This is ridiculous, you don't make a game better by causing characters to become weaker!
My DPS characters are doing just HALF the crit damage they did yesterday! This is a stupid way to go. I quit WoW over this exact thing!
And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this!
chessalavakia_ESO wrote: »SeaGtGruff wrote: »I'd like our DPS nerfed by half actually. Power creep in ESO is insane.
Yes, but not everyone chases the bleeding edge of the power creep the way some players love to do.
When changes are made which change individual skills' resource costs, resource restorations, or amount of damage done, it might genuinely help to curb the outrageous power creep of high-end vet players, but it can also seriously impact the overall effectiveness of average and below-average players, which can be very frustrating.
I have to agree with players who have been arguing for a different approach to the balancing issues-- namely, establish overall caps on the various types of stats, rather than just changing individual skills, since the problem lies in achieving outrageous totals rather than in the individual skills.
I'd argue the problem with lowering damage is that people like the idea of the content being challenging more than they like the content being challenging in reality much of the time.
If you are into the story, getting challenged is fine but, if you know everything that happens or don't care about it things can get tedious fast if they take too long.
I do try to solo most of the instances that I do so I can experience the story but, I generally will do many of them in groups rather than solo for farming gear because it just gets to be tedious to solo many of them over and over.
If you asked me if I thought Overland was too easy I'd say yes. But, my actions don't really align with that on most of my characters. I'm using highly upgraded gear in the Overland areas and running with a companion.
The truth is for me much of the Overland content is a bit of a slog so I will frequently either burst through it with far more damage and mitigation than the content was designed for or just plain skip it by using Stage 4 Vamp to ignore nearly everything.
I think you could probably cut down on damage at the top without a significant negative impact at the bottom if you really wanted to do it but, you'd ram into the issue that people at the top are generally more vocal which will mean you'll get a negative reaction to the change and you'd likely end up overhauling a huge portion of the games combat in the process to deal with the potential side effects and because if you are annoying people already you might as well rip the band-aid off fully.
I think the CP nerfs are a bit funny in that they don't seem to have done much to my Warden.
I parsed just over 100k before the patch and since high isle, it's the same!
And as for the 'elitism' comments it's nothing new for the 30 years people have been talking online about raids in video games. Progression is about working hard and helping out the people you're with - or it used to be. These days there's always someone to take their place, so it's about belittling and ridiculing people with toxic behaviour because you're not good enough to teach (or they're impatient and toxic and unwilling to put effort in)
ESO is made for DPS characters, which is neither good nor bad. Some games require tanks and healers to chip in damage to meet requirements, while others have a bunch of mechanics for the tanks/healers to perform while the dps stand there mindlessly pew pewing. Tanks/healers as buffbots is what ESO likes and if that's something you don't think is good, plenty of other MMOs out there that do things differently.