I actually understand what ZOS was thinking, I figured it out.
ZOS Identified what separates the Low Tier from the Mid, and the Mid Tier from the High. And then nerfed things specifically to make the gaps narrower. The problem is that, as a consequence, damage has reduced across the board. This was and still is avoidable.
So to start out, I'm going to briefly identify what primarily causes the gaps between the three tiers.
The gap between the Low Tier and the Mid Tier is effectiveness in weaving, primarily.
The Low Tier either doesn't know how to weave or isn't good at it. The Mid Tier has a solid grasp on it.
So, ZOS nerfed the effectiveness of weaving to narrow the gap between the Low Tier and Mid Tier.
This is solution is flawed and the better solution would be to implement a tutorial that you're required to go through the first time you join the Undaunted that teaches you the fundamentals of weaving, not standing stupid, using synergies, the differences and nuances of Spammables, DOTs, and AOEs, as well as how to fill a DPS, Tank, or Healer role effectively.
Moving on, the gap between the Mid Tier and the High Tier is how well the High Tier is able to utilize the game's allowed APM.
The Mid Tier either doesn't have good uptime one DOTs and AOEs, or doesn't use them effectively, or doesn't use enough of them, whereas the high tier does.
So, ZOS nerfed the effectiveness of DOTs and AOEs to narrow the gap between the Mid Tier and the High Tier.
This solution is flawed, or rather half-baked, because damage potential overall has been nerfed into the ground. The better solution would have been to buff the damage of spammables alongside the DOT nerf so that damage remains about where it was previously, as the Mid Tier, to reiterate, has weaving and spamming down, and the gap primarily sits on the ability of the High Tier to make efficient use of the game's allowed APM and ability bar space.
I don't believe that ZOS was inherently flawed in their approach to this update's combat rebalance, I just don't think it was well executed, and needs to be much more carefully reconsidered.
Light and heavy Attacks do not need to be nerfed, especially not like this.
DOTs and AOEs maybe should be nerfed, but other sources of damage, like Spammables and maybe ultimates as well, need to be buffed to counterbalance the loss in damage potential.
My solution would be to change DOTs to last 15 seconds with a 1sec tick rate (and damage adjusted accordingly) rather than 20 seconds and a 2sec tick rate so that uptime is a bit easier, as was the goal, but not so long that simply sitting there spamming doesn't make the combat so boring. Alongside this, I would buff spammable damage by about 25% so that where an average instant cast spammable (with well rounded character sheet stats) that does 10k tooltip damage now does about 12.5k damage instead, to compensate for the loss of damage from DOTs and AOEs.
Edited by Vylaera on July 13, 2022 1:49AM Vy • lae • ra | Fan of all things Vampiric | PC NA | Accurate World Map artist | Immaculate Reshade author