Can someone explain why it matters if Stone Fist is melee or ranged? What exactly is the downside to having the option to use it at range?
Since we know that there will be no real stamwhip (stamina cost), it might be time to review the animation of stone giant.
I've seen more players who prefer to use heroic slash or power slam... Who themselves are less used than molten whip and dizzying swing.
Even in pve I don't see many players using it.
The stone giant exists but almost nobody wants to play with it, due to bad animation.
KingExecration wrote: »Stonefist should’ve been a cut and dry poison uppercut. It’s got fist in it’s name. The entire kit is melee.
I think the worst direction that Zo$ has ever took was making every spammable introduced since warden release ranged. It is ridiculous and almost all of them awful since they’re impractical in most kits. Dive,ele weapon, crystal weapon, stone fist, venom skull