The Life Cycle of Great PVE Gear.

1. New wonderful equipment is released promising a new way to play the game and opening up opportunities for new builds and playstyles.
2. You farm the living daylights out of the new gear to get every piece you need and set up your various characters how you want.
3. PVP players complain that the equipment is too OP and needs to be nerfed.
4. Zos, rather than rebalancing the equipment in a way that is beneficial to EVERYONE, instead nerfs the equipment into irrelevancy.
5. Rinse and repeat.

There are so many other ways of balancing equipment so that it fits in with every part of the game. If your first instinct to rebalance an item is to nerf it into the ground then you shouldn't be working at a game company.
  • pklemming
    Yup, I am a beta player and I am beyond tired.
  • xDeusEJRx
    No one is to blame but zos.
    Instead of giving unique PVE only buffs, they gave universal buffs in every version of oakensoul. They could've given major slayer, minor slayer or created something new that's PVE only but instead gave universal buffs knowing PVP players would run amok with it. And still now it has universal buffs, meaning they probably still want PVP player money
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Jaimeh
    I absolutely agree with you OP; I didn't even finish farming perfected coral ripdtide from DSR, and it seems it won't be BiS anymore for my spec next patch... :sweat_smile: At least the sticker book makes things easier than in the past, but it's the tiresome thing, not just because of the tediousness of farming, but also filling inventories with golden gear that are only good for 2-3 months... Anyone remember Diamond Victory...
  • NordSwordnBoard
    It's the best way to reinforce the urgency to buy the new update if you know the gear is treated like this. I'm tired of it too, so I took a pass on HI. The people who aren't jaded at the repetition will continue the cycle.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • SirLeeMinion
    It's the best way to reinforce the urgency to buy the new update if you know the gear is treated like this. I'm tired of it too, so I took a pass on HI. The people who aren't jaded at the repetition will continue the cycle.

    Agreed. Continuing from the OP:

    Step 6: Un-sub & stop buying content unless it's 50% off.

    I passed on HI as well but had intended to purchase it at 35% off. With this round of changes, I'll hold out for a better deal.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Happens every patch it's heart breaking.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    I mean Rele is the meta for both stam and mag PvE and that was released in 2018…
  • ccfeeling
    Pvp > pve

  • lordspyder
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    Pvp > pve

    PvP only breads toxicity and should be removed from the game
  • dinokstrunz
    lordspyder wrote: »
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    Pvp > pve

    PvP only breads toxicity and should be removed from the game

    and pve doesn't? lol. Get out of here with that pooptalk.
  • lordspyder
    lordspyder wrote: »
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    Pvp > pve

    PvP only breads toxicity and should be removed from the game

    and pve doesn't? lol. Get out of here with that pooptalk.

    PvE focuses on teamwork and cooperation. In PvP to have a good time by necessity you need to make sure someone else is having a *** time. PvP is toxic and only breeds negativity.
  • merpins
    It's a tug-of-war. PVP needs to be balanced, PVE needs to be balanced, rinse and repeat en-infinium. They have the means to balance the game separately, but just don't.

    To be fair, Major Slayer would have been a good buff to give the ring with the current changes. The nerfs hurt the ability of disabled players to do trials, dungeons, and arenas, so give the ring Major Slayer. That won't hurt PVP at all, and it'll give the ring back most of the power it lost from the nerf for PVE players.
  • Mazra
    rinse and repeat en-infinium

    I think ad nauseam would be more fitting.

    But yeah, I thought they invented the Slayer buff to specifically avoid these cases.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    lordspyder wrote: »
    lordspyder wrote: »
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    Pvp > pve

    PvP only breads toxicity and should be removed from the game

    and pve doesn't? lol. Get out of here with that pooptalk.

    PvE focuses on teamwork and cooperation. In PvP to have a good time by necessity you need to make sure someone else is having a *** time. PvP is toxic and only breeds negativity.


    I lose fights that were satisfying for the excitement and unpredictability of human opponents. PvP has bread my best friends and best experiences in the game. That's my breed and butter you're messing with right there.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • GreatGildersleeve
    lordspyder wrote: »
    lordspyder wrote: »
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    Pvp > pve

    PvP only breads toxicity and should be removed from the game

    and pve doesn't? lol. Get out of here with that pooptalk.

    PvE focuses on teamwork and cooperation. In PvP to have a good time by necessity you need to make sure someone else is having a *** time. PvP is toxic and only breeds negativity.

    Just because it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t mean your claim is correct. I have been playing since console launch and took a break 3yrs ago because end game PvE had worn me down with it’s toxicity. I used to hate PvP but since I came back, I have been PvP only and been having an absolute blast of a time. It’s fun, unpredictable, and yes, the people are amazing (even the NBs who wreck me :smile: )
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