Like many other I now have 16k+ in Seals of Endeavors and thinking of buy the Starchaser Mount.
But I still can't decide if I should buy it since I do not know how it sounds.
I want to know how it's roar sounds and how it sounds when I'm riding it..
This is important for me because I would be extremely annoyed if I spend 16k on it (that took me a whole year to collect) just to find out that the "riding sound" is annoying or plain silly or if the roar does not fit the mount theme, so to speak.
So my suggestion is that in the mount preview in the crown store, let us hear it roar when we press Space.
Let us also hear and see how it sounds and handles(?) while running. (This could be done by letting the mount run at the spot in the preview).
If we could sea and hear all this then it will be much easier for us to select the right mount for us that we will enjoy and cherish(?)

I just want to be sure that I do not regret spending all those seals on something that I did not like.