can't add CP points

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
I couldn't add a CP point to two different skills .. it says I need to add points to an adjacent skill, but I already have points in there ..?? See attached screen caps.ixd7jedelcik.png
  • jrfk2
    I can "add" the point but when I try to save the changes, that's when I get the message ..
  • fizl101
    From memory these are both subtrees, if you zoom out do you have points in the skills that get you to the point where you can zoom in? This is a zoomed out screenshot on one of my chars and you can see I have points in the skills that allow me to get to the subtree where mystic tenacity is

    Soupy twist
  • MostlyId
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem, and yes, I know how CPs work (and from the full champion bar, so does the OP).
  • rhysrwb17_ESO1
    I can confirm that I get the same issue too. What is strange is if I add even one point into an existing star (I assume like the second screenshot above) it tells me that error, yet I already have points in that star so it did work before the patch.
  • jrfk2
    Thanks for the confirmations its not just me folks .. I'll open a ticket to see if I hear back on it ..
  • totzummrdave_ESO
    jrfk2 wrote: »
    Thanks for the confirmations its not just me folks .. I'll open a ticket to see if I hear back on it ..

    Nope, it's not just you. Seems to be an ever growing, if slowly, number of people hit by this.
  • jrfk2
    Achieved some more CP skill points and tried to add a point to a skill not in a subtree .. and it didn;t work. SO apparently I can't add ANY CP skill points.

    Support had me temp rename some folders under the "live" folder, didn't fix things. Now they want me to reset all my settings to defaults. Asked if I can back up the settings first so I don't lose them in case it doesn't fix it ..

    I also now have a 2nd chat box on the right hand side of the screen which shows when I am using the controller, vs the chat box on the left hand side of the screen which has always been there, but now only shows up when I use the keyboard. But its only on this character, not on any other characters. So I think this character, the first one I logged in with after the latest update .. got hosed ..
  • MostlyId
    Soul Shriven
    Lovely. I'm baffled as to why more people aren't talking about this; either it's not a universal problem, or most people have so many CPs they don't even bother allocating new ones anymore :D
  • Mithgil
    So this issue is happening for me, but so far only on one character.

    This character has a saved set-up in the Armory. None of my other characters do. I added CP and was able to save it no problem on a character who hasn't interacted with or saved a set-up in the Armory.

    Came across this thread yesterday:

    I do use addons, but since this isn't broken on my other characters I doubt they'd be any issue. I had disabled a few addons that may have affected it and there was no change or fix, and I don't get any lua warnings either.
    PC NA Yes, I use add-ons.
  • jrfk2
    I have addons, but the first thing they had me do was rename the addons and savedvariables folders under the live folder and then log in and check and that didn't fix it, so it wasn't any of my addons.

    Latest is they want me to go into settings and under each one reset to defaults. I asked if there was a way to save all my settings before doing this, the answer was no. I then asked if this was the fix, or if they are guessing at what to try, because i don't want to lose all my settings if its a guess as to what to try. Waiting for their response.

    As far as the armory, I have a 2nd character that is not having this issue at all and it has 2 armory slots filled out which this one does as well.
  • totzummrdave_ESO
    Mithgil wrote: »
    So this issue is happening for me, but so far only on one character.

    This character has a saved set-up in the Armory. None of my other characters do. I added CP and was able to save it no problem on a character who hasn't interacted with or saved a set-up in the Armory.

    Came across this thread yesterday:

    I do use addons, but since this isn't broken on my other characters I doubt they'd be any issue. I had disabled a few addons that may have affected it and there was no change or fix, and I don't get any lua warnings either.

    Even with the add ons folder removed prior to starting the game client and having no saved sets in the armory, I'm still having this issue, so it is not the armory as the previously locked thread surmised.
    And apparently it isn't an important enough issue for devs to address... you know... because it only effects leveling skills in game.
  • Mithgil
    Okay, I found the problem for me. The CP cost has changed for Unassailable in the Warfare tree; from 10 to 25. At 10 it had previously unlocked Bulwark which I have slotted. Once I increased Unassailable to 25 for it to unlock Bulwark I could save once again.

    My recommendation is to go through your CP trees and find those skills/abilities which may have changed in cost but visually appear to have met unlocking requirements.
    PC NA Yes, I use add-ons.
  • DP99
    I made my own thread about this in General Discussion, and was directed by another user to look here, and this is the exact same problem that I am having with trying to add a point in the craft tree.

    I don't use addons, and I don't have anything assigned to the armory. I also placed a ticket.


    I can put the point in "Liquid Efficiency," but it will not register it and it gives me the error that I have to have an adjacent one purchased, but there is an adjacent one right next to it that is full and slotted.

    It won't let me put a point anywhere else either.
  • totzummrdave_ESO
    I don't use unassailable, but I did have 10 points in duelist's rebuff to get past it. Looks like I have to throw away 15 more points just to continue? I am seriously getting sick to death of these wasteful, unbeneficial changes. And if I am forced to, once AGAIN, redistribute, then ZOS can damn well give out their redistribute coupons like they did the last 3 times.
    I guess I'll let my bank know the RNG to give ZOS money is being changed from 0.0035% to 0.0012%. Nerfs work both ways.
  • Al_Ex_Andre
    I replied here:

    Same bug ditto. I should add that I loaded an old armory profile which already had champions points saved (so an armory bug?).

