This is NOT a "im quitting post"
I cant be the only long time player that has become incredibly bored with ZOS's incredibly predictable release patterns since Morrowind and the predictable content that comes with it. At first when ZOS announced their release plans back in Morrowind, it was pretty exciting! It was also our first Chapter. But here we are 6 years later and we get the same content and same release pattern each year. And now having played High Isle on the PTS, i found myself bored of pretty much feeling like im doing the same type of content over and over again.
Granted for any new players, this release pattern will always seem exciting to them, but as a long term player im bored of this. All these releases are predictable. You know pretty much 90% of what you are going to get. and most of it is more and more and more useless Sets to shove down our throats. ESO is so BLOATED with sets. I feel like its what ZOS passes as "new content".
Lets look at what we know we get each year... 2 DLC dungeons that come with 6 total new sets and 4 new monter sets. Chapter DLC with 3 overland sets, 3 new crafted sets and 4/8 Trial sets (non perfected and perfected) and then a Zone DLC adding 3 more overland sets and 3 more crafted sets. Now we add in each Chapter and Zone DLC now come with new Mythic sets. And then they also give us new PvP sets. SETS ON TOP OF SETS ON TOP OF SETS. and we barely use 80-90% of these sets.
Yes each chapter comes with a new system, but even that has now become predictable.
The way ZOS has shifted the game to being more new player friendly is great for getting new players to join, but your also hurting the long term gameplay. Grinding has become easier. access to Ability Altering weapons is now a cake walk. Overland sets have become worthless for selling and farming because of the damn collections book. Unless you have perfected gear on, nothing you run really signifies any real time or effort put into the game anymore.
I get on each day and I think "what should i do today?" I end up doing my daily writs and logging off because there isnt really much for me to do after ive achieved so much in the game already... Lots of vet/trifecta achievements, check... Emperor achievement. check... Making lots of gold for the market... check... building a nice home... check... I've officially run out of things to do and ive become bored of the content that the game keeps putting in front of me. because 90% of it is the same.
What i would like to see is new ways to play the game via combat. I'd like new combat systems that expand over time through playing the game. I want new ways to progress my character. New crafting systems. Update the fishing systems. add new ways to explore and interact with the world. a lot of core system in the game have been the same for YEARS. Some havent changed since the game launched.
Hell, i just say it... I'd also like a battle pass system. If the core gameplay loop is going to stay the same, then give me a reason to log on each day and grind out XP. Champion system is become more and more worthless with each update as ZOs continues to nerf it into the ground to make the game more accessible for new players. having a high CP level is becoming pointless. its just a number. At least if there was a battlepass, I'd have something to chase. I hate feeling like i need to log in for 10 seconds just to claim my daily log in and mail and then log out.
I can't be the only one whose feeling this way...