I don't see any benefit or even reason in the DoT changes proposed in the patch notes.
Damage decrease:
- the 33% damage decrease across the board makes DoTs even less viable as they are already. In PvP, we have a strong burst meta focusing on delayed burst and strong spammables. Dot builds are super niche and arguably less potent. In PvE, the nerf will result in a lot more sweaty "spammable" weaving, which makes it even harder for new players to consistently output decent damage.
- If the goal was to low the ceiling, I would have expected the opposite: a damage increase in Dots makes it a lot easier for new players to achieving meaningful numbers both in PvE and PvP.
Increased timers
- increasing the timers of dots to 20 seconds is not a bad change per se, as it reduces APM.
- However, countless players have stated this effect does not benefit dynamic combat at all, as PvP and Boss fights are all centered around repositioning. A 20 sec window is insanely long in these cases, both for HoTs and DoTs
- I'll leave numbers crunching to others, but to me DoT damage should've rather been increased than decreased.
- For timers, I would expect noramlisation across two levels, potentially 10 sec for ground-based skills and 20 sec for single target skills.