Let's cut to the chase: It's Whitestrake's Mayhem time and you are about to willingly queue up for Player vs Player combat in order to get event tickets and other event rewards. Here's a guide to the basics of PVP that you might experience during this event.
How do I get my Scroll of Pelinal's Ferocity for double AP and XP from Player kills?
Step 1: If you've never done the quest, visit the in-game Crown Store to acquire the “Details on the Midyear Mayhem" quest.
Step 2: Find the NPC Predicant Maera at either the Battlegrounds camp outside major cities OR your Alliance's Main Gate inside Cyrodiil. She looks like this:
Step 3: Finish the quest to get your scroll. If you've already done the quest, Maera will give you another or you can use the Basin of the Gore Virtuous nearby.
Advice: this scroll is one of the few buff items that can be used in Cyrodiil, so I'd grab the scroll and save it for future use.
How do I get into Cyrodiil?
Navigate to the Alliance War tab. Read through the Campaign Rulesets and choose one that suits your playstyle. Enter that campaign.
Note: the higher the population bars are from 1 to 3, the more likely you are to encounter players from that faction. If a bar has the lock symbol on your faction, you may have a queue to enter that campaign.
Now that I'm here, how do I leave?
Travel back to either of your Alliance's Main Gates, i.e. the same place you go to turn in your daily quests or shop at the Golden Vendor. Near the back of the area, you'll see a wayshrine that lets you travel out to other PVE zones. You will also see a transitus shrine that will take you to any connected keep if you decide to stay in Cyrodiil.
How do I get back to my Main Gate fast if I'm in the middle of nowhere?
- Use /stuck.
- Queue for an Imperial City campaign, then exit from there.
- Death Port/Blood Port, where you die to an enemy player or Alliance NPC deliberately.
- Use a Keep Recall Stone if you've gotten one from Rewards for the Worthy.
- Ride to the nearest connected keep and use the transitus shrine from there.
How do I get started with Battlegrounds dailies?
Go to the Battlegrounds Camp outside any base game starter or major DLC city (Davon's Watch, Daggerfall, Vulkhel Guard, Vivec, Alinor, etc.) Find Battlemaster Rivyn. He looks like:
He'll give you the prerequisite quest "For Glory" which asks you to complete one Battlegrounds match, win or lose. This unlocks the three Battlegrounds dailies.
How do I get into Imperial City?
Navigate to your Alliance War Tab. Choose the Imperial City option. Read the different campaign rulesets available, check the population bars, and queue for the campaign that best suits your playstyle.
Advice: As before, check the ruleset and population bars when you choose a campaign. If you look at Red Diamond in the picture, it looks like there are a lot of AD players. This might be good for AD players, since they can find lots of allies. It also might be good for DC and EP players who want to fight lots of enemies for Tel Var. So be cautious about making assumptions about how easy Imperial City will be based on the population bars.
Advice II: Unless there is a Below 50 option for Imperial City this year, if you are Below 50, I'd suggest going to the No CP campaign because that will be the most comparable experience to how you play now. For leveled players, it's down to personal preference. I found that I preferred the CP campaigns because the miniboss NPCs that are common in the Districts and Sewers were tougher without my CP, but your mileage may vary.
Advice III: Bank your Tel Var before you do anything. When you deposit coin with a banker, you can change the currency to Tel Var and store anything you don't want to lose. Consider buying a Sigil of Imperial Retreat from an NPC Merchant in the sewer base if you want to use that method to get to safety.
Where are the Imperial City dailies?
In your safe underground I underground sewer base, there will be a room with six ladders, each of which will take you up to a raised platform in one of the Imperial City Districts. The questgiver will be on that platform.
Note: once you jump down from that platform into the District, you cannot get back up.
Note: AD players have noted that their quest markers tend to be buggy about directions
If you want to get multiple dailies at once, you need to go back down the trapdoor you climbed out of into your sewer base, and go up a different ladder to another District. Rinse, repeat for each daily you want.
Once you've finished the daily, the questgiver is back in your sewer base. You'll need to get back there to turn it in.
Returning players may remember that the IC dailies used to require the Zone Story as a perquisite. As of Greymoor, they are no longer required.
Now that I'm here, how do I leave Imperial City?
Most methods send you back to your underground sewer base. Once you are there, there's a central room that has one exit into the Imperial City Sewers. Directly opposite that door, there will be an [Exit] door that will return you to your last PVE zone.
Here's the Ebonheart Pact map as an example:
Methods to return to your Sewer Base:
- Use /stuck. This will cost half the Tel Var you are carrying.
- Die to an NPC or Player. This will cost half the Tel Var you're carrying.
- Use a Sigil of Imperial Retreat. This costs 10k AP from an NPC Merchant in the sewer base and teleports you back to the base.
- Sneak through the sewers to your bases entrance.
- Queue for Cyrodiil, then once there, queue for Imperial City again.
Methods to leave Imperial City
- Queue for a Cyrodiil campaign. This will put you at the Main Gate of your alliance, where you can find the wayshrine to travel to PVE zones or queue back for Imperial City to return to your sewer base safely.
- Enter the dungeons White Gold Tower or Imperial City Prison.
- While in your sewer base, use that exit door to travel back to your last PVE zone.