High Isle Feedback

  • Wolfpaw
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Coatmagic wrote: »
    Oh yes, this one has found many 'awesome' details. dw8PODM.jpg (Been here since the start and don't know where our money is going, but... the quality is severely lacking and it shows.)

    Pretty obvious our money is funding the “space themed” mmo ZOS is creating.

    Star Wars ;)
  • Malthorne
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Coatmagic wrote: »
    Oh yes, this one has found many 'awesome' details. dw8PODM.jpg (Been here since the start and don't know where our money is going, but... the quality is severely lacking and it shows.)

    Pretty obvious our money is funding the “space themed” mmo ZOS is creating.

    Star Wars ;)

    This is the way 😛
  • kind_hero
    kind_hero wrote: »
    There is, however, something else that makes me doubt the success of this chapter. Where is everyone? I was trying to do a few world bosses in High Isle, and most of the time I was alone or with another player. This during peak time on EU/PC. It happened yesterday too.

    Camping safeboxes.

    Not even joking.

    What is expected out of those safeboxes?

    (I found a lead in a shell by simply exploring, and also a painting in a treasure chest. I still haven't bothered to scry the lead, because I try to enjoy the content without rushing too much. I already rushed to gather most of the wayshrines)
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • StihlReign
    kind_hero wrote: »

    A big studio that was bought by Microsoft should have the means to overcome the technical issues regarding the performance mantra we keep hearing so often.

    There is, however, something else that makes me doubt the success of this chapter. Where is everyone? I was trying to do a few world bosses in High Isle, and most of the time I was alone or with another player. This during peak time on EU/PC. It happened yesterday too. I have been playing since launch, and I remember each expansion release. There were tons of players everywhere, especially doing world bosses. There were much more players a week ago doing the boring Deadlands world bosses...


    I've noticed this as well...came back to ESO for this expansion. Spending hours in Murkmire was kinda unexpected.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Holycannoli
    kind_hero wrote: »
    What is expected out of those safeboxes?

    (I found a lead in a shell by simply exploring, and also a painting in a treasure chest. I still haven't bothered to scry the lead, because I try to enjoy the content without rushing too much. I already rushed to gather most of the wayshrines)

    A lead for the most OP item for soloing the game has ever seen. Everyone wants to use it before it's nerfed.
  • Parasaurolophus
    Yes, a beautiful zone... A lot has already been said on this topic. But I have to leave a negative comment, because for some reason no one talks about some things. Maybe it's some kind of mistake, but:
    1) Where is the respec shrine? There is a temple in the city, there are altars. But where is the spec shrine?
    2) Why is there so little new furniture? The crown store does not have dishes and many other things that actually exist on the High Island.
    3) For gold, you can only get a room in a tavern. Another house is waiting for sale in the crownstore.
  • colossalvoids
    kind_hero wrote: »
    There is, however, something else that makes me doubt the success of this chapter. Where is everyone? I was trying to do a few world bosses in High Isle, and most of the time I was alone or with another player. This during peak time on EU/PC. It happened yesterday too.

    Camping safeboxes.

    Not even joking.

    Besides Murkmire I see same amount of people as pre-patch farming motif and plans in portals end boss in Deadlands, also Fargrave motif sells like a hot cake, so WB dailies are popular activity despite drop probably being an unintended feature as it's not in clown store still.
  • StihlReign
    I like the look of the main keep/castle a lot. Compared to Summerset, I wish the greens and browns were a bit richer, and there were more coppers in the roofs. The view(s) from the Gonfalon Square wayshrine is really nice...
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Czeri
    I've finished the main quest now, and am still loving this chapter.

    I forgot how much I love Emeric, so getting to spend more time with him was great.

    I loved the Journal of a Scorned Lover I've found lying around in one of the delves :D

    The treasure maps from pre-purchase are actually useful! They drop Ancien Breton leads and onland set pieces! Finally!
  • ectoplasmicninja
    Czeri wrote: »
    I forgot how much I love Emeric, so getting to spend more time with him was great.

    Yes! Emeric is best king, and I love Bill Nighy.
    Really liked seeing them all work together and realize they do have a good bit in common, and getting to ask them if they heard about your previous adventures.
    More of this please ZOS!

    Spoiler incoming for end of main quest.
    Also, I have my suspicions about the true identity of the Ascendant Lord...Lord Bacaro seems a little too meek and benevolent and also a little too ineffectual. Anyone else think so?
    PC NA, CP2000+Character creation is the true endgame.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Czeri wrote: »
    I forgot how much I love Emeric, so getting to spend more time with him was great.

    Yes! Emeric is best king, and I love Bill Nighy.
    Really liked seeing them all work together and realize they do have a good bit in common, and getting to ask them if they heard about your previous adventures.
    More of this please ZOS!

    Spoiler incoming for end of main quest.
    Also, I have my suspicions about the true identity of the Ascendant Lord...Lord Bacaro seems a little too meek and benevolent and also a little too ineffectual. Anyone else think so?

