MetallicMonk wrote: »Spoiler alert: They will not tell anybody anything, they will continue to have no transparency and be out of touch, and they will move forward with machine gunning out poorly thought out/bad game changes.
We can't have transparency and talk with devs, long as ppl keep death threats, threats and overall toxic/hate towards them. Can't have both ways. Devs speak out try and communicte then they get hate speech, threats, death threats, makes them not want to engage with us again. Don't blame them. No one's fault but our own.
MetallicMonk wrote: »Spoiler alert: They will not tell anybody anything, they will continue to have no transparency and be out of touch, and they will move forward with machine gunning out poorly thought out/bad game changes.
We can't have transparency and talk with devs, long as ppl keep death threats, threats and overall toxic/hate towards them. Can't have both ways. Devs speak out try and communicte then they get hate speech, threats, death threats, makes them not want to engage with us again. Don't blame them. No one's fault but our own.
MetallicMonk wrote: »Spoiler alert: They will not tell anybody anything, they will continue to have no transparency and be out of touch, and they will move forward with machine gunning out poorly thought out/bad game changes.
We can't have transparency and talk with devs, long as ppl keep death threats, threats and overall toxic/hate towards them. Can't have both ways. Devs speak out try and communicte then they get hate speech, threats, death threats, makes them not want to engage with us again. Don't blame them. No one's fault but our own.
MetallicMonk wrote: »Spoiler alert: They will not tell anybody anything, they will continue to have no transparency and be out of touch, and they will move forward with machine gunning out poorly thought out/bad game changes.
We can't have transparency and talk with devs, long as ppl keep death threats, threats and overall toxic/hate towards them. Can't have both ways. Devs speak out try and communicte then they get hate speech, threats, death threats, makes them not want to engage with us again. Don't blame them. No one's fault but our own.
Imnotsurewho wrote: »They want to make the game more accessible, likely so they can bring more people into the game to enjoy it. Fine. They're a business and its a business decision from how I see it. However, as so many people have stated already, these changes don't really accomplish what they were trying to do. In some cases, they will widen that gap so much further because at the end of the day, beginning players haven't spent the time to figure out what's going on in the game.
So train them. Update the tutorials. Force them to understand how to break free. Make them learn how to roll dodge. Show them how important it is not to stand in harmful AoE's, etc. And for love of Zeus, teach them how to weave. I believe the only time its mentioned is briefly in a loading screen (if you have a good computer and connection you won't even see that for long and beyond that if you're new it won't even make sense). <snip>
You know here's something I never considered.
Everyone always say "let's see the devs do a trifecta this or hardmode that."
But like... what if they can't. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to develop content for a group of players who are drastically better than you. How would you create an actual challenge given you won't be able to compete yourself.
It would be like trying to have a veteran PvPer vs a new PvPer try to propose PvP changes. The perspectives will be drastically different because of personal experiences and priorities.
Following that how should they make content accessible without making the content hopelessly easy (just look at the current discussion on overland content difficulty).