Also, Green CP tree : Gifted Rider
You gotta respec to get the skill point back
It doesn't seem to do anything for my character. I don't speed up when I use it. Can I get my skill point back without a respec?
SydneyGrey wrote: »
I was experiencing the same on my Orc necromancer. He didn't seem to speed up at all when I used Rapid Maneuver yesterday (and yes people, I DO have a skill point in the Major Gallop passive). It might be a bug.
This is not the problem. New character with less then 20 into speed.
the skill is broken
perfiction wrote: »ZOS moved the mount speed part from Rapid Manuver into first point of Continuous Attack passive long time ago.
btw I'm still amazed when I see people spamming manuver when riding a mount in Cyro, old habits are difficult to unlearn huh
SeaGtGruff wrote: »
I thought they DID reset our skill points back when it was changed, and made us redistribute all of them?