this patch comes from. Most of the power creep over the years has come from the buffs and debuffs and uptimes and a few very strong sets. Nerfing skills and classes in an attempt to push back against group coordination feels wrong and everyone knows it.
I think that power creep is a non-issue if everyone gets the opportunities they need to complete the content they want. I imagine the problem arises when less experienced players are being left behind because the ceiling keeps getting raised, leading to increased expectations that these players cannot meet. Haven't players been complaining about minimum requirements which keep edging up each year? And if the ceiling is raised because some teams are better than others, well, I'm pleased for them, but then what about those players without access to a good team? I think ideally everyone should be able to work towards playing the content they want, and not in the next decade, but imminently.My question about power creep is, so what? So what if the ceiling can be so high when the way it gets their is not individual power but teamwork and immaculate timing.
You didn't see them make everyone play in sandals because Michael Jordon was really good at basketball.
BretonMage wrote: »Well, it depends. If power creep is fairly uniform across the board, I don't think it's that bad, because no one will suffer from it. If the power creep is concentrated at the top, and prevents other players from accessing difficult content, that might be a problem.
So, i've been doing a bunch of reading on the forums and watching video's by content creators, talking to friends and thinking about this update, and it feels to me that ZoS started the whole thing with this simple premise:
Power creep is bad and we need to fix it.
All their decisions in update 35 stem from this assumption.
Dps needs to come down so we'll nerf it. Healing needs to stay in line with dps so we'll nerf that too.
But my question to ZoS and the community at large is why? Why is power creep bad?
Sure, the "tippy top" are clearing older content super fast, but that doesn't negatively affect anyone. Literally no one has a worse game experience because the score pushers are so amazing.
Other people are able to clear content for the first time, from normal maelstrom, to vet dungeons to vet trial HM's. These people are having a better time. Why is this a problem? Feels like a good thing to me.
The game isn't trivial, people are still struggling with their own level of content all the way from overland to vRG HM. there is something to work on for everyone except those at the very top of the mountain.
So is power creep really a problem?
everyone gets the opportunities they need to complete the content they want
Everyone DOES get the opportunity to complete the content they want to, but not everyone chooses to. You don't just walk in and do 120k. Not everyone will parse and practice and min max gears and stats. That's OK. Does that mean though the people who don't do those things should be able to clear the same things.