I believe this has something to do with how the new client is killing Explorer.exe to work around a Chrome problem.
If I run my PC with only the live client everything is stable. My case air circulation is good and even after hours of play my video card never goes above 60c.
(Latest Windows 10, latest NVIDIA drivers.)
However, if I launch the PTS and exit, my PC will ALWAYS crash some time thereafter to a black screen. Everything else is still on, the sound of a Netflix video in the background keeps playing for example. However I must hard-reset the PC for it to reload the video driver.
I have tested this extensively. If I do not launch the PTS after rebooting, the black screen never happens. If I launch the PTS at any point, it will. It has nothing to do with heat or video load. It will crash doing nothing, or watching a Netflix video.
But after loading the PTS client and closing, something with the force-killing of Explorer.exe is not playing well with the NVIDIA control panel or ASUS fan control software or Windows itself somehow, and causes the entire video driver to do a hard unrecoverable crash.
Edited by Xinihp on May 23, 2022 3:48AM