    Spoilers incoming for the entire main quest.
    Yeah, that's who I thought the Ascendant Lord was as well. He wasn't interested in searching for the ships early on. We never found who was leaking from his group or how they always knew where to be/how to break in and he was late providing backup at the end. The Ascendant Magus is clearly an arrogant individual that would only be willing to serve under someone they felt was worthy to be above them and Lord Bacaro is the only one person we've met recently that would be in that category. Lord Bacaro lost his partner and children in the war and as a result, wanting the leadership for the war dead wouldn't be a surprise. The Ascendant Lord in his interaction with Adandora does not appear to really be trying to sell the Ascendant Order which is an odd choice if that is his main play.
  • DreamyLu
    I don't do the card game and am not interested into one more companion, so I can't give feedback on that.

    For the rest, I love High Isle. It's green with flowers, with the sea, nice little places, lakes, waterfalls and so on... I appreciate a lot that it's not overcrowded with foes, so that there is no need to fight every 3 running steps. I also enjoy a lot that the area has no zones blocked behind questing. It allows me to wander freely in explorable, enjoying the beautiful landscape while harvesting resources, farming chests/troves/portals and doing a delve or a dungeon once in a while... <3

    Only one regret: I have been hoping that we would get an option to hide all those flapping wings in towns...
    And one reserve: for a casual player like me, unless I find out more to be done later (any treasure hunt for example?), content seems to be limited and I could lose interest over time. Let's see...
    Edited by DreamyLu on June 11, 2022 4:14AM
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • YazdigerdIV
    Soul Shriven
    If you are doing the High Isles quest, look at the guests arrayed in Castle Navire. Fully four of them, three of which one may fit into the same field of view, are nearly _identical_ to each other. Same hair, body, and head adornment. They differ a bit (sometimes) in dress, and have various personalities.

    Look for the redhead females with a golden forehead adornment. Now, the guests are only there for the party scene, and are not in town where one would see them frequently. Nonetheless this is sloppy. Not so bad as druid torso textures (at least Ryvana has a great personality to fall back on ...), but still worth a patch.
  • Czeri
    If you are doing the High Isles quest, look at the guests arrayed in Castle Navire. Fully four of them, three of which one may fit into the same field of view, are nearly _identical_ to each other. Same hair, body, and head adornment. They differ a bit (sometimes) in dress, and have various personalities.

    Look for the redhead females with a golden forehead adornment. Now, the guests are only there for the party scene, and are not in town where one would see them frequently. Nonetheless this is sloppy. Not so bad as druid torso textures (at least Ryvana has a great personality to fall back on ...), but still worth a patch.

    Wait, there were guests in Castle Navire?! I honestly only remember Jakarn and his dance :p
  • ectoplasmicninja

    Spoilers incoming for the entire main quest.
    Yeah, that's who I thought the Ascendant Lord was as well. He wasn't interested in searching for the ships early on. We never found who was leaking from his group or how they always knew where to be/how to break in and he was late providing backup at the end. The Ascendant Magus is clearly an arrogant individual that would only be willing to serve under someone they felt was worthy to be above them and Lord Bacaro is the only one person we've met recently that would be in that category. Lord Bacaro lost his partner and children in the war and as a result, wanting the leadership for the war dead wouldn't be a surprise. The Ascendant Lord in his interaction with Adandora does not appear to really be trying to sell the Ascendant Order which is an odd choice if that is his main play.

    100% this.
    I'll be very surprised if the Ascendant Lord is anyone else. Honestly though, there isn't really anyone else it could be - the villain would never be someone we haven't met yet, and everyone else we've met is such a minor character in comparison that I feel like there's no other option. I was suspicious of him from the start, this mild-mannered philanthropist who lost his family in the war and decides to...hold peace talks? Between the leaders who sort of caused this whole thing? And he has so much money and all these connections and goodwill but supposedly can't muster more than a few random knights to get anything done when desperately needed?
    What would be cool is if the Ascendant Order is basically just a huge LARP he engages in to provide a threat worthy of uniting the alliance leaders so they can actually make peace. Like, he doesn't want them dead or to dismantle the monarchy or rule Tamriel, he legit just wants them to be scared enough that they stop the war and he's willing to break some eggs to make it happen. Not sure if that's how it'll shake out, but that would be a neat twist on the typical "villain wants to conquer Tamriel" thing.
    PC NA, CP2000+Character creation is the true endgame.
  • merevie
    Very few people are there.
    Lots of low flat land, no unique culture, unless you think being English is an ESO culture.
    There's a jousting list but players can't do it -just two NPCs on repeat as a decorative piece.
    The card game rewards basic items you would have gotten by doing daily things.
    Rinse and repeat quests -oh a dead dude needing help -a glowing purple thing to destroy.
    The housing crew have had some fun so it looks nice if you stop to examine the details.
    The mythics might be good -the sets might be good -but that's not zone content -that's just gear that could have been anywhere.
    As usual the wealthy people are 'bad' and mages are 'bad' and you will magically save the world after killing a million trash mobs and the boss before it ends its first line of speech.
    All of the best warlords and Kings of the realm need you to rescue them -yeah nah.
    There are a lot of oysters -perhaps this chapter will be best known for the market crash of pearls :)
    *Review written after encountering the 2 day queue at lockboxes - way to destroy a chapter Zos
    Edited by merevie on June 11, 2022 11:41AM
  • YstradClud
    Quality zone. Have still got a lot of it to do but they have done the Bretons justice with a fully fleshed out story arc now. Can't help but start to wonder where they will go next though.
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