I discovered a weird bug with all jewelry set crafting stations (those you get when you a set to an attunable crafting station): Since the Harrowstorm release (with sets like Critical Riposte), the jewelry crafting stations start with Necklase followed by the Ring whereas in all the jewelry stations before that release it was Ring first followed by Necklase in the crafting menu.
This may seem like a small bug, but when save up your master writs like I do and than craft them all at once, it can bring you into problems. I had a few times that I had crafted the wrong jewelry item which I only found out when turning them in with the Master Writs Merchant. I had crafted a ring from a set before the Harrowstorm release then going to a station from after that release also having to create a ring. On "auto pilot" I only changed the trait as the stations remember the selected item you previously crafted. That normally works but not in this situation.
(I found this in the console interface, I don't know if it is a also the case in the PC interface).
Not sure if it can be fixed, but at least be warned.