This. Minor Force (RAT), Minor Berserk (Camou Hunter) and Minor Courage (Magma Incarnate) are all meta options in PvP two bar builds. Not just in groups, but for solo players. Even Minor Heroism can already be had from, albeit expensive, potions.Honestly, exactly what the rework has changed it to. It gives all the necessary buffs, a little extra with minor courage, which gives at least a semblance of having a backbar set, and that's about it. I hate to see PVE players potentially nerfed, but where oakensoul is with week 1 patch notes is totally fine for pvp
Who says it's useless in PvE? Is it a nerf for solo play? Yes, 100%. A big one (see Deltia's testing). For small group play? Probably. Enough to be beaten by other options, if you want a one bar build? Probably not.I had been hearing from others that once its nerfed it would be useless. So its OK for PvP, but I suppose it depends on class and sets.
I think they should start having sets like this, one focused on PvP and PvE focused.