    Then I wanted to invest more champion points, like I usually do to old armory profiles.

    Not working now, I need to buy adjacent skills he says, but hey I did that, and it worked before.

  • rhysrwb17_ESO1
    Mithgil wrote: »
    Okay, I found the problem for me. The CP cost has changed for Unassailable in the Warfare tree; from 10 to 25. At 10 it had previously unlocked Bulwark which I have slotted. Once I increased Unassailable to 25 for it to unlock Bulwark I could save once again.

    My recommendation is to go through your CP trees and find those skills/abilities which may have changed in cost but visually appear to have met unlocking requirements.

    Yep this is what fixed it for me.

    Everyone, they changed some skill points in Warfare so that instead of needing 10 points to activate a node you now need 25 points. These are the nodes affected:

    Biting Aura
    Deadly Aim
    Duelist’s Rebuff
    Enduring Resolve

    My issue was with Duelist's Rebuff. If you fill up the node to the right level then you should be fine.
  • jrfk2
    Thanks folks, that's what it was .. I only had 10 in unassailable .. spent 3k to redistribute to put 25 in that and now I can save CP again .,..
  • jrfk2
    don't forget to re-save any armory station saves you might have so they don't put you back in this state ...
  • Al_Ex_Andre
    jrfk2 wrote: »
    Thanks folks, that's what it was .. I only had 10 in unassailable .. spent 3k to redistribute to put 25 in that and now I can save CP again .,..
    Good for you!

    Not fixed for me. I have triple checked the thing, for the third time; I have not missing points to spend. Nope.

    Buggy, like High Isle achievements (I also gained again the achievement for visiting my room in Daggerfall, weird), but it's okay, it will probably fixed soon or later.

    The devs know now, it now can be fixed hopefully.
  • jrfk2
    Good for you!

    Not fixed for me. I have triple checked the thing, for the third time; I have not missing points to spend. Nope.

    Buggy, like High Isle achievements (I also gained again the achievement for visiting my room in Daggerfall, weird), but it's okay, it will probably fixed soon or later.

    The devs know now, it now can be fixed hopefully.

    In an earlier post someone listed all the skills that might be causing this, maybe you have more than one of them that changed? I had to spend 3k to reallocate to get unassailable up from 10 to 25 .. so maybe you might have more than one you have to do that for?
  • Al_Ex_Andre
    jrfk2 wrote: »

    In an earlier post someone listed all the skills that might be causing this, maybe you have more than one of them that changed? I had to spend 3k to reallocate to get unassailable up from 10 to 25 .. so maybe you might have more than one you have to do that for?

    Thank you for posting this. You got me thinking.

    I didn't checked the warfare tree, because I was trying to allocate points in the other tree those with the mount speed, because I thought it was distinct.

    But no, you can't allocate points in the other trees if the warfare tree is wrong, and it was indeed wrong! I have corrected this.

    Thanks for your help, problem fixed! Cheers.
  • Lohannes
    Soul Shriven
    I`m also having issues with champion points , i have 6 and i cant add them either, i`m not gona reset the points just incase i cant re add them., has anyone got any ideas. Everything was fine untill the maintenance and the start of the high isles ??? thanks


    Edited by Lohannes on June 10, 2022 6:30AM
  • DP99

    Yep this is what fixed it for me.

    Everyone, they changed some skill points in Warfare so that instead of needing 10 points to activate a node you now need 25 points. These are the nodes affected:

    Biting Aura
    Deadly Aim
    Duelist’s Rebuff
    Enduring Resolve

    My issue was with Duelist's Rebuff. If you fill up the node to the right level then you should be fine.

    I'm going to save up some more points and place them into the nodes that I have points in that are on this list to try and fix it.
  • jrfk2
    Lohannes wrote: »
    I`m also having issues with champion points , i have 6 and i cant add them either, i`m not gona reset the points just incase i cant re add them., has anyone got any ideas. Everything was fine untill the maintenance and the start of the high isles ??? thanks


    From what I saw, you can reset and if you can't save it, you can just cancel the reset and you'll be back to where you were .. please see the previous posts that list the CP skills that now require 25 points to open adjacent skills which used to only be 10 points .. that seems to be causing this problem ..
  • Lohannes
    Soul Shriven
    Omg i put my cp points total 25 into Duelist Rebuff in warfare and now everything works, thanks guys :)
  • jrfk2
    If only the message said which CP skill was causing the problem, we'd have all figured it out on our own! :)
  • Smoky
    Just wanna bump this as I had this issue last night on console and had to really dig to find this so bumping it for other console players to see if needed.
  • Richardier
    Soul Shriven
    Same Here
    same message "This ability cannot be purchased until an adjacent ability is purchased"
    It happens on All CP Trees
    I am no Using Armory
    Any idea?
  • fizl101
    The point cost changed for some stars with this patch. Check that your current allocations are still sufficient especially in the blue tree
    Soupy twist
  • Eclipse318
    Same issue. They need to tell us WHICH ones are suddenly inadequate instead of this inaccurate and vague "must have adjacent whatever" message that is making us suddenly be frickin Sherlock Holmes to figure it out. I have better things to do with my time and enough CP points that I don't need to fuss with this. Annoying.
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