Holycannoli wrote: »The problem isn't that Oakensoul is overpowered, it's that everything is apparently overpowered. DoTs are too strong at 20 seconds so nerfed, Atro too strong so nerfed, Oakensoul, Crystal Weapon, Molten Whip too strong so nerfed, LA and HA too strong so nerfed...the list goes on. It's all overpowered and needed a sledgehammer
Holycannoli wrote: »The problem isn't that Oakensoul is overpowered, it's that everything is apparently overpowered. DoTs are too strong at 20 seconds so nerfed, Atro too strong so nerfed, Oakensoul, Crystal Weapon, Molten Whip too strong so nerfed, LA and HA too strong so nerfed...the list goes on. It's all overpowered and needed a sledgehammer
MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »Just give it Major Slayer and Major Aegis. Still OK in pvp for people that need it, but has similar power to the pre-nerf state in dungeons, where it needs that power for disabled players.
Holycannoli wrote: »
TechMaybeHic wrote: »It's an accessibility item. Kind of counter productive to then limit access while using it, don't you think? Are we just to assume that anyone who would need thus item would only be interested in PvE? Solo content at that?
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
Ok... but this isn't what THIS post is about... Battle spirit suggestion is from a differnt post. This post was only about the suggestion for solo and pve only use...not ALL nerfs... and nothing to do with battle spirit
If the concern is Oakensoul is overpowered in PvP and group content
If the concern is Oakensoul is overpowered in PvP and group content, then an easy fix would make its efficiency deterioate in a group, and make it PvE only...
Companions are already PvE only, so cannot be used in PvP.
Ring of Pale Order was nerfed to be less efective in a group... the more members, the less effective, to the point of being ineffective in a full group.
So these types of changes already exist... seems like a no-brainer. This would keep an overpowered mythic out of PvP; while allowing it to benefit players that want to solo or new players that solo often, and without heaviliy nerfing it. It seems this was its original intention anyway... for solo content
Starbridge84 wrote: »It's funny how people say Oakensoul is "too powerful." Any trial group I have run with really doesn't want people to have it. So the ring is already getting pushed out by a large portion of players and end game content guilds.
People who have accessibility issues play PvP too you know, they're not just all overland questing casuals.