Achievements of course have a price and the more of them the more interesting it is to play.
This is a much different question than it would have been for the rest of the history of the game in light of account-wide achievements having been implemented with the current patch.
Either we'd have to apply any account-wide achievements that have been earned toward the XP of new characters, in which case those characters would stand to get the vast majority of their experience immediately upon creation, or we wouldn't be able to do that at all, in which case any alt character couldn't make much progress, since they'd have no way to get at the XP behind the account-wide achievements that had already been earned.
I don't really see how to get around those alternatives. The first would seem to make the alt leveling process (even more) trivial; the second would render it practically impossible for many.
The experience gain from discovering locations (in this case unlocking Wayshrines) is so small as to be negligible. Many of them you don't need to fight much, if anything, to get to (there are delves, yes, but even then a lot of them don't have too many enemies that need to be killed). Besides, that exp doesn't go to waste either way; it either goes towards the individual character's levels, or it goes to account-shared CPThere is nothing wrong with how we level up/gain exp in this game. Think yourself lucky that's not like the old school Runsecape where you literally had to grind it by killing monsters. That's it, nothing from quests/etc.
Here you just spam quests - walk in the park. Yes some people do the dolman grind which seems pointless to me since you have to then go and farm sky shards anyway. So all that exp of discovering places/killing mobs on the way to said sky shards is going to waste.
Yes you can grind mobs here too, but I think the only people that would do that would be the ones that enjoy it, and not the ones coming to the forums to moan about it lol.
Yes, either they would implement it that all characters immediately get all achievements of experience, or only as the achievement occurs. So either all characters would max out, or remain mostly at level 1.With account wide achievements your new characters would be at max level from the getgo anyway.