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Cannot get Blackrock starter quest

I've just purchased the High Isle Upgrade which is supposed to include Blackrock. However, I cannot activate the prolog quest either in game or from the Crown Store - the thing is greyed out and Blackrock itself wants 3500 crown to activate.

A can port to Blackwood via wayshrine.

Bit confused. I tried sticking the order number in the redeem code dialog but it says invalid.

Any suggestions? Should I raise a ticket or do I actually have to pay the crowns to activate Blackrock?
Edited by ZOS_Bill on August 2, 2022 2:20PM
  • Tantala
    Never mind, I figured it out. High Isle gives you the Blackrock chapter but not the DLC. Silghtly irritating as all I wanted was the DLC and I won't be in High Isle for some time, by which time it might even be on ESO+

    I think the heatwave is boiling the blood in my brain.
  • ZOS_Bill
    Thanks for the update letting us know why you're not getting the quest. As the issue is now resolved, we will go ahead and close the discussion.
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