Do you remember last changes with change DOTs duration ? All that problems appears now on PTS again, so some SETs effects do not match the skill duration.
Just as example - master duals do about 12 seconds buff damage than turn of but dots continue.
Some sets was nerfed, savage verwolf now can do dot on LA of Staff in melee range. But can not from distance.
I do not understand the logick behind - why fireball can make scratch on you and make you bleed from 8- meters, but can not from long rang .. but ok.
But the same sets have now the same problems as savaje verwolf had before (double effect).
As example it is possible to put on target after 2 bleeds effect (1 is invisible) with unlished terror set. So it start do not 2 but 3 hits on work )))
I find a lot of bugs, so - it is too many already, i really do not think any body will and even can in small period of time fix it.
I do not even think some one will read this topic and will need to fix it.
For now - changes are bad, no logick behind them.
It is no words - just AAAAA, so ... i go off test it yourself if you want ))) I can not, such bad it is ))) All is broken !!!
If classes/skills/races/balance was based on some LOR and had some idea behind it may be it work. But now it is look strange/work bad/not interesting/not balanced. You even do not understand what you test !
May be look on this on monday after new natch pots )))
For now this PTS version - it is some thing i even do not want to see )))
Edited by JustAGoodPlayer on July 15, 2022 1:01PM